Bank Holiday

A reminder that both the school and nursery are closed on Monday 2nd May.

The school is also closed on Thursday 5th May for an inservice day, however the nursery remains open as normal. A remember to please report any absences directly to the nursey on 01506 80070, as the school office will be closed on this day.

There are no afterschool clubs on 2nd and 5th May.

Parent Volunteers

We are preparing for life after restrictions!

We would like to make a list of parent/carer/ close relative volunteers who can support us with trips, outdoor learning, Parent Council events, etc. This involves ensuring the volunteers have a Calderwood Primary PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups scheme). Parents or carers who do career talks etc, do not need a PVG as there will always be a champion with them.

As the PVG process does cost, we would request that those parents/ carers who can help are flexible with the days they can help and are prepared to work across the clans, not just the clan their child is in. If you think you can help please complete the form below and the office will contact you or place you on a waiting list.

Lost Property

Dear parent/ carer,
There is a large amount of lost property with no name for our Primary 1 and 2 clans.
Weather permitting, we will have these on display in the playground at your clan door on:
Wednesday: 2:55-3:15pm
Thursday: 2:55-3:15pm
Friday: 11:45-12:00pm
The lost property from the office lost property box will be left on the wooden steps on Wednesday and Thursday for children to look through – non of these items have names.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton
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