Scottish Poetry Calderwood Competition

As part of our Scottish focus for learning and Burns Day on 25th January the children are participating in a Poetry Recital Competition and have taken home a range of Scottish Poems. The children should choose one poem to learn. The children should learn the poem by heart and use the following success criteria. All children should learn their poem however this is no expectation that they need to recite it in front of the clan if they feel uncomfortable. They also have the option to film their recital, do it to the teacher privately, or as a group. As you will see below, some clans have the same option of poem – this is as these classes are working within the same Curriculum for Excellence level and allows for differentiation. In clan qualifying recitals will take place on Friday 21st January and finals will take place on Friday 28th January (these will be filmed for your viewing).

First Level Success Criteria:


Second Level Success Criteria:



The choice of poems your child can choose from can be found below:



Wee Willie Winkie


Roguey Poguey


The Wee Rid Motor


Twa Leggit Mice


Coulter’s Candy



The Crocodile

Twa Leggit Mice



The Gowk

The Snawman



The Sair Finger-Walter Wingate



The Sair Finger-Walter Wingate

Ben Lawers


A Dug, A Dug

Street Talk

Ben Lomond 


The Selkirk Grace

The Banks of Nith

(By Robert Burns)

Free bus travel for young people in Scotland



  • The Parents Portal can be used to apply for a card for primary children between the ages of 5 and 10 inclusive  –  This is the easiest and quickest way to apply.
  • Cards can also be applied for online at
  • Just like the current process, application forms for Young Scot cards with travel can be made through the school.  The new application form is attached.

Young Person’s Free Bus Travel Scheme – Customer Service Toolkit – Jan2022

New Young Scot school form 2021

From 31st January, all children and young people aged between 5 and 21 years will be eligible for free bus travel within Scotland.

Children and young people will be able to access free bus travel on registered bus services across Scotland including a very limited number of local cross-border services from the south of Scotland into northern England.

How will young people obtain free bus travel?

Children and young people aged between 5 and 21 years old will need to apply for a National Entitlement Card (Young Scot Card).  Their existing card will not work, they will need to apply for a new one.

The card has an electronic chip inside it. When entering a bus, the driver will ask them to tap the card against a card reader. The card reader will tell the bus driver if the child has free bus travel enabled on their card.

Children under 16 years old will need their parent/carer to apply on their behalf and provide approval for free bus travel to be enabled on their child’s card.

Young people aged 16 years and over will be able to apply for free bus travel themselves.

Children under 5 years old can already travel on buses for free. They will not need a to apply for a card.

When can parents/carers or young people apply for free bus travel?

Applications will open on 10 January 2022.

All children and young people between the age of 5 to 15 will be required to get parental or carers consent to have free bus travel added to their card.  Please note this is not school transport. The free bus travel is for the public bus network only.

Young people 16 years or older can apply for a new Young Scot card themselves.

Advice for P4-7 on How to Access Microsoft Glow Apps

We would request that if children have access to a phone or tablet they download the following free apps to support with learning through glow:

  • Microsoft Teams – This is their online classroom.
  • Microsoft One Drive – This enables the children to save work to upload to their team. It also allows them to access their documents at home and school.
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft One Note
  • Microsoft Powerpoint

Downloading Microsoft Apps and Logging in for the First Time

The instructions on the link below will show you how to log into the apps.

To download Microsoft Office 2016 from the Glow Application Library, search for the ‘Office 365’ tile, shown here. It can be found on the National (Scotland) Launch Pad or you can add it to your own Launch Pad. Further help on the App Library is available here.

To download the software to a PC or Mac, click on the Office 365 tile and follow the instructions. More information from Microsoft is available here.

If you are downloading to an iPad or iPhone, you will need to download the apps from the App Store then log in using your Glow username. More information from Microsoft is available here.

It is also possible to download the apps from within Microsoft O365. To do so, click on the Office 365 link in the top left of your screen. This will take you to the O365 home page. Click on ‘Install Office 2016’ and follow the instructions.

Entering your username

When logging in, you will be asked to enter your username – this is your Glow username plus the domain e.g. You will then be transferred to the Glow login screen.

Once you have entered your login details here, your registration will be complete. The Glow username will only activate the software for as long as that account is active in Glow.

Saving their work using an app

When using an app such as word or powerpoint, children should save their work to one drive.

When uploading their work to a team:

  • Within a post
  • Click the paperclip icon
  • Search in their one drive folder
  • Click on the document
  • You will see it upload

Saving their work using a netbook/ laptop

When using an app such as word or powerpoint, children can save their work to one drive/ or the computer.

When uploading their work to a team:

  • Click on files
  • Click on a folder
  • Click on upload
  • Search in their one drive folder/ or the computer
  • Click on the document
  • You will see it upload

P4-7 Guidance for Glow

Please find below some information about glow and how you can support your child to use it at home:

School responsible use:

Here’s an example of some of the features we have been learning about:

Digital Skills in the Bens

West Lothian Advice:

Scottish Government Advice:

Advice on how to access Glow apps:

Accessing Teams on Xbox:

Accessing Teams on Playstation:

After School Clubs – January 2022

Dear parent/ carers,
Unfortunately, in line with Scottish Government advice for schools in January, we are having to postpone the start date of our music and sport after school clubs. We will keep you updated with the new start dates for these, as new guidance is issued.
In line with the guidance, we will also continue with the enhanced mitigation of clans not mixing indoors after the holidays.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton
Report a Glow concern
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