All posts by Mrs Gough

Our new topic.

Our new topic is Scottish Parliament.

First of we all discussed what we know about Scottish Parliament. We found that we didn’t know very much but we had lots of questions we wanted to know the answers too.

We looked at new vocabulary linked to our topic. We came up with democracy, parliament, MSP, devolved, government and political. We used a dictionary to find the meanings of them.

We needed to know what Scottish Parliament can do and not do with legislation. We have control over DEVOLVED MATTERS and Parliament in England have control over reserved matters.

We can set legalisation on Education, health, services and housing.

We can’t wait to find out more about how our country is governed.

By Blake, Matthew and Callum.

P6 bridges trip

Today we went to the Bridges Education centre next to the 3 bridges that cross the Firth of Forth.

There are 3 bridges that cross the Firth of Forth. Each one is different.

The Forth rail bridge is a canterlever bridge which is bit like a see saw.

The Forth Road bridge is a suspension bridge. This means that the cables are anchored to the ground.

The Queensferry crossing is a cable stay bridge. This means the weight goes through the cables to the top of the tower. It is going to be a motorway and should be finished in May.

Our first challenge was to make the tallest tower. We got it teams and we were each given a job role. We used wooden blocks and had to think about wind and gravity. We had to make it stable by a wide base. Some of us were successful.

Our 2nd challenge was looking at and describing safety clothes. PPE stands for Personal Protective equipment. Ear protectors have a good suction so you can’t hear. The Hi Vis vest is good in the day because you can see them.

Finally we walked some of the Forth Road bridge even though it was windy.

We had great fun and the years P6 should go next year.

Dance taster session

Today P5 took part in a dance taster session with Hannah.

We had to warm up our bodies first so that we didn’t have any injuries.

We learn each dance move in sections. We were dancing to Meridas song from Brave.

She’ll be back next week for another session with us.

P5/6 head to Glasgow Gurdwara

On Wednesday 15th February we went to Glasgow Gurdwara to learn more about the religion Sikhism.

Once we got there we had to remove our shoes, wash our hands and wear head scarfs as a sign of respect and cleanliness. We then had a tour of the Gurdwara.

We saw where Sikhs put the Guru Granth Sahib to bed. They do this as they believe that the Guru Granth Sahib is a living Guru and should be treated like one.

We also saw where Sikhs sit to worship. It is a large hall with an alter where the Guru Granith Sahib sits to be read from. It is written by the 10 gurus as well as Hindu and Muslim saints.

We listened to different instruments that are used in special ceromines and even tried wearing a turban.

Finally we tried some vegetarian food in the Langar hall. We tried spicy lentil curry and chapattis.

We really enjoyed going to be Gurdwara and learning more about Sikhs.

We’ve decided to learn about Buddhists next.

Christmas party

P4/5, p5/6 and P7/6 had their Christmas party on Monday afternoon. We had a disco and strutted our dance moves for all to see. We did the Macarena and the cha cha slide.

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We played different party games too. We played musical arms. It’s similar to musical chairs but you link arms when the music stops. It’s great fun.

After all of our dancing we stopped for a snack. We had juice and crisps and a chance to chat.

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To end our party we danced the gay Gordon’s and the dashing white sergeant.

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We all had a great time at our Christmas party.

Visit to Dynamic Earth

As part of our topic “Natural Disasters” we went to Dynamic Earth to learn more about them.

We had a tour of the gallery and learnt lots of interesting facts.

We had to travel back in time to find out how our planet first started.  This is called the “Big Bang”.


We then experienced what would happen in an earthquake, the floor moved beneath our feet, and how quickly lava would flow. We watched a video about how glaciers helped form the land around us.


After that we learnt more about the first lifeforms on Earth, what an iceberg feels like and animals in the rainforest.

“I learnt that 70% of the Earth is water” Lucy

” I learnt that one of the first reptiles on the planet was a lizard” Rebecca

” I learnt that sabre-tooth cats were hunted and not extinct like the dinosaurs”

In the afternoon we took part in a “shake rattle and roll” workshop. There were lots of activities to do with Natural Disasters. We had to make an earthquake proof building, learn how tsunami are made, sort rocks to see which ones were meteors, make a tornado in a bottle and label/draw different volcanoes.

We had an amazing time and would love to go back again.


Matt Lockwood comes to visit

Today we had a visit from professional footballer Matt Lockwood. He has played for lots of different teams during his career. : West Ham juniors, Leyton Orient, Colchester United, Nottingham forest and Dundee United.

He talked to us about working hard and not giving up when things get tough or change.

Some children from Primary 5,6 and 7 had a football session with him too.

We worked on our dribbling with both feet, defending and attacking skills and controlling the ball.

We then had a couple of games of football. Matt stopped us and gave us different tips for when we are playing.

We loved learning from him.

Volcanoes with P5/6

As part of our natural disasters topic we have been learning about volcanoes.

A volcano is formed with 2 tectonic plates push together – Tyler.

An eruption happens when magma is pushed up through the main vent and comes out of the crater. It is then called lava – Matthew.

We have made 3D models of volcanoes using paper mache. We discussed the criteria we needed to follow.


We had to work as a team to ensure that we completed it. We used different techniques to create the volcano shape. We ripped pieces of newspaper into strips and soaked them in a watery glue.

We then needed to paint them.

Once they are dry we are going making our own volcanic eruption. Watch this space for how we get on.

Challenge club – wind powered vehicles

Today we accepted the challenge to build a wind powered vehicle.

We could use any materials in the challenge club box and were allowed one pair of scissors and a metre of sellotape.


The winning vehicle would be the one that travelled the furthest by using wind.

We needed to think about different ways to join the materials together as we didn’t have a lot of tape as well as how the vehicle would move using wind.


We will continue to make our wind powered vehicles next week