MacKintosh and Muir: Chiefs, Captains and Careers

What a busy return to Calderwood our amazing children in MacKintosh and Muir have had!

We want to thank all the children who worked incredibly hard and completed applications for Calderwood Chiefs. We are delighted to announce that after 11 amazing interviews we have announced our four (yes four!) Calderwood Chiefs.

We have held in Clan Calderwood House and Vice-Captain presentations (on Friday 23rd August) and cannot wait for our children to present to their respective houses on Friday 30th August. Good luck to all involved.

If your child feels they really want to give back to our school community but don’t feel comfortable presenting to large numbers of children, they are most welcome to sign up to a Calderwood Career using the link below:

Pupil Council: The Challenge

For our new school year we have to vote in our new pupil council for 2024-2025.

The expectation for all pupils wishing to be part of our council is to undergo a challenge.


P1-3 Challenge here:

2024_25 Calderwood Council Election P1-3


P4-6 Challenge here:

2024_25 Calderwood Council Election P4-6


Pupils will be chosen by 23rd August.

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 16/08/24

Calderwood Chronicle 16_08_24


Welcome back to Calderwood Chapter 4!

Every fortnight we will issue our chronicle to families via email and our blog.

All other information about Calderwood is on our blog and on Twitter we highlight our achievements.


Calderwood Commitments

  • Please ensure you have registered your child on parent portal and that your details are up to date. West Lothian Council are now using this system for our annual data checks and EE2 forms for excursions. You can find advice here.


Calderwood Calendar: 

  • 2024-25 Calendar
  • 21/08/2024: 4:30-5:00pm – P7 Parent Camp Talk on Teams: Find out more about your child’s trip to Dalguise. Presentation will be available on the blog after. Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 328 204 185 38    Passcode: uzS4GB
  • 02/09/25: Term 1 Learning Letters posted on the blog.


Calderwood Communication:

  • Thank you for ensuring your child is wearing school uniform, it is important to us that all our children feel they are part of our Calderwood family. Please ensure all items of clothing including jackets and lunch boxes have your child’s name on them, as we already have a number of lost property items with no names. A reminder that black sweatshirts are not part of our uniform. We would also recommend that your child brings a jacket every day, as some children have been caught out with no jacket this week in the rain. We suggest that children keep a pair of old shoes in school to change into if they want to play on the grass when the grass is damp/ wet.
  • You will find the E Days for this term here, and a note of the PE uniform they can wear to school on those days.
  • Calderwood Primary has now grown to 24 clans and 555 pupils, with this in mind we would request that you try to ensure that your child comes to school prepared, including bring a snack, their packed lunch if required, water bottle and knowing how they are getting home each day. We understand emergencies and last minute changes can happen, however on a daily basis there are a large number of forgotten lunch boxes, water bottles and snacks dropped off at the office. We can cannot guarantee that these items will reach the child on time.
  • Bring your own Device 2024/25: Primary 6 -7 sign up form.
  • Thank you for supporting your child with our new routines for this session, you can find a copy of them here.


Calderwood Compliments:

  • We have really enjoyed welcoming back all our children and clans this week, especially our 100 new Primary 1s! It has been an exciting start to Chapter 4 with our new extension opening and having a huge outdoor area to play in.
  • At Calderwood it our tradition to share a first day photo of your child. Over the next week our champions will add the photos to this blog post.

Special Visitors

It was lovely to see Carol and Helen from East Calder Playgroup this morning.  Carol and Helen had a rare morning off and came to the school gate to wish good luck to our new Primary 1 pupils.  They also came to visit our nursery to wish good luck to some of our new children starting today.
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