Author: Miss Burton
Reindeer Visit
Bluebell & Bramble Request
Bluebell and Bramble Clans have a castle in their learning space as part of their Scotland interdisciplinary theme for learning.
We would like to ask families if they could donate any of the following for our castle learning area:
- 2 chairs to use as thrones
- Any spare material for making the thrones/table cover
- Any suitable dressing up costumes e.g Knights, princesses etc
- Anything that can be used to make a banquet table e.g plastic cups, plastic fruit etc
If you have any of these items that you could donate to the school, please send them in with your child or drop off at the office.
Thanks in advance for you help!
Request from Mull Clan
Ben Lawers – Woodwind
You can find the presentation here:
Calder’s Cousins Visit Calderwood
Welcome Back – 6th January
Dear parent/ carer,
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.
To celebrate our first Calderwood New Year, tomorrow (6th) we have an outdoor activity planned, so as always please ensure your child has a warm jacket, hat, gloves, etc.
The P.E timetable will start again on Monday 10th January and will be the same as last term:
A reminder to please wear a face covering, unless except at
I look forward to seeing our children tomorrow.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton
Nursery Sing A Long Re-Release
After School Clubs – January 2022
Red House Winners
We are very excited to announce that the Red Community have won the first ever termly house points competition! We will organise their celebration in the new term! Congratulations!