P5 offer Emergency Assistance!


Mrs Wallace helped us in health this week. We learnt about how to be calm if we were faced with an emergency.

Keris – I learnt how to do the recovery position.


In group reading this week we practised using a dictionary to find the meaning of tricky words. Thinking about alphabetical order helped us to find the words quickly.

During a visit to the library, we found some books about our new topic, WWII.

In pairs, we searched the contents page of a WWII book and choose an area to research. Initially when we read the pages there were some quite complicated words so we used the strategies we had practised to work out the meaning of these words.

This week in spelling we learnt how to spell the past tense of irregular verbs and we also learnt how to use the apostrophe for possession.


In number talks this week we have started to discuss efficient multiplication strategies.

We practised converting decimals and fractions to percentages and some of us practised finding 50 per cent of a quantity.

Topic – WWII – Drama

We learnt about children who were evacuated from their homes during the war. During drama we used pair and group role-plays to show how the children and their families would be feeling.

Lewis – I learnt that evacuees were evacuated to the countryside.

Logan – I learnt that the U.K.used propaganda posters to help win the war.

Georgie – We designed our own WWII propaganda posters.

We were able to use our art skills and make links to our learning about persuasive writing.


We learnt about one of the parables that Christians believe Jesus told in order to teach people how to live their life. It was called ‘The Prodigal Son.’ When we had watched a cartoon version of the story we discussed the moral of the story and wrote a recount of the events in our book.

Afterwards we watched a clip of Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and discussed the meaning of this modern day parable!


This week we all (especially Miss Stanway) thoroughly enjoyed an enthusiastic game of Dodge Ball!



Primary 2/1 Sharing the Learning

We have had yet another busy week in Primary 2/1 with one of our main highlights being our sharing the learning afternoon on Tuesday.

Prior to Tuesday we had a surprise in the story corner on Monday…. 3 bowls of porridge and 3 little bears! We think the dragon was telling us that he wanted us to read the fairytale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, which we did! We then tried our hand at making our own story map, this is where you retell the story but instead of using words you draw pictures. They were really successful and helped us improve our retelling and sequencing skills at the same time.

Elkie really liked this activity because it helped her to improve her drawings.



On Tuesday afternoon we welcomed parents and carers into our classroom to share some of the fantastic learning which has been taking place. We had a ‘Goldilocks’ theme for the afternoon with a main focus on literacy based activities. These are some of the activities we had in place.

Word building using the magnetic boards and CVC cards, a Goldilocks story sequencing, Goldilocks free writing with story  mats, Story telling with our puppet theatre and props, word splat and the chance to share a fairytale with your adult using our  word pointers to find some tricky words.

Euan enjoyed using the puppets to put on a show for his mum and gran, he even acted out the story of Jack and the Beanstalk too.

Nathan enjoyed making a bear face with his mum and sharing with her.

Andrew loved adding all the details onto his bears face.

Ashley enjoyed making the porridge bowls using patterns with her mum and gran.

It was a successful afternoon and we loved showing everyone around our classroom and having the opportunity to talk about our learning and even help create our Goldilocks display. A huge big thank you to everyone who attended, we very much value your support and encouragement and thoroughly enjoyed having you all in our class.


Here is our finished Goldilocks display…. we think it is super and love the fact that our parents and carers helped us create it.

On Wednesday we had a go at writing letters to the three bears from Goldilocks to say sorry for all of the chaos she caused in their cottage.  We are getting very good at reflecting on our learning at the moment. We are using green for growth (for something we could improve on) and tickled pink (for something we did well). This is helping us to identify our own next steps in our learning.

In numeracy, we are still focusing on Subtraction and applying the tools to help us answer calculations. This week saw us focus on word problems, where Mrs Stevenson would read out a problem and our task was to write down the calculation to find the solution.  We are getting very confident at this and have enjoyed leading our learning by making up our own word problems for our friends to solve.

In PE we are still working on developing our football skills. This week we played body ball where we took our ball for a walk by passing it carefully from one foot to the other and when a body part was called our we had to place that part on the ball, it was tricky getting into some of the positions especially for ‘back’ ball! We have been improving our ability to dribble and pass the ball with control and co-ordination, so this week we put this to the test with a simple game. We got into groups of 3 and made a triangle shape and passed the ball to our partners. We had to pay attention and make sure we could stop the ball with our feet only..no hands allowed and then pass the ball to our other partner with control and accuracy.

P3’s week

This week in Primary 3 we have been looking at durations of time. Mrs Hillan has given us two times and we have had to work out how long is between them. We have been finding this tricky, but collaborating and communicating in small groups for this has helped to boost our confidence. We will continue to work on this. We have discussed how it is important it is to know the time so that we aren’t late for our work in the future or we don’t miss an appointment. We also discussed that we need to know how long is between two times so that we know how long something lasts, for example when we go to see a movie at the cinema.

We are now becoming more confident in showing our understanding of a text through completing our comprehension activities. We have been able to use these skills to then help us build up an understanding of our new class novel just by looking at the front cover and then by reading the blurb. We were all able to make predictions of what we think is going to happen in the story and we could then change our predictions once we had read the blurb. We have enjoyed working collaboratively to create a piece of drama retelling our predictions!

We all enjoyed celebrating World Book Day last week, and as promised, here are some pictures of us in our pjs with our teddies and books!

What’s on…

Week beginning 9th March 2020

Mon –

P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P5-7 Choir 3.15pm


PEEP sessions @ 9.10am and 2pm

NYCOS working with p4

Ukulele lunch club

P1/2 Mrs Stevenson Sharing the Learning @ 2pm

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

Home learning club 3.15pm



P2 Stirling Castle Trip

Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



P4 Futsal session

P7 Sharing the Learning

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



Fitness Friday Breakfast club (p1-3)

Handball P3-5 12.30pm


World Book Day – whole school competition!

World Book Day was an exciting event for us this week with almost all children and staff wearing their pyjamas to school, bringing a favourite book and a cuddly toy to snuggle up with! The WBD theme this year was “Share a story” so we had 3 different opportunities to have “time out with teddy” over the course of Thursday. 

We were thrilled to have over 60 children bring in stories in a box / pictures for our whole school competition! There has clearly been lots of thought and creativity gone into these, and we are especially pleased how many children were enthusiastic about it having been a family learning opportunity!

Our local Librarian is coming into school tomorrow to judge these and will have a difficult time choosing a winner from each class! The winners will be announced on Friday at assembly, and will receive a £10 Waterstones gift card!

All of the Reading Ambassadors leadership group would like to thank everyone for taking part and making it a successful day!



It was another busy and successful week in Primary 6/7.

Literacy- we learnt how to make character profile, began our literature circles and we learnt how to proofread text.

Numeracy- We have been  learning to divide decimals.

Expressive art- We create patterns inspired by Inca art.  We use water colour as our medium. We also enjoyed performing in front of an audience as we engaged in drama lessons.

IDL- We have written scripts and created presentations about  Mach Picchu in preparation for our upcoming assembly.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

P5 enjoy Drama and World Book Day


On Thursday morning we had a drama workshop.


Maia – I enjoyed it because we got to be pirates and it was funny when we were scared.

Shantelle – It was fun, exciting and very funny.

Lacey – Everyone was scared of me and Mason.

Monika – The very last bit was funny because Mason and Lacey got scared and they put their knees together.


During the day we had lots of opportunities to read quietly. In the afternoon we went to visit P3/4 and discussed our favourite books. Then we listened to our buddy read their book aloud. We were very impressed with their reading!



In group reading this week we practised answering ‘HOT’ questions – higher order thinking. An example of this type of question would be : ‘What words and phrases has the author used to show how the character is feeling?’ Some children were lucky enough to work with Mrs Stewart this week!

We practised improving our cursive style in handwriting.

In spelling we practised adding ‘ing’ to words. Most words you just add ‘ing’ but some words have special rules!


We learnt how to change fractions into decimals. Initially we practised converting tenths then we moved onto changing hundredths.

In order to compare the decimals we practised placing them on a number line.

In order to apply what we had learnt we used the laptops to play decimal games.

Princess – I enjoyed learning about decimals.

Mohamad – I enjoyed maths because it was challenging.

Aleena – I learnt how to change a fraction into a decimal.

More us have beaten our scores on ‘Big Maths’ this week.


We played an unusual game this week. In order to score each team had two opposite corners of the room with goals in. It was a little bit confusing. Some of us scored lots of own goals!

On Thursday we had to do P.E. in the classroom and so we did a mixture of fitness and zumba activities. Liam led the dancing and we were very impressed. It was great fun!


This week we have started to learn about tone. Tone means darkness or lightness of colour. We looked at and discussed a picture by Edward Hopper called Nighthawks, which demonstrates tonal contrast. We practised using tone to create 3d objects then we used red and white paints to create a gradual tonal strip. Mixing white to a colour creates a tint.

Samuel – I learnt about shading.

Georgie – I enjoyed painting from darkest to lightest.

Eva – I learnt how to lean on the pencil to make it dark.

Deans Den celebrate World Book Day!!

It has been another successful and busy week in Deans Den. We continue to support and encourage each other to follow our group charter and our focus this week has been to work on our listening skills!

As part of World Book Day, all of the children dressed in their pyjamas and brought a book from home to enjoy with others. We also designed our own bookmarks and learned when to use them. The children are becoming more confident to talk about  stories, authors and making predictions about what will happen next. Well done boys and girls, keep up the good work!!

Primary 2 this week

We have had another busy week in P2!

World Book Day

Thursday was World Book Day! We had the chance to come to school in our pyjamas and bring our favourite book and teddy. Even Iron Man came to visit us! We really enjoyed sharing our books with our friends throughout the day.

At the end of the day, we had the chance to pair up with Primary 4 and share our stories with them. We loved reading each others book and spending time with new people. We even made some new friends!


We have been learning about money.

Lexie: “Money helps people to pay for things, you need to know how much money to use.”

Mia: “We have a shop in class with food that’s labelled with different prices and we need to get some money to pay for the food.”


We made a Coat of Arms this week.

Levente: “We drew our favourite things to show we are all different.”

Sarah-Louise: “People used a Coat of Arms to protect themselves so they knew who their enemies were.”

We also had a reply from Stirling Castle about our letters that we sent. We cannot wait to go on our trip next week!


We have been learning about materials.

Ethan: “We had 4 pieces of paper each and used a crayon to do rubbings against different materials.”

Brendan: “Each piece of paper was different because we rubbed it on different materials.”

Particiaption Friday

Today was Participation Friday. During this session, we each designed a coaster to be produced and then sold at the Spring Fayre. Our coasters all feature a message of kindness, and we have been learning how this relates to our school value of nurture. Keep an eye out at the fayre for our fantastic work!


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