Primary 3 and Primary 5/6 start debating

Primary 3 and Primary 5/6 have joined together this term to debate.

We discussed what a debate is, how they work and what different language we can use when we are debating and some of the rules.

We started with designing our debating tshirts in pairs so that we can use them in the “washing line” debate next week.

Watch this space for our first debating topic.

P7 New Roles

Last week pupils from P7 had the opportunity to go for the position of Head Boy/Head Girl and House Captains.

Staff and pupils were impressed by the quality of their speeches and it was a really hard decision on who to vote for as they all had a range of skills and qualities that would have been great for these roles.

For this year our new Head Boy and Head Girl are Jason and Sophie. Our new House Captains are Morgan, Elise and Emma. A huge congratulations to them and a thank you and well done to all the other boys and girls who went for these positions.

pupil leadership poster

This week in Greenrigg…

This week in Greenrigg…

Monday 5th September
– Miss Loughton will be in school teaching Drama

Tuesday 6th September
– Mrs Malloch will be in school teaching Music
– 3.15 – 4.15 Netball ASC

Wednesday 7th September
– Mrs Crow will be in school teaching PE
– 3.15 – 4.15 Football ASC
– 6 – 7 Open Evening Families are welcome to come along, your child can show you around their classroom, show you some of the learning that they have been doing so far this session, you can meet your child’s teacher and get a feeling for what it is like for your child in school.

Thursday 8th September
– Our Flower Shows entries will be collected

Friday 9th September

Saturday 10th September
– We are delighted that Mrs Sheena Woodhouse will be opening the Flower Show at 10am at Alexander Peden Primary School, Harthill. The Greenrigg winning entries will be on display at the Show.

Primary 1’s first full day!

It has been a long, busy day, but we have all enjoyed our first full day as Primary 1!

Today, we practised writing our names and then learned all about Kipper from the reading books that we will be getting home later in the term. After break, we worked on our counting by singing 5 little ducks! We then worked on our cutting skills by cutting out 5 ducks and sticking them onto some blue paper. This afternoon, we read a story called The Rainbow Fish, and spoke about how important it is to share in school. We then started making our own rainbow fish by sticking coloured tissue paper down as a collage. After some free play, we had a circle time about how important it is to have a name, and learned the names of everyone in our class. At the end of the day, we spent some time outside playing on the trim trail and then rounded off the day with some yoga!

P5/6 Growth Mindset

We have been talking about how important it is to be positive and work out our brains.

We watched 2 videos about Mojo who wanted to give up when he found something too hard and when he made mistakes. We found that our brain is a muscle and we need to exercise it and learn from our mistakes.

We’re starting to use phrases to help our minds and brains grow.  We are using “I can’t do it yet” rather than “I can’t do it”.

We’ve created a display with what we can do and what we can’t do yet.image



P5/6 information

A few notes for parents/carers:

Please ensure your child’s name is on all items of clothing – indoor, outdoor, PE kit, bags and shoes.

PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays starting next week. On a Wednesday it would be helpful if your child came to school dressed ready for P.E as it is first thing. Also if your child could wear a polo shirt on these days rather than a shirt and tie. Please provide a PE kit suitable for indoors and outdoors, i.e. shorts, jogging bottoms (or similar) and a t-shirt. (You can also provide a zip up top and outdoor trainers if you feel necessary for outdoor PE lessons).

Please ensure your child wears a jacket (preferably with a hood) every day, regardless of the weather.

Water bottles should be provided with plain water for in class and after PE lessons – juice or flavoured water is only permitted for lunch and should be kept in your child’s bag or lunch box until lunchtime. Please ensure your child’s name is also on lunch boxes and water bottles.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Cooke, Mrs Millar (at the office) or a member of management (Mrs Gibson/Miss Tuke)

Street dance champion in P5/6

Last weekend, I went to the Street Dance world championships in Glasgow. I went with my team called Pressure and my Mum.

I had to perform a dance in front of all the other teams and some judges. I used hip hop and wacky dance moves. From our performance on Friday my team and I went straight through to the final on Sunday.

We performed the dance again and came 5th in the world.

Here I am with my medal.

By Abby Lamont



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