Tag Archives: Rights respecting school

P6 and the Out Right program

Primary 6 have been learning about the rights of refugees in the UK. We looked at the difference between refugees and migrants, and used our knowledge of civil rights to discuss how individuals or groups of people may be made to leave their home due to persecution based on their gender, religion or personal beliefs etc.

We then discussed the British Laws regarding refugees and looked at the information UNICEF have provided schools about the issues with keeping families together. UNICEF have suggested that school pupils use their voices to tell the Government what we think about the Law in our country. With this is mind we created campaign posters which we will send on to the Home Secretary. Part of their job is to look after refugees who come to the UK and we hope our posters will help to persuade them to allow families of refugees to be able to live together.





As you know, Boghall Primary was awarded a second Level 2 Rights Respecting School Award a few weeks ago.  This is a fantastic achievement as not only were we the first school in West Lothian to achieve the Advanced level 2  award back in 2011,  we are now the first school in West Lothian to be awarded level 2 for the SECOND time!  We were delighted to welcome back Tam Baillie (The Children’s Commissioner)  to our school to present us with the award.  Here are some of the official photographs that were taken on the day.


25 reasons P6 are thankful

We have enjoyed watching Kid President videos as part of our Civil Rights topic. This week it was 25 reasons to thankful so we decided to make our own list!

  1. Being alive
  2. Food
  3. Music
  4. Donuts – Krispy Kreme!
  5. School and teachers
  6. Football, football boots and Ronaldo
  7. Fifa 17
  8. Clean water
  9. Apple phones, Snap chat and Musical-ly
  10. Tacos
  11. The internet
  12. Pizza – especially two for two Tuesdays at Dominoes
  13. Education
  14. Imagination
  15. Shelter
  16. Having Miss Potter as a teacher
  17. Cake
  18. Animals – Especially unicorns
  19. The World!
  20. Pokemon Go
  21. Friends and Family
  22. Martin Luther King for helping to change Civil Rights!
  23. Emmeline Pankhurst and the suffragettes for fighting for equal rights for Women!
  24. Rosa Parks for sitting on a bus!
  25. Having the UNCRC to keep us all happy and safe!

Dinner hall charter

The whole school have been working on creating a dinner hall charter.  During whole school time and assembly, all the children were asked their opinion and discussed what rights should be included as well as what pupils and adults should do in order to keep the dinner hall a clean and safe place to be for all.  Some of the Rights Respecting School’s group also carried a survey during lunch time and asked pupils questions about the dinner hall for the charter.  All pupil’s and staff opinions were taken into consideration when devising the charter.  Here are some photos of the pupils from the Rights Respecting Schools group listening to others.

Article 12: Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.

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Boghall Primary is a rights respecting school

We have got off to a great start this year at Boghall PS.  All classes have been busy discussing their rights and establishing rules in their new class.  Each class has been discussing and creating a class charters and encouraging each other to display rights respecting behaviour at all times.  The RRS group has been busy organising an event for all staff and members of the community to come and learn about how we are a rights respecting school.  They are looking forward to this on Wednesday and Friday of this week.