Dechmont Infant School Blog

May 4, 2021
by User deactivated

Creating Connection in Covid times

Prior to Covid we used to always start our days the same way with a shared greeting. Each child had the chance to choose, from four different choices,  how they would like to greet and be greeted by their teacher. Sometimes they would even choose a couple of different ways on the same day! The great thing about these greetings was that each child was greeted individually and was able to have their own connected moment with their teacher and quite often a bit of fun which often included laughing or the giggles. This is really important for building connection and positive relationships but also helps to build community through a shared experience.

The four different choices were picked by the class through an idea sharing and voting system and these were the four they decided to have.

  1. A wee hug
  2. A high five
  3. To shake hands
  4. A wee dance

Unfortunately when we came back from lockdown after the summer we had to stop doing it as we were no longer allowed to have physical contact needed to greet using  a high five, hand shake or hug. We still said good morning but it wasn’t the same.

After a few weeks Millie (P3) was looking at the pictures hanging outside the classroom and asked ‘Why don’t we do this anymore? Can we do it again?’ I explained that we couldn’t do it anymore due to covid. ‘Could we do different ones?’ she asked. I thought this was a great idea so we redesigned it to be covid safe.

Again the class shared ideas and voted for the ones they liked and our new covid safe morning greetings were created.

These are the four they choose.

  1. Do a salute
  2. Show me the love
  3. Jazz hands
  4. A wee dance

Now we are able to greet each other and have that time to properly connect with one another every morning. Surprisingly quite a lot of the class are loving a salute right now!

Well done Millie! What a great idea!

Mrs Short 😀

June 24, 2020
by User deactivated

30 days wild – Random Acts of Wildness

Well things have been so hectic last week getting classes set up for next year and organising transition visits that our 30 day wild activities have got lost along the way.

So I thought that as it is the end of term on Friday with a little bit of June still to go and the summer holds lots of opportunity for getting outdoors that I would post all the activities here. Remember it might be #30dayswild in June but these are great activities to do and some can be revisited at different times of the year. Research has shown that children who learn to look at and enjoy nature are more likely to protect nature in the future. Which can only be a good thing.

If you do get catch the nature bug then this website has tonnes of great activities and ID sheets Wildlife Watch is a great website to investigate. If trees and woodland are you thing then check out Nature Detectives by the Woodland Trust.


Love Mrs Short

random acts of wildness cards

June 24, 2020
by User deactivated

Nursery Transition

It was lovely to meet you all and meet next years P1’s over the last two weeks. I’m very excited to be your teacher next year.

I hope you are having fun doing the Sharing the Shell activities on your topic grid. I’ve added all the resources on here in case anyone has misplaced them. I’ve also added some extra ones too.

Things to focus on

  • Encourage your child to retell the story in their own words.
  • Encourage your child to sequence the events in the story.
  • Once you have made the characters encourage your child to act out the story. They may even create their own story using the characters.
  • Use the counting sheet and things in the book to have a go at counting. Encourage your child to touch and count as this will help them later with using a numberline.
  • Handwriting sheets will help your child with pencil control.
  • Try getting them to write their name. Please only use a capital at the start and then small letters for the rest as it is hard to undo if they learn to write it all in capitals.

Remember to post pictures to our twitter so we can see what you have all been up to @DechmontInfSch

Can’t wait to see you all in August!!

Have fun!

Love Mrs Short

sharing a shell learning grid






June 20, 2020
by User deactivated

Last week before Summer!


I can’t believe that is us at the last week of term, and of the school year! It has been a strange year for all involved but I am so proud of how everybody has coped and adapted to the new way of learning. It is sad we can’t finish the year together but these things can’t be helped. We have ALL done our bit and made the situation as ‘normal’ as possible. The main thing is we are safe and happy.

This week we say Goodbye to our Primary 3 children off to their new school. I am sure you will join me in wishing them the best of luck in Primary 4! They have been a great example to our younger children in the class and have had a fantastic final year at Dechmont!

As you now know, I am also leaving. It has been our dream for a few years to move to Fife to be nearer to all the lovely beaches and harbour villages, and for a slightly more chilled way of life! If I could pack up Dechmont and take it with me, I would! I have thoroughly enjoyed my 2 years here and this last year especially (the bits when we were still in school!) have genuinely been the best in my 11 year teaching career! I have loved working with such polite, kind, funny and hardworking children who have made me smile everyday and remember why I chose to be a teacher all those years ago. Thank you. Unfortunately I won’t be able to see you all before I leave, but I will keep in touch and see how you are all getting on.

Thank you for being such a fantastic class. I will miss you all very much.

Love Mrs Stenhouse x


Here is some work for this week! We are having a Health focus so please find attached the plan and I have also included a Summer themed plan. I think the weather is looking quite nice next week so please just do what you can.

Summer week activities

Summer week activities 2



Animal-movements-1 (2)

DIS Health_Week_Grid_P1_-_P3



June 18, 2020
by User deactivated

Day Three of our virtual zoo trip – Friday 18th June

Well here we are on the last day of our trip to the virtual zoo. I hope you all had fun.

Did you all choose your animal yesterday? Today we are going to write an animal report about your chosen animal. Details on the learning grid.

There is also some animal numeracy activities for you to try.

See the source image

Just to let you know that next week will be a bit different as it is health and well-being week. There will be a grid posted on Monday with the weeks activities on so just work through those over the week.

Can’t wait to see your reports.

Love Mrs Short 😀

LITERACY – writing a report

zoo trip 20_06_19


Numicons – adding challenge

NUMICONS Pets I Spy and Add to 20 Checklist

NUMICONS Pets I Spy and Add to 20

NUMICONS Pets I Spy and Add to 20 Answers

Number and digits

You have a challenge to solve and find out who has let out all of the macaws.

Numbers you might need a bit of help from a grown up and Digits you should be able to do this on your own.

DIGITS NUMBERS the-mystery-of-the-missing-macaws-at-maythorpe-zoo

June 17, 2020
by User deactivated

Day Two of our virtual zoo trip! Thursday 17th June

Morning Everyone,

See the source image

I hope you enjoyed the first day of our virtual school trip to the zoo yesterday. Well here we are for day two!

Today we are going to

  • Plan our route around the zoo.
  • Learn about being a zoo vet.
  • Learn about animal classification.
  • Choose an animal to learn about.
  • Draw a line drawing of your chosen animal in its natural habitat.

Have fun!

Love Mrs Short

zoo trip 20_06_18


Edinburgh Zoo map

June 16, 2020
by User deactivated

School trip! Wednesday 17th June

We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo…

You can come too, too, too!

This week we are going on a virtual zoo trip to Edinburgh zoo. Luckily for us there are lots of great webcams for us to watch all the animals. I wonder what mischief they’ll be up to today? I love to watch the penguins the best!

See the source image

To help make our trip more interesting we will have lots of activities to do.

Today we are

  • Making animal masks
  • Designing a ticket
  • Working out our budget
  • Solving animal riddles
  • Writing animal riddles
  • Listen to ‘Paddington at the zoo’

Have lots of fun! remember your packed lunch!

Love Mrs Short 😀

zoo trip 20_06_17

Zoo trip Youtube links

Zoo trip whos-at-the-zoo-solve-the-riddles




June 14, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday 15th/Tuesday 16th June Learning Grid-It’s a Roarsome one this week!

This week, inspired by watching Jurassic Park and also from seeing how much my own little P1 enjoyed this Topic at his school, we are going to learn about…Dinosaurs!!!!

There are two grids attached. As always, you are not expected to complete all the tasks, but there is enough work to keep you going both days!

Have fun and I look forward to seeing your Dino-tastic work!

Mrs Stenhouse x

Dinosaurs 1

Dinosaurs 2

June 12, 2020
by User deactivated

Butterfly Friday! 12th June 2020

Morning Everyone!

Today is butterfly day. This time of year is a great time to spot butterflies and caterpillars. I was watching Springwatch this week and they were saying that because it’s been so warm in May and the beginning of June there are more butterflies around than usual for this time of year. Although we have only seen orange tips round where we live but they are so pretty.

See the source image

I’ve also included a couple of spotting sheets to use on your walks. Remember if you see something not on the sheet try and look it up online. If you want to try and encourage more butterflies into your garden then why not have a go at making a butterfly table.

Happy butterfly hunting!

Love Mrs Short

butterfly life cycle

butterfly detective spotting sheet

caterpillar detective spotting sheet

making a butterfly table

June 11, 2020
by User deactivated

Thursday 11th June

Morning Everyone,

Hope you are all having a quiet week. You’re were all very quiet on twitter yesterday…I missed you all! Try and post a couple of pictures on twitter today so I can see how you are getting on.

Best Kids Writing Clipart #20786 | Writing clipart, Kids writing ...Boy And Girl Student Clipart Clipart Panda Free Clipart Images ...

I put in a writing assessment today. Time to show me what you’ve learned about writing instructions. You can look back on your other writing pieces to help you remember.

Good Luck!

Love Mrs Short 😀

daily overview 20_06_11




CARLE Reading 20_06_11

CARLE We Can Do It ACTIVITY 20_06_11



JEFFERS Reading 20_06_11

JEFFERS this is my pet ACTIVITY 20_06_11

JEFFERS this is my pet GUIDED READING 20_06_11


KERR Reading 20_06_11

KERR shadows in the sun ACTIVITY 20_06_11

KERR shadows in the sun GUIDED READING 20_06_11


SEUSS Reading 20_06_11

SEUSS one way ticket to mars ACTIVITY 20_06_11

SEUSS one way ticket to mars GUIDED READING 20_06_11

SEUSS The Fearless Four Activity Card COMPREHENSION 20_06_11



Keep going with your challenges

Numicons – number bonds to ten

Remember if you feel you’ve covered those well and you can recall them easily them start looking at the two times table.

Numbers – 2x, 5x and 10x table

Remember if you find this too difficult have a go at the numicons challenge first.

If you feel you know them really well and can say, write and make them then move onto the Digits challenge.


Remember if you find this too difficult have a go at the number challenge first.

If you feel you know them really well and can say, write and make them then move onto the 7x, 8x, 9x challenge.



Assessment week.


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