Around the World in Bluebell Clan

This term, Bluebell clan are learning about different countries around the world, their climate and their characteristics. This week we have been learning about different types of deserts that can be found. We have used this as the topic for our information report this week, using non-fiction books to gather information to use in our texts. As a clan, we wrote the general statement and evaluation for the reports, ensuring that they included interesting sentence openers and adverbs.

Learners also worked in pairs to create a diorama of different deserts. The clan had the choice to create a hot or a cold desert and used different materials to add texture and colour to their designs.


Around the World with Bramble Clan

We kicked off our exploration by delving into the intricate ecosystem of the Amazon Rainforest. The children have been researching fascinating facts about the rainforest and working on creating informative information reports. They have also had great fun designing and making tribal masks, which have really brought the topic to life for them.

Following our adventures in the Amazon Rainforest, we shifted our focus to the contrasting environment of the desert. We have been exploring how life in the desert differs from life in the rainforest and discussing the unique challenges and adaptations of desert creatures. To bring their learning to life, the children have been working on creating desert dioramas that showcase the key features of a desert habitat.


P6 Cross Country Race

Thistle and Schiehallion clans had a fantastic morning out at the West Calder Cross Country Event at Polbeth United pitches.  They supported each other wonderfully and all children completed the race. To top off a brilliant morning, Calderwood Primary Boys were the winning team, coming first in the overall team event!  The top 4 boys will have the opportunity to take part in a further Cross Country event when they are in Primary 7.  Well done to all!

P6 Trip to the Oriam @Herriot Watt University

The Trip to the Oriam – March 2024

To begin to explore the topic of Global Goals, we arranged a trip for our pupils in Primary 6’s to go to the Oriam at University to hear from some marine experts to learn about how sea life, in particular, whales were impacted by human behaviour.

The groups had two experiences, one being able to go inside the body of a life size blow up whale and the other visiting the Robotarium to hear from, and see in action, a real life whale robot which has been used to capture data about whales within the seas and oceans surrounding Scotland.

During the trip we were able to handle some real life bones, skulls and baleen. We were amazed at the sizes of the bones and tried to imagine the size of some of the larger whales, some as long as the hall we were in.


A marine biologist that specialises in understanding the behaviours of orcas was also really interesting. We looked at the sizes and shapes of fins to establish there gender and where they might come from. Their markings were all different and they had lots of different shaped heads and skulls depending on what they ate.

On our way back to the bus, we got to see around the university.

It was an interesting trip but we are now aware of some of the dangers facing the species and want to learn more about how to protect our seas and oceans.



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Scottish Primary School Glee Challenge 2024

We are so proud of our wonderful Stag Squad, who took part in the Scottish Primary School Glee Challenge Edinburgh and Lothians Sectionals at Central Hall in Edinburgh on Thursday the 18th of April.  The Stag Squad were competing against 6 other amazing choirs.

Our Stag Squad were excellent and the scores in the sectional were extremely close, but unfortunately they did not make it through to the Regional Finals this year.
The children gave really great, high energy performances of both of their songs and had a really fun evening.
Some feedback from the judges was that they absolutely loved Stag Squad’s version of “The Whole of the Moon”.  The Stag Squad gave a superb, polished performance that showcased their wonderful teamwork, beautiful vocals and lovely movement.  They displayed great volume and energy, which really filled the auditorium with sound.
Huge thanks to everyone who came along to support our Stag Squad on the evening, and to our fabulous champions Miss Truesdale, Miss McEwan and Mrs Love who spent time rehearsing with the Stag Squad and accompanying them to the event.

Routines 2024-2025

Go to this Sway

August 13th – 16th

For our first day in Primary 1 we will offer a staggered start 9:00-9:30am and home time 2:50-3:05pm to support a smooth transition for our children.  Information about clans/times will be confirmed soon.

For the rest of our first week only, we can offer a 9am-9.15am start and a 3pm pick up (Tues-Thurs) and 11.45am pick up on Friday. Please confirm if you would like this option for your child.
Categorized as Calderwood

Champion Conversations

A big thank you to our pupils who helped out at our recent Champion Conversations.  They did a great job of directing parents to the correct clan room.  They were polite, helpful and welcoming throughout the whole night.  Well done everyone.  

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