Category: School Information
Term 1 Home Learning Choice Boards
Our home learning for the reminder of this term and the first week of next term will focus on our In Calderwood context for learning as part of our transition.
As a family please choose as many tasks as you would like that fit in with your schedule. Primary 1 – 4 can share their tasks on Seesaw and P5-6 on Teams.
Mull, Orkney & Shetland will have weekly learning tasks
Bluebell_Bramble Home Learning Choice Board
Ness Clan Home Learning Grid Term 1
Rannoch Clan Home Learning Grid Term 1
Tay Clan Home Learning Grid Term 1
Ben’s Home Learning Grid Term 1
Capturing Calderwood: In Calderwood
Rainy Day Arrangements
- Breakfast Club will run as normal from 8:05am-8:25am.
- Children should enter as normal through Glencoe or Glenshee gates after 8:25am
- They will then enter school through the playground door (door in the corner) as below. There will be a champion at the door to help them.
- Primary 1-2 (Mull, Orkney, Shetland, Bluebell & Bramble) will go to their classes, supervised by champions.
- Primary 3-6 (Ness, Rannoch, Tay, Ben Lomond and Ben Lawers) will go to the Breakfast Club area, supervised by champions.
- Any child arriving later after 8:45am, should enter through the main office doors as normal.
Capturing Calderwood – In Calderwood
Booking a Champion Conversation
Dear parent/ carer,
Apologises for the delay, our internet crashed after school (the joys!)
Please below 2 attachments with all the information you need about about booking a Champion Conversation next week. Sorry, this information has came out later than planned, we do however feel it is important we have these meetings before the October holidays, so you can discuss with your child’s champion how they have settled in to life at Calderwood and next steps in learning.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton
In Calderwood Updates/ Reminders
- It is a dress down day, for our Let’s Glow Calderwood Party, children can come to school in their own clothes, we recommend bright clothes.
- Also a reminder of the times for pick up:
- – 11:50am: Mull, Orkney & Shetland
- – 11:55am:Bramble & Bluebell
- – 12:00pm: Ness, Rannoch, Tay, Ben Lawers & Ben Lomond
Calderwood Primary Drone Tour
Into Calderwood – Shetland Clan in Calderwood
Shetland Clan have said goodbye to East Calder Primary and are ready for their new adventure in Calderwood! Over the past five weeks we have learnt new things, made lots of new friends and explored different situations in our play. Most importantly, we have had great fun doing it! We are so excited to continue our adventure in our new school.
As part of our transition into our new school, during writing, Shetland Clan drew themselves in Calderwood. We developed our understanding of how to share feelings and ideas through pictures. We focussed on adding detail to our pictures, ensuring what we drew was relevant and specific. Some of us even labelled the different parts of our picture. We also discussed the use of capital letters, full stops and finger spaces during this. With support, Shetland Clan even wrote a sentence about their drawing (and added their own title)! Miss Greig was very impressed with their determination and focus.
As I’m sure you can see from these drawings, our Clan can’t wait to be in Calderwood together. We have had a very successful start to the school year in East Calder and are ready for our new and exciting adventure in Calderwood.
Thank you for your commitment and continued support,
Miss Greig and Shetland Clan
Opening Day Reminders
- Please try to have your child at school on time.
- I fully understand that is very tempting to wait around on Wednesday morning to see the red carpet entrance but you will recognise that schools are still following some Covid restrictions, which includes no gathering at the school gates. Can I please request that you keep the walkway from the playground gate at the car park entrance (Glencoe entrance) to the school entrance clear, as the children will walk along there to enter the building. We are recording the event and taking photos.