We have been extremely busy in Primary 4. This term we are looking at functional writing, with a particular focus upon letter writing.
We have already looked at how to write a complaint letter to Councillor Fitzpatrick. We investigated the layout of our letter and the type of language to use. We have also written a letter to Bee-Bop, our monster-friend who couldn’t manage along to the Monsters’ Feast. This was an informal letter and, again, we looked at the type of language which we could use. We then compared our letters and discussed the similarities and differences.
Just now we are writing a persuasive letter to Mr Hunter. We have to persuade him to pick us for Head Boy and Head Girl. We have been investigating the language used in a persuasive letter and the tone in which it should be written. We are now planning our letters as the chosen Head Boy and Girl will be given lots of privileges for the week!
As we are developing our writing skills, Mr Hunter has been in contact with pupils from Uphall Primary School. They are also learning all about letter writing, so we have decided to write to each other and let them know what we have been learning in class. We have already received letters from Uphall can can’t wait to write back to them!