Category Archives: Primary 5

Coaching Football

Wel done to the members of the school football team. During their club this year, Miss Benson has allocated two or three pupils each week have planned and coached the sessions. They are given time together to research and try out new warm ups and skills activities. The pupils of the team have then been transferring what they learn to their own class PE lessons. Well done. Here we have a picture of Elise Hastie carrying out her session.

Sports day 2017

What a beautiful day for Sports Day. Well done to our amazing Mrs Crow for organizing such a fun and active day. We started out with whole school races and finished with potted sports. Everyone got involved including our teachers and amazing parents. Well done to house Ballie for the most house points today. I wonder if it will put you in the lead now?

Extra well done to the pupils who were all cheering each other on and encouraging each other to try their best in all activities.

Jump for Joy

Primary 7/6 organised and ran a whole school Jump for Joy day. We raised money for the British Heart Foundation buy having a jump-a-thon. Each class in our generous school tagged in for a half hour jump. Thank you to the parents who came along and also has a go. We have raised a tremendous amount, over £700 so far and still counting. We will tally up the final amount this week and send off your amazing donations. We love our Greenrigg community.


Outdoor sentence building

Today we went outside to continue our work on building sentences.

We choose a variety of words that we think we should be able to spell as well as using a variety of punctuation.

Our challenge was to work in a pair to build a sentence. We had to try and make sentences with the most points. We got 1 point for each word spelt correctly as well as using a full stop, 3 points if we used a question mark or exclamation mark and 5 points if we used one of our chosen words.

We really enjoyed doing this and found that it’s hard to complete sentences with a partner as we don’t always know what they’re thinking.


Handball festival

Today we went to a cluster handball festival at Whitburn community centre. We joined Whitdale, Longridge and St Josephs.

We formed 3 teams. We were called Canada A, B and C. Each team played 3 matches. Each match lasted 4 minutes.

We had to make 3 passes before we were allowed to shoot and could only take 3 steps if we had the ball. It was very competitive.

We used our teamwork, attacking and defending skills to try and score in each match.

Canada A won the matches on court 1.

We are hoping to start a handball club in school as we really enjoyed it.

Article 24 

The right to good health, food, water and a clean environment


“Right of the Month”

As a school we are working towards Level 2 for Rights respecting Schools. We have decided to introduce a “right” to focus on each month.

Article 12

You have the right to give your opinion, and for your adults to take it seriously

 This article says we have the right to have our say and help make decisions.

In school we watch Newsround and share our opinions and discuss recent news. We make sure we listen to others opinions, take them on board and respect them.

Learning to give our opinions now will help us to be more confident making decisions in the near future.

There are a lot of things in our school that lots of pupils agree and disagree on so we let every pupil say what they think.

Things you can do at home:

* Watch CBBC Newsround

* Look at newspapers with your parents

* Discuss news with your family and give your opinions

By James and Scott, P7

Rights Respecting Schools Pupil Voice Group

P5 Castles mini topic

Last week we learnt all about Castles as part of a mini topic.

We learnt when the first Castles were built and features of them. They were called Motte and Bailey. The Motte is a big mound of dirt where the tower would sit.

We researched how we could identify a stone castle. We found out that a keep is another word for tower and a palisade is a wooden fence.  Now it would be a metal fence.

We took part in two stem challenges.

We had to plan, design and make a catapult.  As a class we decided that it had to have unusual features as well as throw an object the furthest. It was very difficult.

We learnt that we worked well in teams as we used good communication skills, shared our ideas and tested them out. We found that we would need to know more about different designs of catapults so that all of our designs were successful.

We had a great week learning about castles and would love to learn more about them.

Our new topic.

Our new topic is Scottish Parliament.

First of we all discussed what we know about Scottish Parliament. We found that we didn’t know very much but we had lots of questions we wanted to know the answers too.

We looked at new vocabulary linked to our topic. We came up with democracy, parliament, MSP, devolved, government and political. We used a dictionary to find the meanings of them.

We needed to know what Scottish Parliament can do and not do with legislation. We have control over DEVOLVED MATTERS and Parliament in England have control over reserved matters.

We can set legalisation on Education, health, services and housing.

We can’t wait to find out more about how our country is governed.

By Blake, Matthew and Callum.

Dance taster session

Today P5 took part in a dance taster session with Hannah.

We had to warm up our bodies first so that we didn’t have any injuries.

We learn each dance move in sections. We were dancing to Meridas song from Brave.

She’ll be back next week for another session with us.

P5/6 head to Glasgow Gurdwara

On Wednesday 15th February we went to Glasgow Gurdwara to learn more about the religion Sikhism.

Once we got there we had to remove our shoes, wash our hands and wear head scarfs as a sign of respect and cleanliness. We then had a tour of the Gurdwara.

We saw where Sikhs put the Guru Granth Sahib to bed. They do this as they believe that the Guru Granth Sahib is a living Guru and should be treated like one.

We also saw where Sikhs sit to worship. It is a large hall with an alter where the Guru Granith Sahib sits to be read from. It is written by the 10 gurus as well as Hindu and Muslim saints.

We listened to different instruments that are used in special ceromines and even tried wearing a turban.

Finally we tried some vegetarian food in the Langar hall. We tried spicy lentil curry and chapattis.

We really enjoyed going to be Gurdwara and learning more about Sikhs.

We’ve decided to learn about Buddhists next.