Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 15/11/24

Calderwood Chronicle 15_11_24


Calderwood Commitments: 

  • Christmas Lunch: Christmas Lunch should be pre ordered on iPay by 25th November, unfortunately no orders can be taken by the kitchen after this date.

Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
  • Christmas Countdown Calendar
  • 22/11/24: Dress Down Day – Book Week Scotland Theme (No donation required) – Change to date
  • 22/11/24: 9:15-10:15am: Clan Connects: Linlithgow. Doors Open 9:05am. An opportunity for your children to share on stage their learning in the Arena and then you can look at their jotters in the café. 2 adults per child.
  • 28/11/24: 2:00pm – 3:00pm: Sharing the Learning: Blair, Bramble, Thistle, Balmoral, Muir and Mackintosh. A visit to the clan room to find out about their literacy context for learning and to look at your child’s jotters. One adult per child please. Please meet in the playground 1:50pm-2:00pm and enter through the Glenshee Gate (Nethershiel Road gate). If you arrive after 2pm please enter through the office.

Calderwood Communication:


  • Can you please remind your child that they should not have a phone or be using a smart watch in the playground in the morning or at the end of the school day. If your child is bringing a phone to school they should hand that phone to their champion in the morning to put in the device box, as they are not permitted to use it during the school day. If a child has a smart watch that is not on school mode, this should also be handed to their champion in the morning. (Children in Primary 6-7 clans who have permission to use Bring Your Own Device, also put their device in the box in the morning).

Winter Ready Messages:

  • Groupcall is the way that schools will inform parents and carers about closures, any change to arrangements and information about their child’s learning provision in Seesaw (ELC – P3) or Teams (P4-P7). This information will also be shared on the council’s website at and via social media channels. Please ensure we have up to date contact details.
  • In snow or icy conditions access to the school will be through the front door, we will alert parents/ careers/ children to this. During these times there will be no supervisors in the playground. You can find our safe route here.
  • In the event of school closure, pupils should continue to access learning activities through Seesaw (ELC – P3) and Teams (P4-P7) which are used regularly as part of the current learning provision in school. Please ensure you are aware of your child’s log in for these platforms.
  • If your child develops vomiting and/or diarrhoea symptoms, please ensure they remain off school until they have been symptom free for at least 48 hours to avoid passing the illness onto others.
  • More information is available at:

Calderwood Compliments:

World Nursery Rhyme Week 2024

Calderwood Nursery had lots of different activities this week to celebrate World Nursery Rhyme Week.  Nursery rhymes play an important role in early childhood development and education.

Nursery rhymes and children’s songs boost vocabulary and language development.


Nursery rhymes help children to develop social, physical and emotional skills.

They provide a fun way to support early numeracy skills.


They help children to develop literacy skills

Book Week Scotland at Calderwood 2024

Book Week Scotland  – see poster for details of what is happening this week.

Book Week Scotland at Calderwood PS


Book Week Scotland (18th -24th Nov) is a national celebration of books and reading. During this week pupils in P1-P3 will be gifted a ‘Book Bag’ in school.  Gifting the bags during Book Week Scotland will draw pupils’ and parents’ attention to this national celebration and encourage everyone to participate in the week’s events, laying the groundwork for further engagement in reading.

In school, Book Week Scotland can provide a platform for lots of activities celebrating books.

Details of how to use the Book Bags at home can be found below.

Bookbug P1 Bag Parent letter 2024

RWC P2 Parent letter 2024

RWC P3 Parent letter 2024


Christmas Jumper Bank

🎄 Christmas Jumpers Needed
☃️ The Parent Council will be running our Christmas Jumper Bank  again this year.
❄️ Please drop off your child and adult sized, gently-used Christmas jumpers to the school office by Thursday the 28th of November.
🤶 Then pick up your new-to-you Christmas Jumper at the Christmas Fayre on Friday the 29th of November.

Burns Clan Connects

On Friday morning, Burns Clan came together to share their learning with their families and the rest of the school community through their Clan Connects.

The children told us all about Equity at Calderwood and their important role in deciding how our Participatory Budget is spent.  They did an amazing presentation and we are so proud of each and every one of our learners.

Burns Clan then spent some time with their adults, sharing more of their learning from the year so far.

Thank you to all parents and carers who were able to come along to support Burns Clan on Friday morning.

Veolia Visit in Primary 6

This week, Baird and Burns clans were visited by Matt from Veolia, who are a water, energy and waste recycling company. Matt explained to the children how waste from our homes is taken to their sites, like the one in Almondell. They then use a range of processes to clean the water enough so that it can be recycled into rivers. Matt had also brought along samples of the water from the local site to show just how clean the water becomes before it is returned to the river.







The clans also took part in their own recycling activity. In table groups, the children were shown how to make an origami hat. They were then able to make these hats into paper aeroplanes and then finally a bag. This showed the children that things can be recycled multiple times and still have their uses. The children absolutely loved the visit and learned lots of new facts.

Categorized as Calderwood

West Lothian Netters P4-7 Sessions

Hi all!

West Lothian Netters have now officially launched their primary netball sessions this week! They have 2 sessions each week.
Mondays, 6:30-7:30 at St Mary’s Primary School in Polbeth
Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 at Livingston Village Primary School

Sessions are £3 per week and can be booked from exactly one week prior using the following link;

Sessions are for anyone, they don’t need to have played netball before!
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