Good Morning!
Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout :
Or a Minions dance with Otis from Strictly!-
Writing – Captain Tom inspires a nation!
You may have already seen your writing from Miss Taylor for this week but I am re-posting here in case you haven’t.

You may have seen Captain Tom Moore on the news in the past week or so. He has been walking to raise money for the NHS and has raised over 27 million! At almost 100 years old, he is an inspiration to many people and reminds us that we all can play our part in some small way.
First watch this video:
I bet in 100 years of life, Captain Tom has many stories to tell!
Today you are going to write to him to share your stories and ask about his!
Genre – Letter writing:
LI – To write a business letter.
SC – I can use the correct layout. I can share my own ideas. I can ask some simple questions.I can check spelling of key words.
Click on and read these documents to help. (They will also be on TEAMS.)
Letter to Captain Tom example
Remember that the example is the smallest amount to write – you can add extra details and stories of your own to share with Captain Tom!
Planning questions Second level
Have fun with your writing and see if there is someone at home who may like to read it too when you have finished!
Extension – illustrate / decorate your letter.
After Break
Warm – Up
Choose a times table to practise:
LI To use formal methods.
SC I can add using formal methods.
Watch the video :
Then complete the worksheet: addition
Some questions are more difficult than others:
Spicy – complete q1
Spicier – complete q2
Spiciest – complete q3 and 4
Extension – Can you complete any of the ‘Apply’ questions?
Answers are at the end – don’t forget to mark!!
Before you go– some of you might be interesed in an expedition to the heart of a volcano!
Have a great week-end.