Tag Archives: Church

Primary 6 – Screen Printing week 3!

Wow what a week! We were given a design challenge to create stain-glass window style art using the stencils that Bernie had ready for us. We could figure out they were letters but were not sure what we were going to spell…. after a lot of hard work (and mess!) we all peeled back the tape to find we had the letters to spell B O G H A L L. We carefully carried these outside and tied them to the fence, then stood back to look at what we had created! Thanks again Bernie, Fran, Patrick and Chris!


Screen Printing fun with Primary 6!

Primary 6 were lucky enough to be chosen to help Chris and Patrick with the design and creation of the our new church memorial garden – we don’t want to give away any secrets but we had such a fun morning screen printing with Patrick, Bernie, Fran and Chris that we had to share some of our photos! We will keep you updated with our progress each week!