Dogs Trust Visit Bramble and Bluebell

Yesterday Bramble and Bluebell clans had a visit from Louise at Dogs Trust. The children had a fantastic time learning about the important work   that Dogs Trust do to help dogs find their forever homes.

During the visit, the children had the opportunity to compare human senses to dog senses, which was a fun and educational experience for all. They learned about how dogs perceive the world around them differently from us, which helped to deepen their understanding and empathy towards our furry friends.

The children also received valuable lessons on how to keep themselves safe around dogs, ensuring both the children and the animals feel comfortable and secure in each other’s presence.

Our visitors were very impressed with the children’s listening skills and their effective contribution to discussions. Well Done, Bramble and Bluebell!




Around the World in Bluebell Clan

This term, Bluebell clan are learning about different countries around the world, their climate and their characteristics. This week we have been learning about different types of deserts that can be found. We have used this as the topic for our information report this week, using non-fiction books to gather information to use in our texts. As a clan, we wrote the general statement and evaluation for the reports, ensuring that they included interesting sentence openers and adverbs.

Learners also worked in pairs to create a diorama of different deserts. The clan had the choice to create a hot or a cold desert and used different materials to add texture and colour to their designs.


“Hope” Anti-Bullying Production

Calderwood Primary had a visit from “Take Away Theatre” last month, who performed “Hope”, an anti-bullying production, to our P4-7 clans.  P4 and P6 clans also participated in follow-up workshops.  The performance was delivered by professional actors and was thought-provoking and entertaining for the children.  The children were captivated throughout the performance.  The workshops for P4 and P6 clans provided the opportunity for the children to explore the issues raised in the performance in greater depth.  Through Health and Wellbeing lessons, children also completed activities in clan related to the performance.

Building Resilience in Bluebell

This term in Bluebell, we have been looking at how we can build our resilience through purposeful play and discussions about “bounce-backability”. This week we tested our resilience by trying to lift a plastic cup without touching it.

We had to lift a cup by only using string and an elastic band without touching the cup. To be successful, everyone had to work together and try different strategies until we found one that worked. It was very tricky but when we worked together we managed to do it.

  • Firstly we had to cut a piece of string for everyone in the group.
  • Secondly we put the pieces of string through the elastic band. We then pulled the string to stretch the band over the cup.

It was such a fun activity to do together.


Categorized as Bluebell

Bluebell’s Fairtrade Learning

This week we have been learning about Fairtrade and cocoa farmers for our explanation writing. We learned about a group of farmers called the Kuapa Kokoo co-operative, which consists of approximately 65,000 farmers.

We learned what Fairtrade is and how it works. Fairtrade gives different farmers (for example banana, coffee and cocoa farmers) a fair price for their products. We made lots of notes about the different stages of cocoa bean farming and worked in pairs or independently to make a colourful and informative leaflet. We also used our genre targets to make sure that our writing followed the correct structure, used complex connectives amongst other things to make our writing as informative as possible. We also got to taste some Fairtrade chocolate and bananas to compare them to non-Fairtrade products.

All in all, it was very fun and interesting to learn about this topic.

Calderwood Careers 2023/24 Terms 2 & 3

We are so excited to launch this years Calderwood Careers! This is an opportunity for P4 -P7 to apply for a lunch time job around our school. If you would like to apply for a position, please complete the application form by Monday 13th November. This can be completed at home or school. Remember to be confident and share all the amazing skills you have!



Maths Week Scotland – F1 Data for our Clans

The children in Ben Lomond and Ben Lawers, Thistle and Schiehallion and Bluebell and Bramble were given the exciting task of reading, sorting and analysing data with Formula 1 as a focal point. Through a series of rounds the children competed in groups against one another to gain points – these points then propelled them around the racetrack (or sent them off the track!).

Massive thank you to the University of Edinburgh and their F1 Data in Schools team for this support.

Ultimately this led to one team’s vistory for their year group!

See the photos of all their fun below:

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