The morning nursery children are still very interested in space, the planets and stars, so much so that the nursery have decided to arrange an outing to the Science Centre in Glasgow. This outing will include the afternoon nursery children as well. Details will be given soon. Mrs Cooper, Lochlan’s mum in the morning nursery has been very helpful and has priced the trip and has arranged volunteers.
The nursery is also being painted at the weekend, so thanks to all the mums who helped remove staples from the nursery walls. Special thanks to Mrs Heaney who has steadfastly worked on the walls for the past few weeks.
Parent Focus Group was unable to meet this morning, but there is a chance for another meeting next Friday 4th March. Ideas for fund raising or points for discussion would be appreciated.
The nursery children went off to the P2s Katie Morag Assembly this morning and enjoyed it very much. 🙂