P5’s Weekly Blog


This week we focused on adventure narrative and read through an adventure text extract. Then we discussed techniques used by the author to build tension.

Group Reading

Writing linked to reading-

Alexis – I feel I am getting better at writing a letter to a character.


We have continued to practise recalling our times tables quickly and we are really improving.

During our work on fractions we learnt about different strategies that could be used to work out equivalent or matching fractions.

Using the laptops we were able to consolidate our learning by playing online fraction games.

Outdoor Learning

Colin – This week we filled up the wheelbarrow with compost then put it into planters – I felt like I was doing a real job and was tired afterwards!

Bella – I enjoyed planting the sunflower seeds.


We went outside to draw trees and focused on using line and shading to make them more life-like.


We learnt that all rocks can be sorted into three types : metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous. In addition we discussed what some of the uses for rocks are.

Cameron – I learnt how diamonds are made.

Class Novel

Bailey – I am really enjoying Dino Egg by Charlie James. It’s really funny!


This Week in P3/2


We have been practising our spelling words this week. We have been practising using our rainbow writing, playdoh writing and writing our words on a whiteboard with our eyes closed.

For writing this week, we were writing an explanation for the role of a firefighter. We had to take notes when we were researching the role. These notes helped us add detail to our explanation sequences.



This week, we began our new division topic. Dividing is a way of sharing something. We were learning about different strategies we could use to help us solve an equation. We could use our fingers to skip count. We would count the number of fingers we have up and that would be our answer.

We could also draw circles and then draw dots to share within the circles. We would share these equally and count the amount of dots in the circle.



For our world of work topic, we began researching the jobs we would like to have when we are older. We had to research the skills and attributes required for these roles.


For music this week, were we listening to L’hom Arme by Robert Morton. We had to identify the different instruments we could hear. We also discussed how this music made us feel.

P7/6 21st May 2021

What a week it’s been!  We enjoyed learning new concepts in Numeracy and Maths in the last five days.  We learnt to find percentage from any amount, calculated perimeters and learnt to measure volume.

Literacy, we enjoyed creating our own explanation text about weapons/ powers of the characters we made for our Sci-Fi comic strip.  We have been learning to find evidence from the text in order to fill in the blanks from a passage.  We have also been practicing our presentation skills by talking in front of the class about what heard in Newsround.

IDL, we investigated how the Earth was created and we made character descriptions of our Alien/ Sci- fi characters which we will be creating a story of in the next few days.

HWB, we have been learning to understand relationships and how we could identify being a ‘couple’ means.

We took homework this week which we need to bring in on Tuesday.  We have to create a book cover for 2 of our favorite books written by different authors.  Please remember to bring it in.  Have a lovely weekend everyone!

This week in P2

It has been a busy week in P2!


We have been trying out some new spelling games to learn our words. Some of these include spelling tennis, dice spelling and squat and spell.


We are continuing to learn about telling the time. We played a game of matching pairs to help warm us up with both digital and analogue clocks.


We spoke about people we trust and people we don’t trust. We had to collaborate as a team to decide who was in our inner circle of trust and who was in our outer circle of trust.


This week, we were learning about the role of a firefighter. We had to take notes from a video to help us write our Explanation piece.


Because the weather wasn’t great today, we did P.E. in the classroom. We were practising our football skills using bean bags, and even had the chance to turn the carpet into a football pitch for a few matches. Ethan was the class champion out of all 20 games!


Long Weekend | Tales From An Open Book


The Big Grow

Yesterday we took part in the ‘big grow’ and planted radish, beetroot, salad leaves, spinach and peas in our individual pots. We need to remember to water them regularly and sit them in the sunshine. We are hoping that the sun starts to shine a bit more!

P4/3 Make Their Own Rules!!

We continued to learn about Ancient Egyptian times and this week we learned how Pharaohs made all the rules for people to follow. This lead to an entertaining discussion about what rules P4/3 would implement. Here are some of the suggestions;

” Only be nice” Joseph

“To able to leave school whenever you want!” Charlie

“Have everything for free!” Brendan


We continued to practise explanation writing and this week we used our learning from Mrs Dobbie to help explain ‘How Paper turns into Trees.’ Firstly, we made notes to help us write our ideas in paragraphs. We are certainly improving, well done P4/3!


This week, we assessed our knowledge of multiplication. Assessment is a good way for Mrs Morrison to see what the children have learned, but also for the children to not only recognise success, but to identify areas to improve. Next week we will learn about division.

Enjoy your long weekend, hope the sun shines and I will post again next Friday.


Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week. We have been really busy  turning our classroom into fairyland! As promised last week I have pictures of the beans that we planted. They are coming along nicely and the children are enjoying looking after them. I will send them home next week and hopefully they will continue to grow in your garden.

The Three Little Pigs

We have really enjoyed reading The Three Little Pigs and have completed a number of activities around the story. Firstly we re-told the story .


Next we decided to carry out a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) Challenge. We wanted to know if we could build a house strong enough to withstand the big bad wolf as he huffed and puffed. Firstly, we investigated materials around the classroom to find out what we could use.


Next we gathered materials  (wooden sticks, lolly pop sticks, straws, lego and wooden bricks) and started to build. I went around with a hairdryer. To represent the huffing and puffing of the big bad wolf. Some “houses” were more successful that others!

On Wednesday we came back from lunch to find that the dragon had visited and left a letter and a gift for all the children.

The children were thrilled with the letter and castle booklets!

Writing – The Three Little Pigs

I gave the the children a picture from the story and they were asked to write what happens next. Some super examples-

Writing – The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The children also re-told the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, using simple sequencing. Some examples below-

The children made a bridge for the Billy Goats to cross.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of the fantastic learning that has taken place this week. Have a lovely long weekend and I shall post more updates next week.

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This week we have been very excited because our bean stalks have started to grow. There is lots of excitement around who is going to have the tallest beanstalk. We have even been measuring them so see who is in the lead with the tallest one so far!

In literacy this week, we have been exploring the well known fairy tale of ‘The Three little Pigs’. We had a go at writing the main events of the story in sequence. We have been using our own wow words and listening carefully to all the sounds in the words to help us spell them. We are becoming so much more confident at this skill with all the practise we are getting.

We have been working hard this week with the challenge of ‘We always try our best‘- meaning we never give up even if we find something a little tricky – we have been developing our resilience for learning and life! If a member of staff catches us trying our best (in anything we do!) our name gets added to the ‘Recognition Board’ – it has been very motivating for us to keep going and to focus on always doing the best we possibly can. We love counting how many post-it notes we have at the end of the day.

During one of our busy start session this week, we were working on spelling tricky words. The whole table had their names added to the recognition board for their super efforts in reading and spelling tricky words independently.

We have also taken part in a very exciting STEM challenge where we had to design and build a house for one of the three little pigs. We have been learning all about different types of materials and their properties so we used this learning to help us think about what we would like to use in our task.  We worked together as a team to try and create a house strong enough to withstand the huffs and puffs from the big bad wolf! We had lots of fun trying to figure out how to make our houses secure and stable. We definitely learned all about the phrase ‘Trial and Error!’

On Thursday afternoon, there was a strange noise coming from the classroom cupboard. Upon further investigation we discovered that there was a special package for us. The Friendly Dragon had heard about our amazing writing and left us some Castle Books so we could write and tell him about all the wonderful things we have been learning in class.

We very much enjoyed writing to the dragon to tell him what we have been doing.

We hope you enjoyed reading about a little of what we have been learning this week in Primary 1. We will see everyone back in school on Tuesday 25th May – enjoy the long weekend and hopefully some sunshine.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B





This week we have done…..


We have done some chimney sums on addition ,subtraction and multiplication. We have also done some work on money as chimney sums.

Health and wellbeing 

On Tuesday we had Miss Taylor, we were doing health and wellbeing. She handed out little notes that make u happy.


In P.E we have only done football.


For outdoor learning we learnt a word called biodiversity.

Welcome to this week’s learning in Primary 4.

Welcome to this week’s learning in Primary 4.

In Writing we have written our final piece for our genre of Explanation Report Writing. This week was our assessment week where Mrs Hillan will look at our writing and see if we have met all the success criteria needed and see where we would need to go next with it. This week we wrote about the role of a Firefighter. We started off with a discussion around this, then completed our pieces.

In Numeracy we have continued working on our tables. This week we have begun a focus on multiplying a two digit number by a single digit. This is our thoughts so far:

Emily – I thought it was going to be hard but once Mrs Hillan explained how to do it, it was quite easy!

Summer – At first some of us thought it was quite tricky but when we started doing it, it was a bit easier.

Chloe – It was kind of hard and easy at the same time. Some people learned new things.

Shay – I thought it was a bit scary coming to the front of the class to do a sum, but once I saw other people doing it, it seemed fun to do!

Ciaran – I thought it was going to just using one table but it wasn’t.

Lewis – I thought it was going to be hard but when I saw other people doing it, it was easier.

Erin R – It is interesting to find out how other people’s minds work!

Olivia – It was easy but at the beginning I was thinking “How am I supposed to do this?”.

Derry – It’s kind of like other chimney sums only this time using multiplying.

Sophie G – It looked hard at the beginning but when you got to see other people doing it, it became easier.

In Spelling this week we have created a word search using our words as well as testing our partners on the words for the week.

In Reading we have used our prediction skills. We were asked to predict what we think might happen next in the story of The Witches. Here are some of our predictions:

Chloe – I think the boy will talk to his Grandma and she will try and help them.

Sophie C – I think Bruno and the boy are going to go up to the boy’s Grandma but she won’t know who it is.

Summer – I think they are going to the boy’s Grandma’s. At first she’ll be scared and then she will try and help them. They will hear one of the boy’s mice talk.

Lewis – I think the boy and Bruno will go to the boy’s Grandma and she will put them in a cage and keep them.

Erin R – My prediction is when they try to go up the stairs the manager is going to catch them.

Emily – The boy’s Grandma will take care of them until they change back.

Caelan – I think the little boy and Bruno will go to Grandma and then steal all the Action Mouse Makers and smash them.

Sophie G – I think that the boy and Bruno will go to the boy’s Grandma and then she will go to Bruno’s mum and explain.

Alyssa – I think the boy and Bruno will go to Grandma, who will then explain to Bruno’s mum and dad and the manager.

Ryley – The boy and Bruno will go to Gran and she will be scared but then she will try to find a cure.

Gracie – I think the boy is going to explain to Grandma and she is going to go and sneak and grab the bottles and throw them off the balcony.

Rihanna – I think the boy and Bruno will go to Grandma, she will be confused but then she will help them.

In our topic this week we have been working on our note-taking skills. We watched a video about the daily lives of Egyptians and noted down any key facts or pieces of information we particularly liked. We are going to use this information to complete our next writing piece.

This week we have continued our personal class talks where we have been sharing information on a topic of our choice. Mrs Hillan and our peers have been assessing us on our skills in doing this. Mrs Hillan and Mrs Wood have been so impressed by the quality of the talks given as well as how brave everyone has been in standing up in front of the class.

Next week we have a Monday holiday, but we will be ready to learn again on Tuesday!

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