Author: Miss Burton
Ben Lawers: Calderwood Connects
Miss Burton & Ben Lawers
Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 27/10/22
Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 27/10/22
- Values Consultation
Click here to sign up to be a parent/ carer volunteer. Please share with other family members who might be able to help us with excursions, community walks, etc.
Mrs Armit our PSW Champ finishes with us on 4th November, and we wish her luck as she moves on to a new school. We welcome Mrs Irvine to our Champ team starting on 31st October, she will support at Breakfast Club and with our Primary 2 Clans. Mrs Mungall has joined our PSW champ team, supporting Primary 3-5 clans.
Halloween Celebrations: Last session we organised Creepy Calderwood, as children were still living through some lockdown restrictions, which included limited indoor mixing. The original plan for Halloween was to hold Halloween Parties out with school time, organised by the Parent Council but this was unable to happen. The Parent Council have approached the school this week about a organising a dress up day, however as it was not originally in the school calendar. As we have recently had the food bank collection and soon will have dress up for Book Week Scotland, I did not want to put families under pressure to partake in a last minute event, where some children may then feel excluded. I hope that the wider school body understand, and I apologise for any child who feels upset that they won’t have the opportunity to wear a costume to school, they will hopefully have other opportunities to dress up at home and in the community. As suggested by the Parent Council, we will look at how we can incorporate a Halloween dress up/ down day to the calendar for next session. Children will have the opportunity to take part in learning opportunities about Halloween in their clan, finding out more about the tradition and using it as a stimulus for learning, as part of our curriculum offering.
- Term 2 Calendar
- Week beginning 7th November: Poppies on Sale for a donation
- 7th November: School Photo Day: Individual and sibling photos by Tempest – no P.E. uniform please
- 11th November at 9:30am: Ben Lawers Clan Connects (Assembly) – 2 family members per child are invited to attend,
- Achievements
- Congratulations to Miss Miller for achieving her Masters in Professional Education and Leadership, we are very proud of her.
- Thank you to our office champs for organising the collection of our Christmas Card fundraiser, on behalf of our Parent Council.
- Thank you to Ben Lawers for organising our first ever food bank collection and thank you to our community for collecting 630 items to donate to the foodbank.
- Thank you to our volunteers who went on our community walks this week (even in the rain!)
Red House Party
Red House were the proud winners of the House Points last term.
Our Primary 7 Red Leaders suggested some types of parties and cast a vote across all children in Red House. The overwhelming majority voted for a pyjama party.
This party will take place on Friday 4th November at 11am. On this day, if your child is in red house they can come to school dressed in pyjamas or dressed down.
The children have decided they would like cupcakes, drinks and haribo! They have also planned some fun activities like pyjama corners, musical beds and catch the teddy.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in Primary 4 and 5 Consultation
Bring Your Own Device
Bonfire and Firework Safety
Parent Council Halloween Fund Raiser
All orders for trick or treat sweety bags for the Calderwood Primary & Nursery Parent Council fund raising close at midnight tomorrow (21st October) .
If you want to order please do so ASAP!
Collection details are on the order form.
Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 20/10/22
Those children who have received a place for Term 2 afterschool clubs have now received their acceptance letters.
Mrs Yule will be joining us a lunchtime champion from 27th October.
As we move into colder weather, can you please ensure children have their outdoor shoes in school, and a warm jacket, hat, etc. If you require any support with this, please let us know.
- Staff Collaboration on the Inservice Day
- Thank you to our Parent Council for running the Halloween costume swap shop last night, and to everyone who donated.
- Our champions had a fantastic inservice day on Tuesday, discussing and adapting our Calderwood Cares relationship strategy, which we hope to share with you soon.