Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 30.4.20

Happy Thursday Everybody!


Good morning Everyone! It’s Thursday and nearly the start of a holiday weekend, don’t forget that Monday and Tuesday are holidays for you all.  Here are some additional home learning ideas for you all today, remember you can use the Home learning packs too!


Access this weeks’ book (mix, mix, mix)and  re-read with an adult.


Username dean12

Password mrsstevenson

Choose an activity from your guided reading grid (found in home learning pack 2) to use with the the Oxford Owls ebook  ‘Mix, Mix, Mix’, which we have been focusing on this week.

Are there any words which you are finding tricky? Why not play the ‘roll, read and find’ game with an adult. There is a copy of the game in pack 1 but I will attach a copy below just in case.

roll read and find sheet

Phonics/Art and Design

So this week we have been exploring the letter w, with word hunts, handwriting practise and spelling activities. Today I would like us to do something a little more creative. Firstly, think about the letter w and all the things which start with that letter. How many can you think of? Can you make a list of them all?

Choose one to word to create a picture of or even a model of (if you are feeling ambitious!) Here are some ideas below for inspiration.


I would love to see any pictures you make so please, if you can email them into the school office, they really make my day!


I have added another game to our Home learning section of educationcity, it’s called ‘Wishing Well’.. you have to identify all the words beginning with w, easy peasy! Good luck.

Numeracy and Maths

I thought I would pop this youtube clip up for you to practise counting forwards and backwards to 100. Remember it’s Mrs Swanson’s favourite!!

Daily 10.

For today’s daily 10 I thought we could say ten more. For example if the question was 30, ten more is 40. Have a go, we have done lots of counting in tens in class so with a bit of practise writing the tens number we should get the hang of it.

1. 20                   2. 70               3. 10          4. 0              5. 60              6. 30                   7. 80               8. 40          9. 50           10. 90


Today I thought I might share a fun game to play at home to help you learn a little more about money. Hopefully some of you have set up your own little shop to play in and of course there are  a number of worksheets in the home learning pack too.

For this game you will need:

  • A pile of loose coins of different values
  • A hoop/box or something to throw the coins into

This game is called Coin Toss and there are lots of learning opportunities to teach you all about money and coins in particular.

  • Sit back and throw coins into the hoop, as you throw them in shout out the name of the coin ‘ in goes 5p’ etc..
  • You can sort all the coins that made it into the hoop – by value/colour shape etc
  • You can talk about the size and colour of the coins and what makes them different
  • You could work with an adult to add up all the coins that made it into the hoop
  • Once you have calculated the total you could chat about what you could afford to buy with that amount

You could even go one step further and talk about things we need like food, water clothes versus things we want like sweeties and toys and how we need money to buy all of these things.

Yoga Time

During this time at home it’s important we take time to relax and do the things we enjoy doing. I know that any time we have used ‘cosmic yoga’ in the classroom we have all thoroughly enjoyed it. I have left a link below…namaste!

I hope you all have a lovely holiday weekend and I will be back here on Wednesday to share more learning ideas. Mrs Lockhart will be posting here for you tomorrow. Enjoy the well earned break.

Mrs Stevenson

Primary 7 30.04.20

lMorning everyone hope you are well. Usual start  then read over today’s Morning Statement.

Bonjour. Today you are going to be using what you have learned this week in relation to Time, Distance and Speed. You will have to read the question carefully so you choose the correct formula to use. There are 3 choices this morning. Look at them all before you choose the task that will challenge you the most.

L.I. – to solve Time, Distance and speed problems

S.C. – I can use the correct formula accurately

I can show my working

  1. Read over my instructions
  2. Read over the instructions / example in the folder/blog.
  3. Start if you understand
  4. Read again if you don’t

Medium Time, Distance, Speed

Spicy Time, Distance, Speed

Very Spicy Time, Distance, Speed

Answers to Spicy Q11 and Q12

Break – Lunch


After Lunch

Expressive Arts 30th April

P5/6 Thursday 30th April

Hello all.

I am going to copy each day’s “Read Me First” document from Team’s “Files” into this blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps.

I am still trying to get to grips with this so please bear with me. I also want to develop some of the outcomes from Monday’s planning meeting and adjust how we are using teams.

From that meeting those of you that have had their personal projects agreed please make a plan for what you want to include and what your learning intention will be – Ethan, Gemma and Thomas I know you have already made a start on this.

Topic – great idea to do some stuff that is positive about the present situation. Someone suggested doing “Oor Wullie” in lockdown, and someone else up-levelled that by making it about a family – “The Broons”. What do you know about them? I have never read any of their stories. Thomas did some excellent research and has posted his results in “Personal Projects”: please check it out. Today continue to research “The Broons”, and start to think about the characters and how they might interact under lockdown. Create a list of the characters and write down what they are like. Describe them physically and what their personalities are like, just like you did for “Oor Wullie”. You will need to use adjectives, and if you want to challenge yourself you could also use similes and metaphors. STOP PRESS!!!! I prepare these documents during the day and up-load them in the evening. So This was made before I had read Ethan’s “Broons” story. Challenge: can you do better?

In the meeting on Monday it was agreed to focus on money in maths first and then move onto measure. This will help progress your work on decimals to 3 places.

TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a Chapter 13


Use the book that is most relevant to you – like “chili questions”. Do it like we do in class – don’t feel the need to do every question, just do enough to show yourself that you have understood. Check your answers in the back as you need. And Please contact me for support when you need to.

Education City: I have published a new series of activities: “Fractions 2”. Please try it.


I have not forgotten about the other spelling activity, but it proved to be more difficult to put together than I had thought. Meanwhile continue to practise your Fry’s words.

Remember Logan S suggested growing your own vegetables as a health project. What do you think?

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.

And exercise with Joe https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout

Submitting homework – Thank you to those that have. I think the best way from now on might be that if you have produced a piece of work that you are especially proud of you should e-mail that to the school so we can share it via the blog. If there is a piece of work that you are not sure about, maybe you found a bit tricky, up-load that to “Teams” so that I can look over it and we can then discuss it together. All other work please keep at home for now.

Finally thank you for all your hard work! I think we have all learned a lot about how to work in “Teams” in a very short time. I am really pleased with the sensible and mature approach that you have all been taking. To keep it tidy the less we post comments (Reply) the better: use the emojis as much as possible. Having said that when you do need to post a comment it should be posted into “Reply” (you should never click inside the “Start a new conversation” box, I think) for the appropriate day and conversation.


Take care all of you.

Primary 2 – Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning Primary 2! I hope you are all having a great week so far! Here are some activities for today.

Special Activity

Today, Blair Drummond Safari Park are hosting a live Facebook video to give you a chance to meet their Sea Lions! You will have the chance to find out fun facts about the Sea Lions and they might even perform a few tricks! The live video starts on their Facebook page at 12pm. Have fun meeting the Sea Lions!


Think back to the strategies you were using yesterday. Did you find the most efficient strategy to work out the answers? The most efficient strategy you could have used yesterday would be to double the numbers. Keeping that in mind, use your knowledge of doubles to answer these questions:

  • 9 + 8
  • 6 + 5
  • 2 + 1
  • 8 + 7
  • 12 + 11

Discuss the strategies you have used with someone at home and see if they used the same strategy as you!


This week, we have learned a bit about people who may help us in different emergency situations. We have also been learning about what situations may be an emergency and what we should do if we find this is the case. Your job is to create a poster which shows all the information you have learned about emergency situations. Remember to make your poster eye-catching and make sure you can read all the information you have written.


Mrs Anderson has set a writing task for you. Have a go and see how you get on!

Retell a story that you have read at home with your family.

Learning Intention – We are learning to retell a story that we know.

Success Criteria – I can write or draw the events in the correct order.

– I can use capital letters.

– I can use finger spaces in between words.

– I can use full stops at the end of my sentence.

-I can draw a picture to go with my story.



When you open the site, click the pink button at the top which says “My class login”. The class login details are as follows: username – deansprimary2      password – missborsbey       Once logged in, click the button that says “My Bookshelf”.  This will take you to lots of ebooks. Please have a look below to find out which book to read. Once you have read the book, discuss what you have read. What is your favourite part of the story? Why?

Green group – Leek Hotpot

Purple group – By the stream

Pink group – Dad, can you do this?

Yellow group – Clothes for Rain

Blue group – Can you see me?


I’ll be back tomorrow with some more fun learning to finish off the week!

Primary One – Thursday 30th April 2020

Good Morning Everyone!


Hope you are all well and managing to keep busy.  A few tasks for you to try today. Enjoy!

Activity 1  – Science  Free Science Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...

Everyday bbc bitesize are making available short science activities for you to try at home. The link below will take you to an Introduction to Materials. There is a short video and 2 activities for you to try.


Activity 2- Phonics   Phonics Sounds Clipart     w sound

L.I. to develop automatic sound letter recognition

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to say a word I recognise

In your spelling and phonics activities booklet you will find a w letter hunt page. Colour all the w sounds.

Complete the worksheet below using your jotter to draw the pictures. Can you write a sentence for each w word? e.g. When I look out of the window I can see a beautiful blossom tree.

Activity 3 -Phonics –  Help a Hedgehog

Below is a link to a fun phonics game. I would start at phase 2 before moving, keep trying to beat your score! Enjoy, challenge yourself!


Activity 4 – Reading Free Reading Clipart - Clip Art Pictures - Graphics - Illustrations

L.I. to read words and sentences

S.C. I can use the pictures in the story  to help me read unfamiliar words

S.C. I can use the other words in the sentence to help me find one that make sense.

S.C I can order the story

Time for a new book! Go to Oxford Owls and login as normal (username is deansprimary1 and password is reading) choose pages 5-6, then scroll down to Everyone got Wet

Enjoy sharing the story and complete the 2 fun activities – ordering the story and water sound words.

Activity 5 – Money Uk Money Clipart

L.I. to recognise and use a range of coins

S.C. I can sort and order coins according to their value

Please complete Coin Recognition and Ordering Coins sheets from your new pack, then have a go at the coin game below. Start with the sorting activity. Enjoy!


Activity 6 – Health and Wellbeing

Plan a meal with your family. Ask everyone what is their favourite thing to eat is then decide (with the help of an adult) what you could help them to make. Things to think about-

Washing your hands  before handling any food

Tie your hair back if it is long

Wash any fruit and vegetables before cooking

Keep some foods in the fridge

Take care with sharp objects – always ask an adult to help

Remember to help to clear away and wash the dishes!

Have a great day. More activities  on tomorrows  blog.

Deans Den go on a Shape Hunt!!

Morning all and happy Thursday!! I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying the learning tasks set by all of your teachers. For our maths activity today, I would like you to learn about 2d shapes. Do you already know any names of shapes? If so, tell a grown up. Shapes can be found around your home, in the garden and in your local area. Why not ask a grown up to take you on a daily walk and try to spot as many different shapes as you can?? I have attached a sheet which you could copy to record the different objects you discover. I have also added a  song which may help you with the names of the different 2d shapes. Have fun!!

Shape hunt activity sheet


Thursday 30.4.20

Good morning everyone, Mrs Lockhart here.

I hope you are all well this morning and ready for another day of learning!

Mrs Hillan has encouraged me to do the Joe Wicks workout. Use the link for you and anyone else in your house who wants to join in and get moving. It’s a great start to your day!





What are fractions?         

Go to the site below for an introduction to fractions.


Cut out the attached fraction reminder sheet and glue on the inside cover of your jotter. Look at it whenever you need to remind yourself about fractions.

cut out fraction reminder

Now complete the halves and quarters investigation sheet. -halves-and-quarters-maths-investigation-activity-sheet-english

If you want more of a challenge also watch


Let’s talk about nouns.

Watch the powerpoint for an introduction to nouns (naming words).


Now print the card sheet below, cut out the pictures of nouns and place them in the correct place around your home (some are for a school so you will have to miss them out).

If you can’t print them, you could copy the word and place it in the correct place. Explain to everyone that you are identifying the nouns. See if you can find more nouns in the house.


Feeling Good

Last week we completed a worksheet about what keeps us feeling good inside and out. We wrote the things that keep our bodies healthy on the outside of the outline and the things that help to keep our minds healthy inside the outline.

Today we have a poem to create about all the things that make us feel good inside and out.

Inside and Out Acrostic Poem Activity – Black and White

Story Time

Now time for a story  – A Bad Case of Stripes.  I think Camilla felt bad inside and out until she decided to think for herself.

I’ll be back next Thursday. Enjoy your day!


P5 Thursday 30th April

Good Morning!

Let’s get energized.This is the link for the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or you could wake up with Go Noodle.

Smart Start –https://www.morningchallenge.co.uk/april-30th The maths is quite tricky so you can use a calculator if you can’t work these out using jottings or formal methods. (There is often a calculator on a mobile phone.) Just do what you can on the page and write the answers in your book. Can you spot the deliberate mistake on the page?

Numeracy-LI TO divide-SC I can write write matching multiplication calculations for a division calculation.

Today we are going to consider even more carefully the link between multiplication and division. First watch : https://www.bbc.com/teach/class-clips-video/the-relationship-between-multiplication-and-division/zdqb47h

Spicy – multiplication and division facts

Spicier – Write the division and matching multiplication sum. To solve the problem you may need to do some extra working out-consider number lines for example. spicier division thursday

Hot Hot Hot – Write the division and matching multiplication sum. To solve the problem you may need to do some extra working out-consider number lines for example.Hot Hot Hot thursday division

Extension – division online games

http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2numeracy-division.html – choose from the various games and choose which number facts you want to practise.

After Break

Miss Taylor’s Fun Writing Challenge for this week. There are two choices. Here is the link to the page on the school BLOG. : https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/deansprimary/2020/04/28/rainbow-writing-challenges-p5-7/ or if you can’t find it from the link just scroll down – it was posted on April 28th.

If you have never seen the film here is the link to the song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSZxmZmBfnU

Have a brainbreak-try-https://www.dropbox.com/s/pupiyee9kij4dnj/04%20Body%20Scan%20Relaxation.mp3?dl=0

After Lunch

Firstly finish any other work from this week including topic work.

Topic WW2 -Entertainment during WW2

Look at this Powerpoint – Entertainment ww2 PowerPoint

There are lots of learning activities you can complete.These include designing your own radio show, researching a war film, researching WW2 games and toys and drawing war effort activities.  Choose the order in which you would like to complete the written activities. Take your time with your work. You might need to finish this another day. You do not have to complete them all today.

In case you cannot download the documents from the Powerpoint I will put them here: Activity Sheet Childrens Hour Show Activity Sheet Wartime FilmActivity Sheet Wartime Toys and Games

Afternoon break. –Turn the music up and dance to your favourite song.

Before you go if you need something to do tonight or this weekend why not dig out the family photograph albums? (If you have any.)Ask first and check out family photos. you might enjoy this- especially as you can’t visit friends or family in person.

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