Tag Archives: science

The Human Digestive System in P6/5

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As part of health and science this week, P5 from P6/5 have been learning about balanced diets and the human digestive system. They created body maps showing what they thought happened to food in our bodies then they had the challenge to show the process a banana sandwich goes through when being digested. It was a messy process involving cutting for the teeth, mashing and adding water to represent chewing, putting it in a bag and adding lemon juice to simulate stomach acid, then finally passing it through tights to represent food being expelled from your body. All pupils learned a lot and are now aware of what happens when you eat.

Primary 5 Science

Primary 5 have been learning all about human senses.  This week they have investigated the sense of taste and sight.  They are realising just how important our senses are, how they work and what it would be like if any of them were impaired.

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Science in Primary 5 – The Ear

Primary 5 have been enjoying learning about human sensory organs this week and what functions they perform.  Their focus yesterday was the ear.  They looked at an anatomical diagram of one and labeled all the correct parts.  They also took part in some fun experiments all about hearing.  Primary 5 can now tell you why we have 2 ears and not just one!  Next week they will be learning about taste and smell


P 3/2 and P2 – Trip to Dynamic Earth

Both classes have just returned from an exciting adventure to Dynamic Earth.  The children enjoyed a tour round the galleries which included looking at time travelling, the big bang, volcanic eruptions, the ice age and the rainforest. They took part in the Dinosaur Detective and Dinosaur Adventure workshops looking at dinosaur fossils.  Thank you Dynamic Earth for a thoroughly enjoyable day.

The P3’s were able to enjoy a short walk to look at the Scottish Parliament building, Holyrood Palace and Arthurs’s Seat as well.

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Solar System Challenge in P6/5

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As part of learning about the solar system, P6/5 were set the challenge to create and label a model of the solar system. The success criteria stated that it must include all planets and the sun, it must be labelled and it must show the correct order of the planets from the sun. Everyone worked really hard and came up with some innovative ideas of how to represent each planet.

P3/2 – Dinosaur Fossils

In Term 3 Primary 3/2 have been learning about dinosaurs.  This week we have been looking at dinosaur fossils, what they are and how they are made.  To develop our understanding of this we recreated how fossils can be made by layering slices of bread (to represent soil, sand, rocks, etc) one of top of the other and inserting a dinosaur shape. We then squashed down each layer as it was put on to show the pressure that layering of soil could do.  We carefully took off each slice and found our fossil shape at the bottom.


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