All posts by Mrs Bradley

P6/5 Weekly News

It has been a very busy week in Primary 6/5. In maths we have been practising our 7 x table and learning about data handling, reading information from frequency tables and bar charts.
In literacy circles this week the Blue and Red group have been practising their summarising skills. The Green group completed their word wizard task.
We started our Christmas display for the hall, painting our reindeer Blitzen! We also started making our Christmas enterprise. We were sewing Christmas tree decorations. Last week we started our Scottish Country dancing practice for our Christmas Party! So far we have learned the Gay Gordons! Some boys and girls really enjoy Scottish dancing but others don’t like it as much. Let us know if you enjoyed it at school!

Netball Festival

Well done to all the boys and girls who competed in the recent Whitburn Cluster Netball Festival. We got off to an excellent start winning 3 out of 4 of our games. The boys and girls were a credit to the school demonstrating an excellent standard of behaviour and sportsmanship. We are looking forward to our next festival in February!

St Andrew

This week Primary 6/5 have been learning about St Andrew. The boys and girls worked in pairs to research the Saint then used the facts they found to make a poster about St Andrew using the software package ‘comic life’. We found out lots of interesting facts- Did you know St Andrew was born in Syria? Let us know if you’re doing anything special to mark St Andrew’s Day on Sunday!

School Sport Award

Meet our Junior Active Schools Coordinators-Nathan, Ellie, Ryan, Taylor, Harris and Elise. Together with Mrs Monahan, Mrs Bradley and Mr Boatman (Active Schools Coordinator) they have formed the Sports Committee and are working hard to make improvements to Physical Education in our school. This term they have been busy running a lunch time sports club for Primary 3 and 4 pupils and will be offering a sports club to Primary 1 and 2 pupils in term 3. They have also arranged for a score board to be put in the gym hall for use during class lessons and after school clubs. We will be applying for a school sport award which recognises excellence in physical education and school sport. You can read more about the school sport award at