Category Archives: Primary 3

Primary 3/2 Learning Week

We have had a really busy week this week learning about Pirates.

We heard the story Pirates Next Door and we had to choose part of the garden picture and draw our own adding treasure and lots of detail.   I loved doing this said Billie

I loved doing IZAK 9 cubes at maths time it was fun.  Jada

In PE we were doing standing long jump it was great.  I was very good at it.  Calum

Singing our pirate songs we have been adding actions.  It has been really great fun.  Kasey

In PE with Mrs Howard we have been learning to move really quickly round cones.  I was really good and we got a good score.  Lewis

We had a stem challenge to build pirate ships it was very tricky.  We only had 1 sheet of paper, some tape, 1 lolly pop stick and scissors it was so hard.  Jordan

P3/2 Weekly Reflection

Andy Warhol Art

“I liked it when we got to colour in our own can of soup to recreate one of Any Warhol’s famous pictures.” (Jada)

“We got to make our own flavour of soup on our pictures.” (Jordan)


Pirates Topic

“The ship is fun” (Bradley)

“We were doing  story about pirates for our writing.” (Corey)

“We’ve been drawing parrots and pretending that they were the Captain.” (Layla B)


P3/2 Class Assembly

“This week we had our class assembly.  I was a bit nervous but happy that I had done it well.”  (Billie)

“It was a bit scary doing it in front of the whole school and parents but once we had done it, it wasn’t that bad.”  (Owen)

“It was good.  My favourite bit was when they fell off the broom!” (Paige)

It’s been great having Mrs Campbell back in class more this week!

Reflection of our Learning P3/2

Kacie: In our writing I really enjoyed the characters we were looking at and drawing them onto our plan.

Lillie:  I loved art with Mrs Warden as we painted pirates.

Jordan: I cant wait to learn more about pirates as we have been learning lots of facts this week.

Jaden: We have been doing a pirate ship in our class with the Primary 1 children its looking great.

Riley:  We were throwing javelins with Mr Tennant which I was very good at.

Leon: We have been practising our assembly over the week and have been getting really good at it.



P3/2 Reflecting on our Week

Space Power Points

“We worked on the laptop to make Power Points about Space.” (Leon)

“I liked it when we went onto Google and had to try to find the pictures to put in them.”  (Teejay)

“We had to change some of the words to make them a wee bit  bigger if you wanted to.”  (Alexander)

“We needed to choose what design we wanted to use before we started.” (Calum)

Have a look at what we created below:

Space_Adam Lewis

space_Amelia Kaseylee

space_Billie Lexi

Space_Calum Alexander

space_Layla Jada

Space_Leon Bayliss

Space_Lillie Riley

Space_Owen Jordan

Space_Shay Corey

Space_Teejay Lucas


Our New Topic – Pirates

We started our new topic about pirates this week.

“We’re going to make a big pirate ship in our classroom.”  (Kacie)

“We designed pictures of what the pirate ship is going to look like.” (Lexi)


Room on the Broom Asssembly

“We have been working on our class assembly about Room on the Broom.”  (Bayliss)

“We’ve been learning the words to a song about friendship and making up actions to go with it.”  (Lillie)

Our assembly is on Wednesday the 25th April at 2:15pm – it would be great to see lots of you there!


Welcome back Mrs Campbell

This week we also welcomed back Mrs Campbell who will be in our class at different points over the next few weeks.

P3/2 Reflecting on Our Week

Easter Symbols

This week we worked with children from P5, who helped us to make an Easter card.  Before making them, we learned about different signs and symbols that were associated with Easter, then used some of these in our cards.

“I really enjoyed making our Easter cards because we got to design our own ones.”  (Lewis)

“I liked colouring in the Easter symbols and writing the words inside the card.”  (Jordan)

“I really enjoyed colouring them in as well and drawing the symbols.  I put two Easter Eggs on mine.”  (Adam)

Split Pin Astronauts

This week we also spent some time finishing off the astronauts that we made during our STEM Open Afternoon.

“I liked colouring in the astronauts to make them look finished.”  (Lillie)

I feel proud of all our work when I see it on the wall display.”  (Riley)

Easter Service

On Monday we all walked up to the church for our Easter Service.

“I felt really confident doing our part because usually I’m really shy and nervous but I wasn’t this time.”  (Calum)

“I was a bit nervous to go up and say our part but I felt better that I did it!”  (Jada)


Some of us have been learning our 2 and 4 times tables.  We’ve been playing lots of games to help us learn them.

“Our favourite game this week was ‘Hit the Button’.” (Owen & Teejay)

The rest of us have been working on doubling numbers.

“It was trickier this week because we were trying to do it without using any of the cubes or pictures to help us.”  (Billie)

Space Adventure Stories

Mrs Warden has been working with us in Writing to help us create space adventure stories which we are hoping to enter into the Young Writer of the Year competition!

“My story is about landing on the moon and meeting new friends.” (Lexi)

“Mine is about me and my Mum and Dad going to the moon for the first time.”  (Layla)

We hope you all have a lovely Easter holiday!

Another Busy Week in P3/2

STEM Project – Space

This week we started our new Science project all about Space.  We have been busy preparing for Science Week next week and have been learning about the Sun, Moon and Stars.

“We did some some Sun, Moon and Stars pictures using tissue paper, paint and glitter.”  (Lewis)

“We also been making star constellation pictures.” (Jordan)

All of our work will be up in the class for you to see next week at our Open Afternoon on Thursday.


Literacy – Room on the Broom

Over the last few weeks we’ve been doing a book study of ‘Room on the Broom’, so this week we read it in Scots Language.

“I learned that ‘flee’ means flew.” (Bayliss)

“I know that ‘dug’ means dog.”  (Billie)

“‘Aye’ means yes.” (Lillie)

“‘Braw’ means good or nice.”  (Leon)

“The name for the broomstick was ‘bizzum’.”  (Layla)


P.E with Mr Tennant

This term in P.E on Fridays we have been working on our ball control skills.

“We were throwing balls to each other and had to practice catching it.”  (Layla B)

“We were in teams and there were defenders who were trying to get the ball off us.”  (Kacie)

” I liked playing Benchball and I was one of the defenders.  I did a good job because I kept on touching the ball.”  (Leon)


Sumdog Competition

Today was the launch of the West Lothian Sumdog Competition and we’ve been trying to get as many people answering questions as possible to get our school up the Leaderboard.

“I think Sumdog is great fun.” (Riley)

My favourite games are Junk Pile and Cake Monster.” (Shay)

“The game I like on Sumdog is Cannonball 3D.” (Teejay)


Winter Weather Packs (all levels)

Good morning!

Please find attached the Winter Weather packs for Early, First and Second Level (and other resources that may be required).

P1/2 – Early/First

P3/4 – First

P5/6/7 – Second

There is no expectation to do any or all of the tasks, but if you are needing some inspiration on what to do on your snow day, then look no further! 🙂

Have a lovely day, and stay safe!






P3/2 Reflecting on Our Week


This week, as well as working on our home readers, we’ve been doing more on our class book study ‘Room on the Broom’.  On Thursday we were focusing on the main character – the witch.  Some groups were suggesting WOW words (adjectives) to describe different parts of the witch and some were learning all about similes.

“I liked learning about similes and making some for different parts of the witch.”  (Leon)

Examples of similes:

Her hair is black as a bat.  (Lexi)

Her nose is as bumpy as a hill.  (Layla)

Her nose is as long as an elephant’s trunk.  (Bayliss)

Her skirt is purple like a plum.  (Owen)

Her skin is yellow as the sun.  (Billie)

Her nose is as bendy as a banana.  (Jada)

Her hat is as pointy as a pin. (Adam)

Examples of WOW words:

Jaggy (Alexander)

Spotty (Kaseylee)

Scratchy (Corey)

Itchy (Riley)

Smooth (Lucas)

Warty (Shay)



“I liked doing my spelling activities.  My group were looking at words with ‘oo’ in them.”  (Jada)

“I enjoyed doing spelling work too.”  (Bayliss)



“I liked doing the torch experiment in Science.” (Kaseylee)

“We were learning big words – transparent (lets all the light through), translucent (lets some light through) and opaque (lets no light through).”  (Lewis)



“I enjoyed doing Sumdog on the computers.” (Calum)

“I really liked using the Beebots with Mrs Warden.  We were learning all about directions.” (Jordan)

Some groups have been using Rekenreks and sticks of cubes to help double numbers, showing how we can partition them (split them up) and use our knowledge of other doubles to help.  Have a look at us below:

Double 9 = double 5 + double 4

Other groups have been exploring the link between repeated addition and multiplication, using groups of 2 or groups of 4:


A short week in Primary 4

Although it has been a short week, we have still learned a lot of new things. Here are our reflections on the week:

“We were finishing off redrafting our writing on computers and learned how to put pictures from clip art on to our page” -Alex

“I enjoyed learning about speech marks with Miss Gracie and getting to write our own conversations using speech marks” -Aiden

“I liked redrafting our stories on the laptops as well” -Alesha

“I learned why we celebrate Valentines day” -Carla

“I enjoyed learning about Roman gods and the Roman calendar” -Jay

“I liked listening to music and drawing pictures of which animal we thought we heard with Mrs Ewing” -Michael

“I liked making valentine arrows” -Darryl

“I liked putting the results from our survey into graphs” -Rachel

“I learned why the names of the months are called what they are on a Roman calendar” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed the valentines disco with my friends” -Emma

P3 and 2 Reflecting On Our Week

Early Intervention

On Monday and Wednesday we worked hard in our groups learning some new sounds and doing our reading.  Some groups were learning about ‘ee’ and ‘oo’, some were learning about ‘ck’ and some were learning about ‘ar’.

A New Shop In Stoneyburn!

The children from Mrs Sibbald’s class have been busy creating a shop in their classroom.  We arranged all he bottles and boxes on the shelves and we should be ready to open soon.  (Kacey, P2)

STEM Challenge

Yesterday P3/2 were making towers out of different materials like Legi, K’Nex and cubes.  We had to make sure our towers were stable, steady, could stand up on their own and they had to be at least 30cm tall. (Layla, P2 & Adam, P2)

P.E with Mr Tennant

At gym today we were in teams and we had to try to get the ball in the hoop, but we weren’t allowed to run with the ball, it was like we were stuck in the mud!  (Jada, P2)

When Mr Tennant said stop, we had to stop and sit down. (Jaden, P2)

Number Talks

Yesterday our group did a ‘Number Talks’ target number.  We had to try to think of lots of ways of making 16 by adding and subtracting.  I came up with 16+0.  (Leon, P2)


We played a French game this week to practice saying hello, goodbye and asking people how they were.  (Billie, P3)