Greenrigg Reporter’s Club (GRC)
Today we started the Greenrigg Reporter’s Club in school. We now have a news wall near the lunch hall. This has all the lastest Greenrigg News, read it now and keep up to date with what is happening in our school. Read as much as you can!
This week in Greenrigg Primary School…
Monday 31st October
– Miss Loughton in school teaching Drama
– Nursery Halloween Dress up Day
– 3.15 – 4.15 ASC Drama
Tuesday 1st November
– Mrs Malloch in school teaching Music
– P6/7 Futsal
– P2 – 7 Pupil Voice Groups
– 3.15 – 4.15 ASC Netball
Wednesday 2nd November
– Mrs Crow in school teachhing PE
– Lunchtime Gymnastics Club
– 3.15 – 4.15 ASC Football
– 6pm PTA AGM
Thursday 3rd November
– 3.15 – 4.15 ASC Challenge
P1 maths
Today we were practising our number recognition. We were working on recognising number patterns (amount of dots/pictures) as well as recognising numerals.
West Lothian Foodbank collection
Over the last 3 weeks we have been collecting food for the West Lothian Foodbank.
We have collected food for people who are struggling to buy and get hold of food.
We had to bring food that can stay in your cupboard and don’t go out of date until next year.
The winning house was Baillee who collected the most food and won 500 house points. Kelly were second with 250 house points and Dardenelles with 125 house points.
We’re very proud of the amount of food we’ve collected especially as we’re not a big school.
by Jayden P5/6
Primary 1 PE
On Tuesday, we enjoyed the lovely Autumn weather and had our PE lesson outside. We did our first Daily Mile around the playground and then worked on our balancing, throwing and catching using quoits.
Note for parents: It is useful for days like this, if your child has a set of outdoor PE clothes and outdoor trainers to keep with the rest of their PE kit. Thanks.
P7/6 build a bone bridge challenge
Today we had a challenge to build a bridge of bones. Well actually they weren’t real bones but it was still a challenge. This was a STEM challenge so we had to work in groups and our designs had to meet certain criteria and constraints. We all found different ways to build our bridges and apart from one group who didn’t achieve it in th time limit, we all had a bridge. The bridges had to hover at least 2cm off the surface and be at least 2cm wide. The bridge had to balance a 1p coin without it falling though. We were only allowed to use our supply of pipe cleaners, cotton buds (bones) and lolly sticks. We really enjoyed this task and Miss Tuke was really impressed by our group work and ideas.
Term 1 in Nursery
We have had a very busy first term. We have looked at books by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler and children have enjoyed retelling the stories through our puppets and story table.
Children have enjoyed measuring in the building block area and water tray, practicing recognizing and writing their numbers and problem solving/investigating during outdoor play.
We have lots planned for this term so please check our October newsletter for more details.
Term 1 highlights p7/6
What a fantastic first term we have had in Primary 7/6
- Literacy: poetry for Mrs Denholm, recipe writing and fictional stories based on our scientist creation. Our free writing for homework has shown lots of super ideas and just how creative you all are.
- Maths: place value, multiplying, rounding and decimals. We looked at where to find real evidence of maths so to realise why and where we will use the skills we learn.
- expressive arts: we have been working with our drama and music teachers learning new skills. We have been painting, making collages, perspective drawings, painting skills and some art through our science.
- working with others: we have been great Primary 1 buddies, walking to the harvest assembly, playing outside with buddies and most recently we taught primary 2 how to make their own 3D dinosaurs.
- keeping healthy: we have been bucket filling and learning how to have a growth mindset. We have been very active with Mrs Crow and Scott Woodhouse has been teaching us Futsal. We have also been squeezing in a few daily miles. Well done to our boys for competing in this years cross country. Well done also to the many boys and girls in the class who have been away representing the school in the Football, Netball and Handball teams.