Tag Archives: collaboration

P7/6 Windfarms

Primary 7/6 have completed their collaborative topic with Stoneyburn. Our topic was an Eco topic about renewable energy, how the land is used and focused on wind farms. We have built our own wind turbines testing out the difference in blade shapes, amount and wind speeds. We have acted out a pro and cons protest to wind farms. We have tested wind speeds and how to use the wind to our advantage. We have looked at renewable and non renewable energy sources and the future in Scotland. To finish it all of we visited Whitelee wind farm in Glasgow to ask more questions and see the giants in action. Also look at our separate blog on poetry as we used the wind turbines for a poetry project with Julie Douglas.

P5 Castles mini topic

Last week we learnt all about Castles as part of a mini topic.

We learnt when the first Castles were built and features of them. They were called Motte and Bailey. The Motte is a big mound of dirt where the tower would sit.

We researched how we could identify a stone castle. We found out that a keep is another word for tower and a palisade is a wooden fence.  Now it would be a metal fence.

We took part in two stem challenges.

We had to plan, design and make a catapult.  As a class we decided that it had to have unusual features as well as throw an object the furthest. It was very difficult.

We learnt that we worked well in teams as we used good communication skills, shared our ideas and tested them out. We found that we would need to know more about different designs of catapults so that all of our designs were successful.

We had a great week learning about castles and would love to learn more about them.