Category Archives: Primary 4

P4/3 Health Week

As part of health week we found out different ways to keep our bodies healthy, by keeping a balanced diet and exercising. Sometimes our mental health gets forgotten about but we discussed the power of positive thoughts and used a search engine to find inspirational quotes. We used these to make posters which we have displayed throughout the school to remind everyone that they are special and deserve love and care too! Some of our favourite quotes were – ‘Let your smile change the world but don’t let the world change your smile’. ‘Be the rainbow in someone’s cloud’.


P4/3 football debate finale…

Following our football debate we prepared and delivered scripts, designed flyers and posters, counted and verified the votes and we have collectively reached a decision. Football is ………………………..staying!! Well done to the ‘FOR’ and ‘AGAINST’ campaigners, you gave very well presented speeches with strong arguments to our infant classes, Mrs Gibson, Mrs Kerr, Miss Benson, Miss White, Mrs Woodhouse, Miss Henderson, Mrs Riley and Mrs Hendrie. Votes were quite close with 33 – 21 in support of keeping football. However, the story didn’t end there. We are very happy that football is staying but we also realised that changes need to be made. As a class, we chose 4 rules, drew up a contract and asked all infant pupils and staff to sign it. We will review this again in 2 weeks to discuss whether the changes have worked and whether or not our rules need to be tweeked. We have thoroughly enjoyed our real-life debate and cannot wait for our next one!


P4/3 investigate sea pollution


As part of our topic we have been investigating the effects of sea pollution. We were shocked and saddened at how our careless behaviour and actions can destroy an eco system. Our fish, Freddie, was faced with oil, grit, toxic waste, animal waste, litter and other sources of pollution, and he saddly took his final breath at the end of our lesson :-(. Please note that no animals were harmed in the making of this experiment – Freddie was a sponge in disguise :-)!


We discussed how we can prevent sea pollution and came up with an action plan.

P5/4 read and relax.

Today we decided to head outside and have some “r n r” – read and relax.

Everyday we read a book of our choice for 15 minutes.

“I feel relaxed and ready to learn more after read and relax” – Elle

”I like finding new words in my book to share with the class” – Lewis

You can read and relax anywhere. I wonder where we’ll be reading next.

P4 waste minimisers

Today we went to Stoneyburn for our last transition for this session.

We continued to look at waste minimisation. We started by watching some clips from Newsround that showed us that flytipping is on the rise. We discussed why we thought people dumped their waste and what affects it has on the environment.

We then went out into the school grounds to see how much waste there was. There was a lot of litter around the woodlands. We couldn’t believe that we found bricks, wooden slats and even glass bottles that people had dumped there.

In the afternoon we formed teams and had to design a poster or PowerPoint to persuade people not to dump their waste but to use bins or recycle â™» them.

We had a fantastic time and hope we get to join up with the primary 4s from stoneyburn again soon.

P4/3 star writers of the week

I am very proud of these amazing young people after reading their arguments for and against football in school. They were very persuasive and showed real belief in their views. This has been the toughest week ever to pick star writers as the standard was so high. I can’t wait for our next debate!