Author: Miss Burton
Calderwood Connects – 27/08/21
Our First Day at Calderwood Primary
Communication at Calderwood
Calderwood Chronicle: 20/08/21
Calderwood Connects Week 1
Today was the first time all of Calderwood Primary joined together across East and Mid Calder through a Teams Call. It was such a special moment to be able to wave and say hello to all our clans.
We shared some Calderwood moments from the week and celebrated our first week together.
Miss Burton read The Invisible Strings book to us, showing us that we are all connected even though we are in two different buildings. She set us a Connecting Clans Challenge for next week, asking us to connect with a different clan in a creative way.
We finished the week having a sing and dance to this song which we think sums up our first week at Calderwood Primary, thank you to everyone who has made it possible.
Capturing Calderwood – Week One
T’was The Night Before Calderwood
Into Calderwood – Curriculum Narrative
Updated Information for Starting Calderwood Primary
We appreciate your understanding and co-operation as we navigate this unique journey and would ask for you continued patience as we settle into life at East Calder and Mid Calder schools.