Bellsquarry Primary School

April 30, 2020
by User deactivated
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P1-3 Daily Challenge


Good morning P1-3! It is Thursday and it is time for a building challenge.

Can you build a ‘den’ with house hold items, blankets, tables, chairs, the ironing board, cushions and anything you can think of to use? How many people can you fit in your den? Can everyone in your household fit in? Maybe you could enjoy a story or game in the den. Don’t forget to put everything back where it belongs once you have finished!

April 29, 2020
by User deactivated
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Good Morning P1-3! 🎼

Hello!  We hope you are all having a great week so far.

Today’s challenge is to learn a new song in a different language. Maybe someone you live with can teach you one or you may have to do some research online. See if you can find your favourite song in a different language. I know, for example, many of the Disney songs have been translated into multiple languages. Have some fun even if you only learn a line or two. We would love to hear it if you choose to share it on your learning journal or you can do a performance for your family.

P1-3 Daily Challenge

April 28, 2020 by Miss Ward | Comments Off on P1-3 Daily Challenge

Good Morning P1-3.

We hope you had a lovely day yesterday. Today’s challenge is “Dandelion Ink”

The sap of a dandelion is white. When you start to write with it, it is invisible. Watch the magic happen as it dries! Can you write a message? Try it on different colour paper and see if there is a difference?

Top tip– if the sap starts to dry whilst writing, simply snip a little further up the stem.

Remember you can let us know how you got on, in your learning journals. It has been lovely to see what you have been doing. We hope you have a super day!

April 27, 2020
by Mrs Roy
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P1-3 Paper Aeroplane Challenge

Good morning! We hope that you have been able to enjoy the fantastic weather over the weekend.

Today we have a paper aeroplane challenge for you. Make a paper aeroplane and see how far you can fly it! Can you make a target and try to aim for it?

April 24, 2020
by Mrs Gregory
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P1-3 Daily Challenge

Good Morning P1-3! We all hope that you have had a good week?

For the challenge today you will need someone else in your house to help you. They need to set a timer for 20 seconds. See if you can do the following:

  • How many animals at the zoo can you name in 20 seconds?
  • How many plants or flowers can you name in 20 seconds?
  • How many birds can you name in 20 seconds?
  • How many sweets can you name in 20 seconds?
  • How many types of transport can you name in 20 seconds?

Hope you have a lovely weekend. Look out for the next Daily Challenge on Monday!

April 23, 2020
by User deactivated
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 P1-3 Daily Greeting and Challenge 23.4.20

Hello everyone! We have a problem solving challenge for you today!

Look at your bedroom and give it a score based on how tidy it is. 1 = very messy, 10 = perfectly tidy.

Now think what you need to do to get your score up to 10! For example, put your toys away. You can discuss this with a grown up. Now do all of the tasks you have identified. Once you are finished, give your bedroom a new score. If you managed to get your bedroom up to a 9 or 10, well done!

If your bedroom scored 9 or 10 to begin with, you could choose to do this challenge in another room e.g. the living room!

Your grown up might like to let us know how well you got on with this task by posting a message on your Learning Journal!

April 22, 2020
by Mrs Delargy
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P1-3 Music from Mrs England

Hello All,

Mrs England has put together another lovely presentation with music and songs for your child to play/sing along with. Enjoy!

P1-3 Music 2 (22.4.20) (1)

If you do have a go and want to share any of your singing, dancing or playing with us have a go at uploading this to your online learning journal with a parent!

April 22, 2020
by User deactivated
Comments Off on It’s a Beautiful Wednesday!

It’s a Beautiful Wednesday!

Good morning P1-3!  We hope that you all had a good rest and are ready for a new day.  The sun is shining, again, so we thought it would be fun to do something indoors and outdoors.  How about a double scavenger hunt?  Have a go if you’d like!



April 21, 2020
by Mr Hunter
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Additional Learning Resources for all ages

Please find detailed below some additional resources which we hope you may useful during this difficult period.

Dip in, have a look and, if you think this may be for you, delve in deeper and see what you think.  Most of all, enjoy the experience.

Please note these are not compulsory activities but ‘optional extras‘ for you and your child to explore.


Disney Announces Free Virtual Theatre Educational Curriculum For Children | Inside the Magic



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