Author: Miss Burton
Term 2 P.E Days
Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 20/10/23
Calderwood Calendar:
- Term 2 Family Calendar
- 26th October 6:30-8:00PM: Parent Council P5-7 Halloween Disco Fundraiser: More information here on how to purchase tickets.
- 27th October: Halloween Dress Down Day: Please no masks and take into consideration school appropriate costumes
- 27th October: Primary 1 -4 Halloween Party (in school time): Funded by the Parent Council
Calderwood Communication:
Calderwood Construction:
- Earlier this week we issued communication on the enhanced measures we have put in place during the first two weeks of construction. Education Officers have also supported us with organising and implementing these arrangements.
- West Lothian Council have instructed our contractor to install temporary fencing around the pitch and playing fields. This will restrict public access to the school grounds during construction. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances installation has been delayed but anticipated for week beginning Monday 23rd
- The fencing in the immediate playground is hoping to be finished by the end of next week, meaning that in week beginning 30th October, we should return to some more ‘normality’ for our daily routines.
- We are looking into the traffic congestion issues with the contractors in the surrounding areas of the school. A gentle reminder to families that there is no parking on the Nethershiel Road side of the school. Also, our staff finish their shifts at different times, we would ask if you are using the carpark that you park responsibly.
Calderwood Compliments:
- A huge well done to Thistle Clan for starting our Clan Connects for the session, they shared their learning about inventors and inventions with the clans and their families. Thank you for everyone who came along to support them. You can see some photos on Twitter.
- Thank you to our Parent Council for organising the Halloween Swap Shop today! What a fantastic way to support our children to get ready for the spooky season.
- Well done to Roe House for winning the house points for Term 1, they received a PJ party this week to celebrate!
- Thank you to our Parent Council for all their fundraising efforts, you can find out more about how we use their donations here.
Parent Council AGM Minutes: 12/09/23
Fireworks Joint Letter for Schools
House & Vice Captains 2023/24
Leadership Team
Red House
Sika House
Fallow House
Roe House
Calderwood Chiefs
Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 06/10/23
Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 06/10/23
Calderwood Commitments (Actions):
Calderwood Calendar:
- School finishes on 6th October and reopens on 17th October for October Break.
- 19th October: Roe House Party – PJ Theme – Children in Roe House can wear their pyjamas to school.
- 19th October: West Calder High School Open Evening for P7 Families
- 20th October: Calderwood Cares: Collection for West Lothian Food Bank
- 20th October 11:15am: Thistle Clan Connects: 2 family members are invited to the Arena to find out more about learning in Thistle Clan. The children will put on a performance for their adults.
- 26th October 6:30-8:00PM: Parent Council P5-7 Halloween Disco Fundraiser: More information here.
- 27th October: Halloween Dress Down Day: Please no masks and take into consideration school appropriate costumes
- 27th October: Primary 1 -4 Halloween Party (in school time): Funded by the Parent Council
Calderwood Communication:
- Parent Council Fundraiser: Halloween Sweetie Bags
- Parent Council: Halloween Swap Shop
- Mrs Grieve has accepted an Acting Principal Teacher at Springfield Primary, initially until Easter 2024, her last day with us, for now, will be 9th I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Grieve for all she has done for the children, champs and community at Calderwood. As one of the original teachers and previous Acting Principal Teacher, she has been a big part of our journey and has left a legacy at Calderwood. Her smile, enthusiasm, creativity, nurturing relationships and friendship will be greatly missed in the Calderwood corridors and cabins. Personally, she has always been a great support to me, and our leadership team. Best of luck to you Mrs Grieve on the next part of her journey, from us all. I’ll keep you updated on the recruitment process.
- Congratulations to Mrs McGarvey, who is due her baby in February 2024. Apologies that in my absence communication was not issued around this. We will keep you updated on the recruitment process and will organise a hand over period to ensure a smooth transition for Ben Lomond Clan.
Calderwood Construction:
Calderwood Compliments:
- It was lovely to see so many families join us for our champion conservations this week. Thank you to the children in Primary 5-7 who volunteered to support this event.
- I hope everyone has a lovely October Break and we look forward to seeing the children on their return.
Calderwood Construction: Extension Update: 05/10/23
Primary 5 – 7 Halloween Disco
Please see attached flyers with more information about this year’s P5-7 Halloween Disco and P1-4 Halloween Party 🎃🪩 We would appreciate if forms could be filled in online where possible but if you have any issues accessing it paper copies will be available on the night. Please note that your child will not be able to attend unless they have a completed permission form. Donations to the Parent Council are welcome but not required. A suggested £3 donation can be made via the following payment link: or by scanning the QR code on the flyers. Donations are also now available through iPay. You can amend the donation amount on iPay. If you have any questions or issues accessing the form please email us at
As the P5-7 disco is outwith school hours, parents and carers must complete a form giving your permission to attend and also provide emergency contact details. The form can be accessed through this link: