Updates: 17/08/22

Dear parent/ carer,
It has been fantastic to welcome our children back and see them so happy about being back at Calderwood Primary! We are rapidly growing, yesterday we welcomed 79 new Primary 1s and 47 new children across Primary 2-7, this will also grow over the coming weeks.
With this in mind, it is important, that you, or whoever is collecting your children takes time to read the Sway below. We do have to put a process in place, to ensure our children are collected safely, this is why there are different pickup points for different age groups.
As children are eating their snacks outside at break time, please ensure they have a small healthy morning snack for their break, children who have their snack in a lunch box are finding it difficult to eat all their snack during this time.
Those families who have iPay please use this to order your child’s lunch to save time in their clans, new families to Calderwood will receive their log ins next week. A reminder that the last payment for milk for this term is on Friday 19th August. This can be ordered on iPay or through the office if you don’t have iPay.
P.E Days will start from Monday 22nd August, you will find information about this here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/calderwood/2022/08/17/term-1-2022-23-p-e-days/
A gentle reminder that everything should be labelled with your child’s name; uniform, jackets, water bottles and lunch boxes.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton

Start of Term Information

Dear parent/ carer,
I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer!
It was lovely to be back in Calderwood today, at the Nursery moving on ceremony.
We have attached some reminders and updates for the start of term.
Routines; Please ensure whoever drops off or collects your child/ ren is aware of this information: https://sway.office.com/sTz83AiyltZ0fQmG
Breakfast Club is open as normal on Tuesday 16th August, we would recommend that Primary 1 do not attend on this day.
We look forward to seeing everyone on 16th August, as we start Chapter 2 of Calderwood!
Kind regards,

Miss Burton

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