King Lazy Bones (Max) was a rich and powerful man. He had 8 servants that did EVERYTHING for him. He had a driver, gardener, cook, foot man, an entertainer, an inventor, cleaner and a knight. He rang a buzzer when he wanted their attention and they all stopped what they were doing to kneel before him, however they got annoyed when he only infact wanted one of them at a time. He turned to his inventor (Aaron) for help. His solution was to give everyone a different sounding buzzer.
Problem – only 2 instruments are to be used and only 3 sounds in each combination. We used a drum and a triangle, and used letters or pictures to represent each e.g. t,d,t (triangle, drum, triangle) or . Each servant needs a different combination.
Some children enjoyed the task so much they continued it in their RAP time .