P6/5 Weekly News

So another week has passed by and we have had a good week. We finished off our topic of Earthquakes & Volcanoes with a bang (exploding our volcanoes!) and we had another drama session and we were just busy in general!

Read to hear more about this week.

  • Brogan – on Thursday afternoon we exploded our paper mache volcanoes. We had 4 to explode and we used 3 different methods. Two groups used the same method. The elephant toothpaste explosion was probably the best but they all did explode and the rain didn’t dampen our excitement!
  • Alfie – on Thursday the P6s got to meet the nursery pupils coming up to P1 after the summer. We gave them a tour of the school as well. We don’t know who our buddies will be but it was great to see them in school.
  • Hannah – P6s were at Forest Schools on Thursday morning and we finished off our dens. Next week we will be building rafts from natural materials and also learning to tie knots.
  • Alfie – we had PE with Mr Tennant outside with the P7s. We also did football rounders with Mrs Rankin.
  • Eve – in French this week were created houses for our French Families and decorated these and added our families to them.
  • Cory – in maths this week we were looking at patterns and number sequences.
  • Keris – in writing we were looking at letters again and wrote a letter to either Via or Auggie from our novel Wonder and we were doing persuasive writing.
  • Leah – we were given exit tickets for our Earthquakes & Volcanoes topic. We had to write 3 things we have learnt form the topic and 1 thing we wanted to know about which perhaps hadn’t been covered. Mrs Rankin will find out the answers if there are any.
  • Callum – in Health & Wellbeing, we were looking at our physical wellbeing – how we look after our bodies and the our appearance and discussing why it’s important to look after ourselves.
  • All – in art we were looking at the Russian artist Kandinsky and what we could see in his abstract paintings. Today we started our on Kandinsky inspired piece of art.

Here are some pictures from Drama Box and our volcano explosions!


Enjoy the extra long weekend! Back on Wednesday.


This week in primary four..

This week in primary four we have been learning how to use persuasive language in writing. We have been looking at commas and the different uses of them. In Maths we have been learning about angles and the eight points of a compass. In numeracy, we have been learning about division and fractions.

We enjoyed our second workshop on Tuesday from the drama box.

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I liked in drama box when we got to be statues” -Lara

“I was surprised this week when I got to see my cousin Sophie who is coming into primary one in August” -Michael

“I absolutely loved using Bee-Bots and Pro-Bots and giving instructions using angles” -Alex

“I enjoyed learning about the six times table and practising this using Plickers” -Jack

“I liked making my powerpoint  with Aiden on our topic and adding transitions” -Rachel

“I thought it was good fun in Roots of Empathy when we got to write letters to Archie about what makes us special” -Carla

“I enjoyed doing persuasive writing and using a lot of exaggeration to help my argument” -Daniel

“I thought it was fun when we did a maths assessment on Plickers” -Aiden

“I loved being a phonics detective with Bethany around the school to try and find words with oi in them” -Jemma

“I loved when we made our Romans powerpoint” -Jay

“I was furious in writing when we were told school might be open on a Saturday and I enjoyed making my own argument against it and I also loved learning to speak Spanish this week” -Jaymee-Leigh

Primary 3/2 Learning Week

We have had a really busy week this week learning about Pirates.

We heard the story Pirates Next Door and we had to choose part of the garden picture and draw our own adding treasure and lots of detail.   I loved doing this said Billie

I loved doing IZAK 9 cubes at maths time it was fun.  Jada

In PE we were doing standing long jump it was great.  I was very good at it.  Calum

Singing our pirate songs we have been adding actions.  It has been really great fun.  Kasey

In PE with Mrs Howard we have been learning to move really quickly round cones.  I was really good and we got a good score.  Lewis

We had a stem challenge to build pirate ships it was very tricky.  We only had 1 sheet of paper, some tape, 1 lolly pop stick and scissors it was so hard.  Jordan

P6/5 Weekly News

The last full week in April has gone and we’re nearly into May. What a quick April it has been. We have a good week with our Volcano topic nearing an end and a surprise Drama Box session and then finishing up with Parent’s Evening last night.

Read on to hear what we have been enjoying:

  • Fraser – we started the week making volcanoes with paper mache and then on Thursday we were painting these and looking at ways we can cause them to erupt. We plan to do this next week.
  • Callum – we had a drama session with a lady from Drama Box on Tuesday morning which we all enjoyed. We had to improvise with the start of a conversation “Excuse me, have you lost a beetle?” then carry on with this.
  • Brodie – our parent’s were in seeing Mrs Rankin last night. A few of us were trying to bribe her!
  • Hannah – the brass pupils had a visit to Whitburn Academy with 4 or 5 other schools on Wednesday. We were playing a lot of songs and we all really enjoyed it.
  • Keris – in maths this week were working rounding and estimation of number and calculations.
  • Charley – in reading we had to write a letter to Mrs Ewing telling her what we thought about our reading books, if we were enjoying them and what parts we liked.
  • Brogan – in writing this week we were looking at letter formats and had to write a letter to Mr Tushman, the headteacher from our class novel Wonder, apologising to him for doing something bad in school.
  • Eve – we had PE with Mr Tennant and did basketball and we were looking at the rules.
  • Hannah – the P6s had choir again with the P7s and we were singing Sing and also Part of This World.
  • Cory – we were continuing on with Number Talks sessions during the week.

Here are some pictures of our volcanoes in progress and also some pictures from Drama Box.



Have a great weekend.


Primary Four Weekly Reflection

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I enjoyed learning about fractions in Maths” -Ethan

“I loved learning Spanish words with Mrs Ewing” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed writing a reflection on what we learned in our Roman topic” -Rachel

“I liked handwriting” -Carla

“I loved doing a vocabulary cartoon in reading” -Alex

“I liked when we got to go out and do assessments for reading and writing” -Daniel

“I enjoyed learning about division in numeracy” -Michael

“I enjoyed when we did the Drama box workshop” -Jay

“I liked playing the halves game on hit the button when it was the class versus the teacher” -Jack

“I enjoyed doing a spelling test for my words” -Darryl

“I liked learning about finding fractions of a number” -Aiden

“I enjoyed doing gym outside with Miss Eunson” -Alesha

“I liked watching the P3/2 assembly” -Jemma


P3/2 Weekly Reflection

Andy Warhol Art

“I liked it when we got to colour in our own can of soup to recreate one of Any Warhol’s famous pictures.” (Jada)

“We got to make our own flavour of soup on our pictures.” (Jordan)


Pirates Topic

“The ship is fun” (Bradley)

“We were doing  story about pirates for our writing.” (Corey)

“We’ve been drawing parrots and pretending that they were the Captain.” (Layla B)


P3/2 Class Assembly

“This week we had our class assembly.  I was a bit nervous but happy that I had done it well.”  (Billie)

“It was a bit scary doing it in front of the whole school and parents but once we had done it, it wasn’t that bad.”  (Owen)

“It was good.  My favourite bit was when they fell off the broom!” (Paige)

It’s been great having Mrs Campbell back in class more this week!

Primary Four Weekly Reflection

We have had a busy week in Primary Four. We loved our workshop by Roman Tales on Tuesday, it was a great way to finish our topic on the Romans, where we go to dress up and act like real Roman Soldiers. We also loved the small museum and display.

Here are some photographs of us in action:


Here are our reflections on the week:

“I enjoyed getting to redraft my writing on the computer and that it was going to be entered into the young writer award” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed when we went to the Roman workshop and we threw the balls at the Roman Army” –Michael

“I loved doing handwriting and writing sentences” –Jack

“I loved when we got to do pyramid spelling with my spelling words” –Lara

“I liked doing a vocabulary cartoon when we had to find a word from our book which we didn’t know and look up its meaning in a dictionary” –Jay

“I enjoyed seeing Hannah, Brogan and Eve do their dance at their class assembly” –Alesha

“I thought it was funny at the start of Roman tales when we shouted ‘Roman Ready’ and the man jumped out dressed as a Roman” –Carla

“I enjoyed when we were doing numeracy and doing times table activities” –Daniel

“I enjoyed doing the hot air balloon adventure with Mrs Ewing when we got to go to Jamaica and find out about Caribbean music” -Rachel

“I enjoyed playing hit the button to practice division and dividing numbers” –Darryl

“I liked going to Addiewell Primary to get a tour and see what they did in Literacy” –Emma

“I enjoyed starting to learn about the eight times table” –Aiden

“I liked starting division and seeing how it was similar to times tables” –Alex

“I loved doing number talks when we got to do a target number, mine was 14 and 16” –Bethany

“I enjoyed the Roman workshop and the pretend Roman battle” –Jemma

“I enjoyed doing my two times table in Numeracy” -Ethan


Have a good weekend everyone!


P4 and Miss Eunson

P6/5 Weekly Blog

Well another week is over and we were busy at the start of the week with our final preparations for our assembly which we hope you all enjoyed. We have had a Roman workshop, Forest Schools for the P6s and literacy team teaching. All in all, another good week.

Here’s what we have been up to:

  • Charley – We had a Roman in school on Tuesday morning who did a workshop with us and the P4s about the Romans and how they lived and where they travelled and fought. He had the full armour and weapons to show us and spoke to us in Latin. We were all given the chance to suit up as a Roman and march. We were split into groups and made a turtle formation to be able to protect ourselves and were under attack from the second group who threw soft balls at us!
  • Alfie – Mrs Rankin & Mrs Ewing were team teaching literacy on Thursday morning. The P6s missed out on this.
  • Keris – the P5s had times table revision this week and we also did some budgeting in money with the whole class. We had to book a trip to London with transport, hotel and 3 activities for £750. Two groups managed to do this.
  • Eve – we continued with volcanoes on Thursday and we worked in groups to create a newspaper front page describing a volcano eruption and have a headline, sub-headings, pictures and a story.
  • Brogan – we did the bleep test in PE and Alfie was the winner reaching level 22. Well done Alfie.
  • Hannah – the P6s had Forest Schools again on Thursday morning. We were building dens.
  • Charley – we had our class assembly on Wednesday morning. It was a good show and nice to see the parents join us.
  • Brogan – enjoyed the daily mile in the sunshine this week!
  • Brodie – we had a super fast music with Mrs Malloch on Tuesday – the Romans Tale over ran so we only had a very short session!
  • Alfie – we have Pupil Voice Groups this week.
  • Charley – The P6s are back doing the choir with the P7s with Mrs Ewing.

Here are some pictures from our Roman Workshop.

Have a nice weekend!


Reflection of our Learning P3/2

Kacie: In our writing I really enjoyed the characters we were looking at and drawing them onto our plan.

Lillie:  I loved art with Mrs Warden as we painted pirates.

Jordan: I cant wait to learn more about pirates as we have been learning lots of facts this week.

Jaden: We have been doing a pirate ship in our class with the Primary 1 children its looking great.

Riley:  We were throwing javelins with Mr Tennant which I was very good at.

Leon: We have been practising our assembly over the week and have been getting really good at it.



P3/2 Reflecting on our Week

Space Power Points

“We worked on the laptop to make Power Points about Space.” (Leon)

“I liked it when we went onto Google and had to try to find the pictures to put in them.”  (Teejay)

“We had to change some of the words to make them a wee bit  bigger if you wanted to.”  (Alexander)

“We needed to choose what design we wanted to use before we started.” (Calum)

Have a look at what we created below:

Space_Adam Lewis

space_Amelia Kaseylee

space_Billie Lexi

Space_Calum Alexander

space_Layla Jada

Space_Leon Bayliss

Space_Lillie Riley

Space_Owen Jordan

Space_Shay Corey

Space_Teejay Lucas


Our New Topic – Pirates

We started our new topic about pirates this week.

“We’re going to make a big pirate ship in our classroom.”  (Kacie)

“We designed pictures of what the pirate ship is going to look like.” (Lexi)


Room on the Broom Asssembly

“We have been working on our class assembly about Room on the Broom.”  (Bayliss)

“We’ve been learning the words to a song about friendship and making up actions to go with it.”  (Lillie)

Our assembly is on Wednesday the 25th April at 2:15pm – it would be great to see lots of you there!


Welcome back Mrs Campbell

This week we also welcomed back Mrs Campbell who will be in our class at different points over the next few weeks.

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