Calderwood Chronicle 6 – 17_12_21
Author: Miss Burton
Calderwood Can Certificates – 10/12/21
Christmas at Calderwood
Tay Clan’s Christmas Craft Sale
Tay clan have been making Christmas baubles for our Christmas craft fundraiser. We got to decide on the creation we wanted to make and what treats we wanted to put inside. Some of our clan have created baubles for their pets. To advertise our Christmas baubles we have created sways. Please take a look at our Sways below.
You can purchase them on Friday 17th December at a price of £2.50 each.
School Clothing Grants, Free School Meals & Milk
Families on low incomes may be eligible to receive free school meals and milk for their children. There are also grants available to help towards the cost of school clothing.
Applications for the 2021/2022 academic year can now be submitted.
Families in receipt of the following will be eligible for a School Clothing Grant:
- Income Support / Pension Credit
- Income-based Jobseekers’ Allowance
- Any Income-Related element of Employment and Support Allowance
- Working Tax Credit and/or Child Tax Credit with an annual income of £16,105 or less
- Universal Credit where your “monthly earned income” is not more than £1,342
- Council Tax Reduction
Families in receipt of the following will be eligible for Free School Meals & Milk:
- Income Support / Pension Credit
- Income-based Jobseekers’ Allowance
- Any Income-Related element of Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax credit (but not Working Tax Credit) with an annual income of £16,105 or less
- Both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit with an annual income of £7,500 or less
- Universal Credit where your “monthly earned income” is not more than £625
As of 16 August 2021 all children in nursery, and primary 1 to primary 4 will receive free school lunches, regardless of financial circumstances, however families who are in receipt of the above benefits should complete an application to ensure their child receives free milk and a clothing grant
You can find information here:
Calderwood Christmas Countdown Updated
Calderwood Christmas Countdown_Updated
Raffle Grand Total
Learning in Mull, Shetland & Orkney