Category Archives: Primary 7

Challenge club begins

This week in Challenge club we completed 2 STEM challenge cards. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

The first challenge we took part in was trying to get 2 ping pong balls to float above a hairdryer that was on. We got 1 to float but found it difficult for the other one to stay in the air. This is because they kept on hitting each other and the air current could only work around one ping pong ball.


The second challenge we completed was to make a car safe if it had a crash. We designed a crumple zone for the front, back and sides of the car. We used paper, sellotape, masking tape and straws to make the crumble zone on our toy car. We tested our crumple zones by shooting a car towards a wooden block. Some of us were successful and the crumple zone survived, some did not!

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We can’t wait for the next challenge club next week.

This week in Greenrigg Primary School

Monday 18th January
– 3.15 – 4.15 Multi Sports After School Club (P1 – 3)
Tuesday 19th January
– 3.15 – 4.15 Netball After School Club (P5 – 7)
Wednesday 20th January
– P3/4s Roots of Empathy
– 3.15 – 4.15 Football After School Club (P5 – 7)
Thursday 21st January
– 3.15 – 4.15 Dance After School Club (P1 – 7)
Friday 22nd January
– 9am Assembly (everyone welcome to come along)
– 11am P7 Futsal

Happy New Year …..

The staff would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year – it is great to see the children back and all eager to learn.

This week in Greenrigg is relatively quiet – but watch this space every week to find out what is happening:

Monday 11th January
3.15 – 4.15 Multi Sports After School Club P1,2,3
Tuesday 12th January
3.15 – 4.15 Netball After School Club P5 – 7
Wednesday 13th January
P3/4 will be working with Youth Music Initiative group 11 – 11.45
3.15 – 4.15 Football After School Club P5 – 7
Thursday 14th January
1.30 Travel Action Group Meeting
3.15 – 4.15 Dance After School Club P1 – 7
Friday 15th January
9am Assembly -led by Mrs Murphy and P5/4 – everyone welcome to join us in the Hall

Primary 7’s Music Project

Primary 7s have been working closely with Bob and Maria from Software Training Scotland, over the past 10 weeks.They have been learning all about how to create music using a program called Garageband, by pulling tracks apart and reconstructing them again. On Monday the primary 7 pupils shared their learning at assembly and we got to hear some of their music tracks. We were loving the beats so we had to get up and dance. Have a look at our video to see our live jamming session!


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Some short videos…..







Jammin Fitness

Andy from Jammin’ Fitness came out last month to work with the children on confidence and positive thinking. We are able to do anything we want as long as we put our mind to it. He spoke to the upper school in an inspirational and active assembly and then worked with P7 pupils on presentation skills.

Have a look at some of our photos….


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Click on the link below to download and watch our video….




Tuck time

Everyday we sell tuck at the beginning of school. Lately we haven’t been selling much so we thought we’d tell you about what we have and why tuck is good.


You can buy:

* biscuits

* a range of fruit – bananas, apples, oranges, raisins, pineapple and melon

* yoghurts

* cheese strings

The items vary in price starting at 10p.


Having a healthy snack at playtime provides us with lots of energy to help make our great brains work. If you buy tuck it helps the school to raise money to buy new things for our classes and our playground.

We hope to see more of you at tuck shop.

The tuck team – Jason B, Jenna and Elise




This week in Greenrigg…

Week beginning 23rd November 2015….

Monday 23rd November

– P7 Music workshop

– 3.15 – 4.15 ASC Multi Sports P2 and P3

Tuesday 24th November

Rights Respecting Schools – Level 1 Assessment

French Teacher supporting in classes

P3/4 Benchball with Sports Leaders and Miss Watson

3.15 4.15 ASC Netball with Mrs Irvine

Wednesday 25th November

P5s at Handball Festival

P3/4s Roots of Empathy (Mrs Boyd and baby Allie in this week)

P7s  Drugs and Alcohol Education workshop

3.15 – 4.15 ASC Football with Miss Benson

Thursday 26th November

2.30 Choir being filmed

3.15 – 4.15 ASC Dance

6pm Parent Council

Friday 27th November

Dress down day – bring in a Lucky Dip Prize £1

9am Futsal P7