Tag Archives: STEM


Today I joined P5-6 to do a STEM lesson. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. This is a word you will hear a lot about at Greenrigg Primary School as we are going to be doing lots of STEM learning. I had a meeting with Miss Cooke last week to look at what STEM P5-6 can do this year. Then today I did an introduction to STEM with a mini-challenge. This will be something that all teachers and classes do this term.

The challenge we had was to Save Fred. In their groups they had to solve the problem and follow strict rules. They had to help Fred get from the top of his capsized boat into his life jacket that was underneath. They could only touch 4 paperclips and couldn’t touch Fred, the life jacket or the boat.

It was great to see the groups work together to solve the problem. They had to work together. They had to be creative with how they used what they had. This was a chance to practise some of the skills that they will be using as part of their STEM learning. We will be sharing more of their learning soon. For now here are some photos from today’s challenge. Miss Tuke




Challenge club begins

This week in Challenge club we completed 2 STEM challenge cards. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

The first challenge we took part in was trying to get 2 ping pong balls to float above a hairdryer that was on. We got 1 to float but found it difficult for the other one to stay in the air. This is because they kept on hitting each other and the air current could only work around one ping pong ball.


The second challenge we completed was to make a car safe if it had a crash. We designed a crumple zone for the front, back and sides of the car. We used paper, sellotape, masking tape and straws to make the crumble zone on our toy car. We tested our crumple zones by shooting a car towards a wooden block. Some of us were successful and the crumple zone survived, some did not!

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We can’t wait for the next challenge club next week.