Category Archives: Primary 1

Boghall Primary Whole School Assembly 5th June 2020

Good morning everyone! 

We are very excited to share with you our first virtual whole school assembly.

Please find attached a link to a Sway assembly here:

Take your time to go through each stage, sing the songs, watch the video clips and even have some fun answering the Bathgate Procession Quiz!

You will need to log in to Fischy Music to play the full songs:


We hope you enjoy!

Have a great weekend.

Bathgate Procession and john Newland’s Festival

Hip Hip!  It’s Gala day week!  We have made a sway with some ideas for family learning that will help you celebrate at home.  As always, please share your learning with us.

Just click on this link to get all the details…

Week Beginning 25th May

Hello Primary 1! We hope you all enjoyed your weekend – the sun is shining for us today!

We have attached our next weekly grid packed with new activities for you to complete at your leisure! Also, remember to check your SeeSaw for activities posted for you and Twitter for some more ideas! You do not have to do all of the activities, you can choose which ones you would like to do! 🙂

5. Weekly Grid

We hope you have a fantastic week – we can’t wait to see what you all get up to! We have been so impressed with the amazing effort you have all put in learning at home!

Miss Angus and Miss Keillor

Our Primary 1 Learning Grid

Good morning Primary 1!

We hope you are all doing well and keeping safe. We have been so impressed with all of the amazing learning that you have been doing at home so far.  Below we have attached our learning grid for this week. It is full of lots of fun ideas and activities that you can do at home at a time that suits you!

Week beginning 18th May

Remember you can send pictures of your learning to Miss Keillor and Miss Angus on SeeSaw! We have loved seeing all of the fantastic learning you have been doing at home. Have a super day everyone!

Miss Keillor and Miss Angus

Weekly Grid – 11.05.20

Hello Primary 1! We hope you have all had a relaxing and fun weekend!

We have attached this weeks learning grid where you will find a range of new activities for you to complete at a time that suits you and your family best! Make sure to send Miss Keillor and Miss Angus all of your amazing work on SeeSaw for us to see – we are so proud of all the effort you have been putting in so far!

We hope you have a lovely day and a fantastic week!

P1 Weekly Grid – 11.05.20

Miss Keillor and Miss Angus



Primary 1 Learning Grid!

Good morning Primary 1! 

We hope you are all doing well and enjoying your long weekend. Make sure that you take some time to relax and spend some time doing things that make you smile!

We have attached our learning grid for this week which is full of lots of fun learning activities that you can try at home:

Primary 1 Week 2 Learning Grid

Remember you can share all of your learning with us on your Seesaw journal.  We have loved seeing all of the amazing things that you have been up to so far!

Have a lovely day!

Miss Keillor & Miss Angus

Design a Super Bear Competition

John Lewis have launched a competition to find a superhero teddy bear, and they need your help designing it! The winning teddy will be sold in John Lewis shops, with 100% of the profits going to the NHS!

Try and incorporate unique elements through colours, patterns, capes, masks – whatever feels exciting for you, but please avoid using any recognisable icons in your designs, such as the ‘NHS’ lettering or Superman logos.

f you need a bit of help getting started, then please download the teddy bear drawing template from their website.
Share your superhero teddy bear design with John Lewis by 5pm on 8 May 2020. An adult over the age of 18 should submit a photo of your design in one of the following two ways:
Share your designs by email to
or posted through a public Instagram or Twitter account with the hashtag

Weekly Grid – 27.04.20

Good morning Primary 1 – we hope you have all had a lovely weekend! 🙂 We would like to thank you for all of your hard work so far – we can’t wait to continue our next phase of learning! Here is this weeks learning grid, packed with activities in Literacy, Numeracy and other fun learning activities for you to try! Please feel free to share your finished work with Miss Angus or Miss Keillor on SeeSaw. Instructions on how to join SeeSaw will be e-mailed out later today.  Have a great day and we will be in touch soon.

Miss Angus and Miss Keillor

1. Weekly Grid

Primary 2 learning grid

Good morning Primary 2!

Here is this week’s learning grid, packed with Literacy, Numeracy and other fun learning activities for you to try.  You can complete these activities at a time that suits you and your family.  Please feel free to share you finished work with Miss Arkless or Miss Anderson on SeeSaw.  Instructions on how to join SeeSaw will be e-mailed out later today.  We will be in touch soon.

*Primary 1’s in Miss Arkless’ class, please feel free to choose activities from this grid and the grid posted on the Primary 1 section. *

Have a great day!

Miss Arkless & Miss Anderson. 🙂

P2 Weekly Grid week 1 (1)