Tag Archives: show racism the red card

Primary 7’s week of workshops

Happy Chinese New Year

The pupils enjoyed a workshop with Rong Rong this week who refreshed our learning of the Lunar Calendar. Chinese New Year 2018 is the Year of the dog. People clean their homes to welcome the new year which begins with the new moon (that is why the date changes every year). Chinese people wear red and gold to bring good luck and put banners in their doorway so that guests will be blessed and also bring good fortune into their homes. We had a chance to write in Chinese, make some cards and listen and play the Pipa. Thank you Rong Rong.

Show Racism the Red Card

This week Primary 7 and Primary 6 took part in the ‘show racism the red card’ workshop with footballer Derek Ferguson. This workshop and the resource the teacher will carry on in school has been designed to help effectively challenge racism and promote equality amongst young people. Derek educated the pupils about the causes and consequences of racism. He increased the understanding of issues of equality and diversity.  We looked at negative stereotypes, prejudice attitudes and racism. Pupils were reminded about respecting people regardless of skin colour, nationality, religion and culture.

Racism is: Name calling, Jokes, Bullying, Excluding, Fights and Violence

Because of: Religion, Skin Colour, Nationality or Culture