Tag Archives: International Education

French Twinning News

The RRS group met with Mrs Kerwin from the Bathgate Cran-Gevrier Twinning Association.  They told Mrs Kerwin all about the work of the RRS group and they shared letters that they had written to our twin school in France.  Mrs Kerwin then spoke about the work of the Twinning Committee and the pupils had an opportunity to look at photographs and leaflets.

Merci beaucoup Madame Kerwin!


P6 and the Out Right program

Primary 6 have been learning about the rights of refugees in the UK. We looked at the difference between refugees and migrants, and used our knowledge of civil rights to discuss how individuals or groups of people may be made to leave their home due to persecution based on their gender, religion or personal beliefs etc.

We then discussed the British Laws regarding refugees and looked at the information UNICEF have provided schools about the issues with keeping families together. UNICEF have suggested that school pupils use their voices to tell the Government what we think about the Law in our country. With this is mind we created campaign posters which we will send on to the Home Secretary. Part of their job is to look after refugees who come to the UK and we hope our posters will help to persuade them to allow families of refugees to be able to live together.




A visit from Mrs Kerwin

IMG_3685IMG_3700IMG_3701 - CopyIMG_3707IMG_3708IMG_3709IMG_3710IMG_3711 The pupils of P5 were delighted to have a visit from Mrs Kerwin, the Chairperson of the Bathgate Cran-Gevrier Twinning Association. Mrs Kerwin provided lots of information about the twinning organisation and pupils enjoyed looking at brochures from Cran-Gevrier.  The following week, they enjoyed some tasty French food as part of their French lesson. Bon Appetit!

P5 posters for Cran Gevrier, France

Primary 5 pupils have been working in teams to make posters to share with our link school in Cran Gevrier, France.

Happy Birthday UNCRC

Over the last few weeks, Boghall Primary has been taking part in Outright – a nationwide celebration of child rights. 20th November 2014 marked the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

In 1989 the global community made a set of commitments to children when it adopted the convention, which states that all children have one thing in common – their rights. As a Rights Respecting School, Boghall Pupils have been raising awareness by carrying out different activities in class.


Boghall Primary has a link with Renoir Primary, Cran Gevrier, France.   P5 received letters from some of the French pupils and have enjoyed translating them! It is really helping us to learn French.