We couldn’t let this day go by without celebrating what we love to do in P1 and that is READ! So here are a couple of things that I thought we could do together on this very snowy day.
First, I would like you to watch this video from the World Book Day site https://www.worldbookday.com/biggest-book-show/ Make sure it is the illustrator’s video as the other one is for older children. It’s really fun. After it’s done, please write a sentence that starts with “My favourite story was ___________ because __________.” We’ve been doing a lot of sentence writing so it will be easy for you. Then draw a picture of the book with the title, the author and the illustrator. Prepare to show this to the class on Monday.
The second challenge for you is to find your favourite book that you have at home and ask someone to read it with you. Try to read any of the words or sentences that you can to the person reading with you so it is a team effort. Bring that book to school with you and we will try to read all of the books by Friday!
Our author, Rachel McGaw, has been rescheduled for next Thursday afternoon so our reading celebration will continue. Don’t forget that she will have copies of both her books for sale on the day for £5 each and will sign each copy. If you’d like a look at her website it is https://rachelmcgaw.com/.
Stay safe and warm and get reading. I know that’s what I will be doing.
PS You will also have extra time to prepare your class talk for presentation on Monday.