Category Archives: Primary 6

Our new topic.

Our new topic is Scottish Parliament.

First of we all discussed what we know about Scottish Parliament. We found that we didn’t know very much but we had lots of questions we wanted to know the answers too.

We looked at new vocabulary linked to our topic. We came up with democracy, parliament, MSP, devolved, government and political. We used a dictionary to find the meanings of them.

We needed to know what Scottish Parliament can do and not do with legislation. We have control over DEVOLVED MATTERS and Parliament in England have control over reserved matters.

We can set legalisation on Education, health, services and housing.

We can’t wait to find out more about how our country is governed.

By Blake, Matthew and Callum.

P6 bridges trip

Today we went to the Bridges Education centre next to the 3 bridges that cross the Firth of Forth.

There are 3 bridges that cross the Firth of Forth. Each one is different.

The Forth rail bridge is a canterlever bridge which is bit like a see saw.

The Forth Road bridge is a suspension bridge. This means that the cables are anchored to the ground.

The Queensferry crossing is a cable stay bridge. This means the weight goes through the cables to the top of the tower. It is going to be a motorway and should be finished in May.

Our first challenge was to make the tallest tower. We got it teams and we were each given a job role. We used wooden blocks and had to think about wind and gravity. We had to make it stable by a wide base. Some of us were successful.

Our 2nd challenge was looking at and describing safety clothes. PPE stands for Personal Protective equipment. Ear protectors have a good suction so you can’t hear. The Hi Vis vest is good in the day because you can see them.

Finally we walked some of the Forth Road bridge even though it was windy.

We had great fun and the years P6 should go next year.

P5/6 head to Glasgow Gurdwara

On Wednesday 15th February we went to Glasgow Gurdwara to learn more about the religion Sikhism.

Once we got there we had to remove our shoes, wash our hands and wear head scarfs as a sign of respect and cleanliness. We then had a tour of the Gurdwara.

We saw where Sikhs put the Guru Granth Sahib to bed. They do this as they believe that the Guru Granth Sahib is a living Guru and should be treated like one.

We also saw where Sikhs sit to worship. It is a large hall with an alter where the Guru Granith Sahib sits to be read from. It is written by the 10 gurus as well as Hindu and Muslim saints.

We listened to different instruments that are used in special ceromines and even tried wearing a turban.

Finally we tried some vegetarian food in the Langar hall. We tried spicy lentil curry and chapattis.

We really enjoyed going to be Gurdwara and learning more about Sikhs.

We’ve decided to learn about Buddhists next.

P1-7 Literacy Open Morning

This morning parents and carers were invited in to see what we have been doing in literacy. Mrs Gibson shared the school’s approaches to literacy with a short presentation in the hall. This looked at different ways we learn about literacy and how they can help their children at home. Parents and carers were then able to go and visit their child or children’s classrooms to take part and share in what they are doing for literacy, with reading as the main focus. This gave a little taster of the kinds of things we do and how they can continue this at home too. Please have a look at some of the photos. There was also a leaflet given out about ways to help your child with reading at home. There are extra copies outside the office.

Unique Potato – p5 and p6

Primary 5 and 6 pupils came together over the last two Tuesdays for Unique Potato. Mrs Balmain and Mrs Harkness came to work with us. In the first session we were exploring potatoes. Now we weren’t growing them or cooking them, no we were turning them into characters! Firstly we had to look at all the things that made the potato unique that was visible like bumps, spots and scars. We then had to create a persona and story about our potato. We did this so that our potatoes became unique potatoes. Yes they would have some things we could see but also by learning more about their characters we found out what made them unique and special.

On the following Tuesday we shared what makes us unique like things we love, things we don’t like and things we are good at. We the discussed different disabilities and how these also make people unique. We looked at disabilities you can see like being in a wheelchair and being blind and using a stick. We then looked at disabilities you can’t see from the outside like autism and ADHD. We spent some time focusing on autism and how it can make their life more difficult, especially in school. Some people with autism find it hard to deal with noises. We had a shot with lots of loud and distracting noises when we were doing a task and it was very difficult! When we thought back to our potatoes what we realised is that everyone is special and unique. You cannot work out what someone is like just by looking at them. You have to get to know them and know their story.

primary 7 news

What a few weeks we have had. Here are some of the highlights. We have been looking at the painting Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh. We gave been describing the painting and have written a recount as a character in the painting, the children have produces excellent stories.

We looked at the amazing Northern Lights and have created a magical silhouette picture and a descriptive poem to complement our pictures.

In maths we have been learning about angles: how to identify, measure ans draw. We are now moving on to shape.

We loved going out in the snow and used the STEM bins in our class to challenge ourselves to create something from the snow we brought indoors.

In PE we have been doing fitness stations with Mrs Crow to dust away those January blues.

The pupils worked very well together to create a logo each for Greenrigg Community Council’s competition. We have some excellent ideas and have designed them very effectively.

Will Ogg visited our class this week to carryout a workshop with us on Growth Mindset. The pupils engaged well in this session and showed Will that they are learning to think positively about challenges they may face in their learning and in day to day activities.  I think we mostly loved making an origami penguin each, which once we took our time we learned we could do it. A collection of penguins is called a raft in the sea or a waddle when on land.

Finally, on Thursday we had a very spectacular day. Firstly we had a poetry workshop with Julie Anna Douglas. We have read some of her published poems in class and were inspired by her poetry she read to us today in class. She then worked with us to create a poem for our community about the windfarms. The pupils were illustrators first and then created the words from their images. We are waiting excitedly to find out what the finished work will look like. then to finish Thurday of with a challenge, Miss Tuke taught us all (including myself) how to use Izak 9 cubes. We are going to work in teams more next week to complete more challenges and build on our team work, mental calculation and problem solving skills.

STEM Challenge Bins

Each class have a selection of 4 STEM bins. There are 8 different bins altogether. These bins are tubs that contain 1-2 materials such as lolly sticks or cubes. They also have some starter challenge cards like ‘can you build a maze’ and ‘can you create a bridge to cross a 10cm gap’. The children can then work on their own, in pairs or in small groups to use the materials to build, lay out and create something to solve their challenge. The feedback from the children is that they love these and enjoy making their own challenges. It is great to see how different children will tackle a problem in such different ways and really show off their ideas and creativity. Next time you have a few empty boxes or tubes at home, set your child a challenge to use them to make something to solve a problem.  p3-stem-bins