All posts by C Farquhar

Problem Solving in P4/3

King Lazy Bones (Max) was a rich and powerful man. He had 8 servants that did EVERYTHING for him. He had a driver, gardener, cook, foot man, an entertainer, an inventor, cleaner and a knight. He rang a buzzer when he wanted their attention and they all stopped what they were doing to kneel before him, however they got annoyed when he only infact wanted one of them at a time. He turned to his inventor (Aaron) for help. His solution was to give everyone a different sounding buzzer.


Problem – only 2 instruments are to be used and only 3 sounds in each combination. We used a drum and a triangle, and used letters or pictures to represent each e.g. t,d,t (triangle, drum, triangle) or 🔼⏺🔼. Each servant needs a different combination.


Some children enjoyed the task so much they continued it in their RAP time 😊.

P4/3 at gym

Today we have been putting all the skills we’ve learned into practice by playing extreme dodgeball. We self and peer assessed our work:

Kimberley : I need to pass the ball more.

Ben: I thought Tyler played well because he passed the ball lots and was good at dodging.

Scot: I was wasting energy at the start but then I became more focused.

Louisa: I rate myself 10/10 because I tried my hardest.


Well done to Aaron who won the title of man of the match for his excellent throws, passing and ability to keep his eye on the ball.


Well done to Kayla for being the most improved player.

Continue reading P4/3 at gym

Silent Reading – p4/3

We have been going to the school library every Thursday for the last 3 weeks. We are now professionals at being able to choose a book which is appropriate for our reading level and we are now beginning to have a preference between fiction and non-fiction books, explaining our reasons why. Some of us are also able to identify and appreciate the writing style of particular authors. Cate specifically went looking for a Roald Dahl book as she enjoys his range of books. These are the books we have personally selected this week:

Callum – Children’s World Atlas

Sam – What about the universe?

Cate – Fantastic Mr Fox

Tyler – Harry and the dinosaurs go to school

Aaron – Noisy neighbours

Max – Oh Tucker!

Abbey – Lettice

Louisa – Princess Emily and the beautiful fairy

Mackenzie – Creatures that glow

Scot – Surprise puppy!

Brendan – Keep trying little zebra

Jayden – Race for survival

Ben – Cars

Aiden – Life in a cave

Kimberley – Sabrina the teenage witch – wake-up call

Rhys – The three little pigs

Kayla Si – The longest whale song

Kayla Sw – Princess Sophia and the sparkling surprise

Miss Milne – My not so perfect life



Art in p4/3

This week in art we created the illusion of a 3D box but using different shades of paint. We looked at boxes in the classroom and noticed that they look different shades depending on where the light hits them. We started off with the darkest colour and added white paint to lighten then added more white paint to make it very light where the light landed. Our word of the day became ‘illusion’ as lots of us hadn’t heard of it before!



P4/3 STEM challenge


Brendan – We were doing a STEM challenge to make a game for a boy and his dog that both had a leg missing each. We used STEM resources and drew a plan.

Tyler – We made our own games.

Abbey – We wrote a story about a boy and his dog that were disabled because we had to think about how it would feel to be different. The story made me feel angry for the dog because THE BOY WAS BEING MEAN. I felt happy in the end because the dog encouraged him to talk to his mum and play outside.

McKenzie – The story made me feel sad, happy and angry because the boy was kicking the dog around. The boy was angry that he was given a dog with 3 legs because he didn’t want somebody like him.

Mrs Irvine – The dog taught the boy that he too can be resilient and determined to succeed and be happy despite the barriers.

P4/3 Library visit



Today we took a trip to our school library, we learned how the library books are categorised and identified fiction and non-fiction books. We chose a book to do a book review on then we identified the author, illustrator and title, and today we DID judge a book by its cover. After we reviewed our books, marking it out of 5, wrote a brief summary on it, identified the age range it was suitable for and illustrated it, we have a better idea of which books we like and dislike. We hope our book reviews will be useful to our friends.