Lego Plea

Dear parents/carers,

As part of our School Improvement Plan, the Health and Wellbeing champs have been looking at creating clan Health and Wellbeing boxes.  We are issuing a plea for donations of unwanted Lego that we will put in to these boxes.  If you have any Lego at home that does not get used, even kits with missing pieces, we would be so grateful if you would hand this in to the office by Wednesday 20th March.

Thank you so much.

Safer Internet Day 2024

To celebrate Safer Internet Day, Ben Lawers took part in an investigation into Fake News. We looked at how to spot Fake News and which sources of information a reliable. We also had a go at creating our own Fake News stories, to see if we could fool our classmates.

Big Walk and Wheel: 11-22nd March


Calderwood has signed up for SUSTRANS big walk and wheel, which begins on Monday 11th March and runs until Friday 22nd March. We will be tracking how our children are getting to school – whether they walk/bike/scoot etc.


Previously we have won this competition and it would be great to win again!

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 08/03/24

Calderwood Chronicle 08_03_24


Calderwood Commitments:

  • 08/03/24 – 19/03/24: Champion Conservations Open Online to book Letter issued with instructions about how to book an appointment with your child’s champion.
  • 11/03/24- 27/03/24: Milk order open on iPay for Term 4 – milk will not be available to order after this date.
  • Parents Portal: We would encourage all families to sign up to Parents Portal as you can now complete your EE2 forms for excursions online. You can find more information here.
  • Promoting cultural and diversity in Calderwood: Please take some to complete this


Calderwood Calendar: 


Calderwood Communication:


Calderwood Construction:

  • You can find extension plans and drone footage here.
  • Works look ahead:
    • External facing brick install.
    • Internal partitions, second side sheeting.
    • M&E 1st fix ongoing.
    • Scaffold is now complete for the brickie.

Calderwood Compliments:

  • On 4th March we marked the 2nd anniversary of our official opening by burying a timescale in our new playground. In the capsule are our memories of our first year of Calderwood and why Calderwood is unique. That you to our Pupil Council and Jo from our Parent Council for supporting the event. The news article will be on West Lothian media pages and the local press.

Building Resilience in Bluebell

This term in Bluebell, we have been looking at how we can build our resilience through purposeful play and discussions about “bounce-backability”. This week we tested our resilience by trying to lift a plastic cup without touching it.

We had to lift a cup by only using string and an elastic band without touching the cup. To be successful, everyone had to work together and try different strategies until we found one that worked. It was very tricky but when we worked together we managed to do it.

  • Firstly we had to cut a piece of string for everyone in the group.
  • Secondly we put the pieces of string through the elastic band. We then pulled the string to stretch the band over the cup.

It was such a fun activity to do together.


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