P5 Monday 27th April 2020

Good morning!

Warm up – Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or you could try the Greatest Showman dance by Otis from Strictly.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJmpCH9p2X8

Smart Starthttps://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button choose different skills to practise.

Extension -Tables Practise

x7x9x11  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/27290.html



Numeracy –LI To divide – SC I can recall division facts

Watch this video to help you understand the array strategy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwig70aQuHI

Answer the following questions and if you need to draw an array to help you that’s O.K. – if you think you can use your table facts instead that’s fine.

Spicy – Spicy division

Spicier – Spicier division

Spiciest – Spiciest division

Answers are at the bottom so you can mark when you have finished.

Watch this video to revise learning : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0lsX2d7y08


After Break

Reading – Please Mrs Butler by Alan Ahlberg

Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zr93bdm

Work through the activities – if you find the summarising activity difficult to understand miss that out. Do what you can!

Morning Brain-break – 5 minute African dance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewqq-3xJFdI

If you can’t access the link practise taking a ‘Lion’s Breath.’Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth while sticking your tongue out.

After Lunch

Science – Why are there so many insects?

Go to https://ed.ted.com/on/1xl7aus7

Watch the video then click on THINK AND DIG DEEPER at the side. Miss out DISCUSS.

Extension – ART -Research insects and then make detailed observational drawings of them. Can you find any unusual insects?

MusicLI To explain the difference between melody and pitch.

Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7xsf4j

Scroll down and watch the first video with Bob Marley. Then scroll down and watch the second video. Play the interactive game. Then scroll down further and explore the practise and activity sections.

Before you go you might be interested in this as we all need a bit of fun!Treasure hunts are great fun, inside or out. You just need to use your imagination. Here’s some ideas to get you started:Try to find:

  • Something the same colour as your shoes
  • Something for every colour of the rainbow
  • Something smooth
  • Something a thick as your thumb
  • Something that starts with the first letter of your name

Or you could try this Spring nature treasure hunt from Wildlife Watch.


P5 Friday 24th April

Good Morning!

Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1

Or a Minions dance with Otis from Strictly!- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGs-r4G-XmI

Writing – Captain Tom inspires a nation!

You may have already seen your writing from Miss Taylor for this week but I am re-posting here in case you haven’t.

You may have seen Captain Tom Moore on the news in the past week or so. He has been walking to raise money for the NHS and has raised over 27 million! At almost 100 years old, he is an inspiration to many people and reminds us that we all can play our part in some small way.

First watch this video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/52277760

I bet in 100 years of life,  Captain Tom has many stories to tell!

Today you are going to write to him to share your stories and ask about his!

Genre – Letter writing:

LI – To write a business letter.

SC – I can use the correct layout. I can share my own ideas. I can ask some simple questions.I can check spelling of key words.

Click on and read these documents to help. (They will also be on TEAMS.)

Letter to Captain Tom example

Remember that the example is the smallest amount to write – you can add extra details and stories of your own to share with Captain Tom!

Planning questions Second level

Have fun with your writing and see if there is someone at home who may like to read it too when you have finished!

Extension – illustrate / decorate your letter. 

After Break


Warm – Up

Choose a times table to practise:

x2,x5,x10 https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/27288.html

x6 https://cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk/2016/05/10/08/28/28/967/20163_content/startpage.html?activity=Multiply_by_6.html

x9 https://cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk/2016/05/10/08/28/28/967/20163_content/startpage.html?activity=Multiply_by_9.html


LI To use formal methods.

SC I can add using formal methods.

Watch the video : https://corbettmaths.com/2013/12/19/addition-video-6/

Then complete the worksheet: addition

Some questions are more difficult than others:

Spicy – complete q1

Spicier – complete q2

Spiciest – complete q3 and 4

Extension – Can you complete any of the ‘Apply’ questions?

Answers are at the end – don’t forget to mark!!

Before you go– some of you might be interesed in an expedition to the heart of a volcano! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBp2EWPjotk

Have a great week-end. 

P5 Thursday 23rd April

Good Morning!

Let’s get energized. You could try learning a new dance from Otis based on the musical Mary Poppins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIp15TCx9nw or Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1

Smart start –Mental Maths-Choose a level.Don’t forget to mark when you have finished.




HOT HOT HOT-https://mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/5digit


LI To research

Research Martin Luther King. Why was he important? What can you find out about him? Write your notes in your jotter.


Present what you have learnt. It could be a leaflet, poster or information report for example.

After Break

Free write.

Brain break- here is a 5 minute mindfulness link but if you can’t get the link draw a large star in your jotter and trace your finger around it while practising your breathing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf5K3pP2IUQ


Write down all your worries-or draw them. Scrunch the paper into a ball and throw it into a bin! This will clear your head hopefully!


Choose games from the following websites:


  1. https://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/alphabetical-order-1.html -you need to wait until the second timer goes down before starting the game!
  2. https://uk.ixl.com/ela/year-2/use-spelling-patterns-to-sort-long-and-short-vowel-words
  3. http://www.ictgames.com/littleBirdSpelling/ click on year  2
  4. https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/84/7-The-l-sound-spelt%E2%80%93le-at-the-end-of-words click on spelling tiles or practice/test


  1. http://www.ictgames.com/littleBirdSpelling/ click on year 3 and 4 then click on go
  2. http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/spookySpellings/index.html click on 3 and 4, click on go then drag the letters to spell the words
  3. https://uk.ixl.com/ela/year-3/use-the-correct-homophone
  4. https://uk.ixl.com/ela/year-3/choose-the-words-with-a-given-long-vowel
  5. https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/26/25-Word-list-years-3-and-4—a-to-bi-%2010 click on spelling tiles or Practice/test


  1. https://www.mrnussbaum.com/spellerz-play -click on Attack of the Spellerz, click choose your invasion, scroll down and click on seventh grade.
  2. https://howtospell.co.uk/squ.php
  3. https://uk.ixl.com/ela/year-4/spell-adjectives-that-compare – Remember you don’t type the word that is above the box but this word will help you to make sure the sentence makes sense.
  4. http://www.ictgames.com/littleBirdSpelling/ click on 5 and 6 then drag the letters to play
  5. https://uk.ixl.com/ela/year-4/form-and-use-the-irregular-past-tense-set-2


Sumdog – choose spelling or maths

After Lunch

Geography – go to the following site – https://world-geography-games.com/world.html and choose an area of learning you would like to focus on. Keep going and when you have finished that section try another section.

Brain break  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O29e4rRMrV4

If you can’t get the link working try lying on your back and hugging your knees to help you feel safe and focused . Now practise your breathing. Then when you are ready go to a window and look out carefully. Can you see 5 beautiful things?

Topic – WW2-The Clydebank Blitz

Check out this PowerPoint :Clydebank Blitz Powerpoint

Then try this interactive quiz : Clydebank Blitz Quiz Powerpoint

If you have time you can look through and think about the questions in this document. You might want to write your answers down or ask someone in your house if they know the answers-(which are at the bottom of the document). Clydebank Blitz Blether Stations Super Eco

If anyone has any problems at all downloading these documents you could always do your own research on the Clydebank Blitz.

Before you go :If anyone is interested here is a fantastic link to Chester Zoo with some awesome videos including red pandas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p53Glw5Nzro&list=PLezrh9gR8RL3kkND8Pz2zOHHZPRk-a2VC



P5 Wednesday 22nd April

Good Morning everybody. Let’s get energized.

Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or if you prefer Go Noodle.

Smart Start –

A. watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=228&v=unXu2e7UBtM&feature=emb_logo -you might recognise some faces!

B.Quiet Reading – chat will go back on at 10am

Maths – Symmetry

LI To identify lines of symmetry of irregular shapes

Watch the following video https://corbettmathsprimary.com/2018/07/24/line-symmetry-video/

Complete the worksheet(no colour is needed) –line-symmetry-pdf  

Draw the shapes for q1,2,3,4,7,9 and 12 in your book. Miss out q8 and 10 if it is too tricky and you have no squared paper. But you can check out the answers later! For q11 draw the shapes that have 1 line of symmetry. You can just write the answers for q5 and q6.

When ready mark your answers:line-symmetry-answers

Reinforce what you have learnt today by watching this fun video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJlhywRfvh8


  1. Symmetry game: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?a=activity19
  2. https://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/geometry/shapeshoot/SymmetryLinesShapesShoot.htm
  3. http://lrrpublic.cli.det.nsw.edu.au/lrrSecure/Sites/Web/skoool/math/step/symmetry/index.html
  4. https://pbskids.org/peg/games/symmetry-painter

After Break

Finish maths or any work from yesterday then have a brain break: Go cloud watching

Look to the sky and look for shapes in the clouds. What shapes do you see? Can you make up a story about the shapes of the clouds? This can be done looking out  of a window, or while lying on your back in the garden.

Literacy – writing

LI To write an informal letter.

When you are ready  write a letter to a member of your family that you have not seen for a while.


  1. Comprehension : https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/24496.html

2. Then start working your way through these grammar and punctuation exercises.Choose your level .The answers are at the end – there are helpful tips all the way through. I don’t expect you to finish it today but make sure you mark your work when you do stop!





Spiciest – spiciest grammar and punctuation.

After Lunch

Finish your letter if you did not finish before lunch.

I.C.T. – Coding : Try the following:

  1. https://lightbot.com/flash.html
  2. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted

Afternoon brain-break

why not watch this amazing clip(5 minutes) of the theatre show/musical of the Lion King which I was lucky enough to see before all the theatres closed this year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T57kzGQGto

  • When you have finished your coding you can carry on with any unfinished work.

Before you go why not try checking out Animal farm adventure park – various videos –including live births of baby lambs!!!!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQYR29TImjla6kt4s7o9mAQ

P5 Tuesday 21st April

Learning Activities

Getting Energized:

Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or what about learning a Harry Potter Dance with Otis from strictly ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btD_HCO1FT4

Smart start -Newsround – watch https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround

Write 3 sentences about what you have learnt from watching the program.

Extension – If you finish check out the rest of the newsround website – it has some great stuff on there!

Morning Brain Break : mindfulness – https://www.dropbox.com/s/q85m6z6d659j6nl/02%20Breathing%20Relaxation.mp3?dl=0


Then Log onto Sumdog and instead of doing maths spend 20 minutes on the spelling section which you should be able to access. There will be easier words at first until you have done enough questions so that the site will eventually put you at the correct level. So please do them yourself and do not ask for help! Just ask for help if you struggle to load the program!

After Break-Listen to David Walliams . The link is live at 11am

Why not lie back and rest your eyes when you listen?: https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/


Numeracy – line graphs

Watch video https://corbettmathsprimary.com/2018/07/19/line-graphs-video/

Then complete the questions- line-graphs-pdf (2)

When you are ready mark your work : line-graph-answers


  1. https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/51/bar_charts Scroll down to find bar chart game and click on that.
  2. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?a=activity21
  3. Sumdog – maths

Lunch-Eat mindfully. Chew your food slowly. What does it feel, smell and taste like?

After Lunch

French – try Duolingo-https://www.duolingo.com-you do not need to sign in or create a profile the first time you use it.


  1. Write down or draw five things that make you feel happy.

2. Afternoon brain break – try some mindfulness for five minutes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W21KjnF3YME

If you can’t access the mindfulness link go and find someone and give them a compliment then sit down and practise breathing deeply in and out – filling up your belly like a balloon-5 breaths.


Remember when we were studying tone? Tone is the word used to discuss how dark or light a colour is. Today let’s think about tonal contrast (dark next to light.) We have already looked at a painting by Edward Hopper that demonstrates this. Here is another painting that shows tonal contrast https://www.wikiart.org/en/paul-klee/the-goldfish-1925 . It is called ‘The Goldfish’ by Paul Klee which he painted in 1925.

What do you think of the painting? How does it make you feel?

Activity- Expressive Work.-Choose:

  1. Use paints (if you have them) to create a lightning storm.
  2. Using only pencil and this video to help you : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bDCeNWLZ3A draw an amazing lighthouse scene!
  3. Draw a cloudy sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMXymfRzPTc

Before you go-Something to think about -you might be interested in this brilliant National Geographic website which has a selection of 360-degree videos on its YouTube channel : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLivjPDlt6ApRq22sn082ZCC9893XtV8xc including a tiger shark encounter, and this hammerhead shark encounter. Flipping to a more tranquil deep dive, how about swimming with dolphins instead. Each experience lasts a few minutes.

P5 Monday 20th April

Maths – Pictographs.

Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qenKu-GUAE8 to help you understand how to draw a pictogram.

Complete the worksheet (PDF doc)-Pictograms-pdf


Complete page 1.


Complete page 2- Important– for question 4 just choose one of the tables.


Complete page 3

When ready mark your answers:see the PDF document:Pictograms-Answers


Try the following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_qU7l-fcU ( 12 minute video)

Or if you can’t access this go to Mrs Anderson’s page : https://www.sonshineyoga.co.uk/blog

Or if all else fails sit with your eyes closed and slowly count your breaths while counting to 10.

Extension practise your table facts:


x2,x5,x10 https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/27288.html

x3 https://cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk/2016/05/10/08/28/28/967/20163_content/startpage.html?activity=Multiply_by_3.html


3,6,9 https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/27282.html

x4 https://cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk/2016/05/10/08/28/28/967/20163_content/startpage.html?activity=Multiply_by_4.html


x7 https://cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk/2016/05/10/08/28/28/967/20163_content/startpage.html?activity=Multiply_by_7.html

x7 and x12 https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/24509.html

Before you go you might be interested in this as we all need a bit of fun now!

Fancy going to Disney world?

Check out these virtual rides!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYyJUEtYv-ZW7BgjhP3UbTg


P5 Friday 3rd April

Good Morning P5!

Miss Taylor has given me some brilliant Easter activities for you that involve creative writing and drawing. You will need to look at the following documents :(Remember if you can’t see them on here you can go to TEAMS. I will help tomorrow on chat if there are problems.

You will need to look at all documents first though. So be patient!

1. How to Find your Easter Bunny Name

2.how to find your easter bunny

3.What does your Easter bunny look like

4.Description layout

5.Miss Taylor’s Example Description layout

6. Pupil Targets

P5 I just wanted to let you know that a Sumdog competition starts today and lasts for a week. It starts today at 8am and finishes on 9th April. Good luck!

You might find the following websites useful over the holidays:

Don’t forget David Walliams at 11am every day but you don’t have to listen live! https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/

School website https://deansprimary.westlothian.org.uk/

This websites gives ideas for games : https://www.familyfuntwincities.com/physical-activities-for-kids/ .

Here is an idea for an Easter Cake https://acadianasthriftymom.com/fun-and-simple-easter-bunny-cake/?fbclid=IwAR1inAwcreokfInvy0TI4eMKDbt9Wf1MVkayclMRvlhJnWslmB_I5rjYjzk

If anyone would like to try this MAGIC ART DRAWING over the Easter Holidays here is the link : https://www.learningandexploringthroughplay.com/2020/03/kitchen-roll-magic-drawing-science.html?fbclid=IwAR1RK76hFG9FtC2jLIvtOGsfJWuwNJ_FhFKHxtC4zkLTVM1xWlQeL8OmfPE

If you like listening to people read you stories this site has some free ones – here is the link: https://stories.audible.com/discovery/enterprise-discovery-21122356011?ref=adbl_ent_anon_ds_ds_dccs_sbtp-0-1

Take Care of Yourself over the Easter Holidays. You have been brilliant these past couple of weeks!

P5 Thursday 2nd April

Good Morning – today we will not be using lots of documents but we still have a busy day ahead of us! However you will need the documents below that we never used yesterday!

Topic – WWII – Morse Code

This is the link for the first sheet-Learning Morse Code

morse code sheet 2    – Don’t scroll down too far the answers are at the end of this one so you can mark your work when finished. Be careful – you do not want to see the answers before you finish!

P5 Wednesday First April!

Good morning!

Here are some of the documents you will need for today if you cannot download on TEAMS.


Easter PowerPoint: Why Christians celebrate Easter

Health Challenge

health challenge


Numbers PowerPoint : french_counting_to_20

Worksheet 1:French numbers 1-10

Worksheet 2 :French numbers 11-20

French Wordsearch : French numbers wordsearch

Topic – WWII – Morse Code

Learning Morse Code

morse code sheet 2    – Don’t scroll down too far the answers are at the end of this one so you can mark your work when finished. Be careful – you do not want to see the answers before you finish!





P5 Tuesday

Remember P5 if you cannot download these on the BLOG you can try and download from TEAMS.


Learning Intention- To interpret a bar chart.

Success Criteria – I can answer questions about a bar chart.


spicier 2

I will give answers on TEAMS when people have finished!

Topic – WWII -Rationing

Yesterday we learnt about Rationing – if you are interested here is the link to some recipes using rationed ingredients : T2-H-4750-Wartime-Recipe-Booklet

If you are able to make some with a grown-up at home!

This is a very link about rationing by the Horrible Histories Team   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb9U9Qq_T0Q


If you are interested in some more videos about Scotland during World War II use this link and scroll down to the section on ‘The Twentieth Century-the second World War.’ https://gridclub.com/activities/scottish-history


If you choose to do the WWII art activity today you will need this link : https://www.clipart.email/clipart/blitz-silhouette-art-102321.html

Also you will find this powerpoint helpful for the WWII art :

WWII art


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