Author: Miss Burton
Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 10/11/22
A gentle reminder that following West Lothian Policy, no dogs are permitted in the playground. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to set up individual arrangements for families with dogs who require their children to be brought to the gate.
We understand that life is busy for everyone and occasionally items for school can be forgotten or daily routines change last minute. Currently, we are experiencing a large number of forgotten items (lunch boxes, break time snack, clothing) dropped off in the morning or last minute messages needing passed on to children about pick up time, this results in other office tasks not being able to be actioned. If children do occasionally forget their break time snack time, we do have fruit that they can take, so please don’t worry about having to make another trip to drop off a snack.
- Term 2 Calendar
- Christmas Countdown Calendar
- Book Week Scotland Events
- 11th November: West Calder High Remembrance Service
- 18th November: Sharing the learning event
- House Elections
- A huge congratulations to our new House and Vice Captains, and to our champs and families for supporting them through this process. we are very proud of them.
- Congratulations to Jude in Ben Lomond who came first place in the West Lothian Active Schools P7 Cross Country event.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton
Winter Arrangements for Safe Routes to School/ Nursery
In the event of heavy snow the FMA (janitorial staff) will clear / salt one initial footpath, as below, to allow staff and pupils access to the school safely. The other footpaths will be worked on by the FMA teams as soon as possible, during the daylight hours following completion of the existing essential duties.
The school carpark is under the responsibility of roads, therefore we can not guarantee that the carpark will be gritted before the start of the school day. Priority will be given to access roads then staff car parks/bus bays/turning areas (if applicable), this does not include playground areas.
As we use our playground to access the building, we have purchased some salt boxes for these areas and have asked our Parent Council for support from parents/ carers in the morning to help us grit the playground and the path between Glencoe Gate (bike shed) and the nursery door, if you can support with this please let us know.
The path highlighted below is the one that will be gritted on icy mornings. If there are changes to how we enter school in the morning due to extreme weather, champions will be be around to advise of the changes.
Calderwood Christmas Countdown 2022
Our Calderwood Improvement Journey: 2022-23
House and Vice Captain Election 2022
This morning we had another moment in history for Calderwood Primary as we had our first ever house election!
We gathered together in our houses and listed to the Primary 7 children who wanted to be our house and vice captains.
The manifestos from each of the children where fantastic! They had to prepare a 3-5minute speech which included including the following information:
- Some information about yourself and your interests inside and outside of school
- 3 values which are important to you and why
- 2 things you want to improve while you are house captain – why do you want to change them and how will you do this
- What you see the role of house captains being at Calderwood
- Why you feel Calderwood Primary is unique.
Roe House
Fallow House
Red House
Sika House
Our champs had the very important job of carefully counting all the votes!
The children were very excited to phone home to share their news with their families!
Roe House
Fallow House
Red House
Sika House
Our Primary 7 Leadership Team
Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 03/11/22
Calderwood Communication (For information):
Absence/ lateness: In line with West Lothian policy we are required to issue a letter to families whose child’s attendance has dropped below 90% for that month. If this continues for a second month then you are invited to the school for a support meeting. The letters issued follow the West Lothian Council templates.
- Term 2 Calendar Updated
- Week beginning 7th November: Poppies on Sale for a donation
- 7th November: School Photo Day
- 11th November at 9:30am: Ben Lawers Clan Connects (Assembly) – 2 family members per child are invited to attend.
- 14th November at 7:00pm: West Calder Cluster Parent Council Event: Let’s Talk Scottish Education
18th November: Scottish Book Week Dress up/ down day (no donation required). 11:00-11:50: Sharing the learning event: One family member can attend. A blog post will be coming soon with more information about Book Week Scotland.
- Calderwood Can Achievements
- Creepy Calderwood
- Thank you to everyone who has signed up to be a parent helper, you can still apply by clicking here.
- Thank you to our Parent Council for organising a Halloween fundraiser, and to everyone who donated. They managed to raise £481.50.
- Our recent dress down day in September fundraiser, along with a £500 donation from the Parent Council has enabled us to renew our Sumdog subscription for Primary 2-7.
- Congratulationsto Mrs Castillon who graduated from West Lothian College at the weekend, we are very proud of her.
Kind regards,
Parent Council: Halloween Fundraisers
Thank you so much to everyone that has donated and taken part in the parent council Halloween Fundraisers. Together you raised an incredible £481.50.
Kind regards,
Parent Council
Term 2 Family Calendar Updated
Parent Council Meeting: Let’s Talk Scottish Education
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