Welcome Back P5a

We have had a lovely week back at school and are looking forward to the year ahead. We enjoyed getting to know our new teacher during Circle Time where we spoke about highlights from our summer holidays. We then wrote about things we saw and did during the summer. We also learned about sudoku and played Countdown numbers. Here are some of our other highlights this week:

Katie – I enjoyed the name art activity because I got to show my personality.

Brooke – I really liked playing Splat against the boys and doing the art activity.

Tamsyn – I liked learning how to do Sudoku.

Callum – Hop Rock Paper Scissors in P.E was really fun!

Arran – I enjoyed the parachute game in P.E.

Ross – I really liked Sudoku games.

Ammie – Leigh – I enjoyed mindfulness colouring and Countdown numbers.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂




Wow! What a fantastic first week in Primary 4b!

Here are our highlights:

Liam, Lacey, Dionne,Ava, Keira, Fearne and Brandon enjoyed starting P4 and meeting their new teacher.

Tiana, Kayden, Freya, Sophie S, Grace Marshall, Jess and Lily enjoyed writing about the summer holidays.

Joseph, Scott and Evie loved doing the wordsearch with all our names on it.

Luis and Grace Mackinnon enjoyed number talks.

Archie really liked playing the maths game.

Eilidh and Isla enjoyed writing their targets and drawing the picture of themselves.

Sophie M loved getting her happy face award.

Esther enjoyed art with Mrs Rodger.

Eden loved cosmic kids.

Emily, Max, Nina, Keegan and Sophie A couldn’t decide on one thing as they enjoyed everything this week!




We have enjoyed our first week in P3A and have been working very hard!

Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Jude: I enjoyed doing maths because we learned about 3D shapes.

Aaron: I enjoyed doing our Big Writing because it was so fun.

Ellis: I enjoyed going to Mr McCabe’s office to show him my writing.

Leila: I enjoyed learning about the names of 3D shapes because it was fun.

Alex: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing about what we did in the summer holidays. We also made sunglasses.

James: I enjoyed moving into our new class.

Jack: I enjoyed learning about a growth mindset because the activities were really fun. My favourite activity was drawing the turtle.

Ellie: I liked doing P.E.

Amber: I enjoyed writing about what we did in the summer holidays because I liked it when I went to Holland.

Max: I enjoyed it when we learned about growth mindset and fixed mindset. I have been trying to have a growth mindset.

Mia: I enjoyed Big Writing because it was fun.

Emily: I enjoyed the first day in Primary 3 because I liked it when Miss McKinnon was our teacher in Primary 2.

Millie: I liked doing P.E. with Miss McKinnon because I liked playing the hula hoop game.

Ethan: I enjoyed mental maths and maths because it was lots of fun.

Carley: I enjoyed drawing my face because Miss McKinnon helped me stick the sunglasses on.

Aileigh: I enjoyed drawing my face and my sunglasses and putting the sunglasses on my face.

Scott: I liked doing P.E. with Miss McKinnon.

Holly: I enjoyed colouring my peg and tray labels.

Olivia: I enjoyed learning about growth mindset and fixed mindset because it was fun.

Oliver: I liked maths because it’s fun.

Ada: I enjoyed mental maths and maths because I learned about things I didn’t know.

Regan: I enjoyed P.E.

Please note our indoor P.E. lessons with Mr Jeffries will begin on Tuesday 28th August and will take place every Tuesday and Wednesday. If you haven’t already brought your indoor P.E. kit into school, please do so by Tuesday, thank you.

Have A lovely weekend everyone.



Kaycee – I enjoyed having two new people in my class
Orla – I enjoyed doing my Writing because I got to share it with Mr McCabe and Mrs Leamy
Kyle – I enjoyed finding out that Owen is coming to my house on Monday instead of Wednesday
Eva – I enjoyed doing Sudoku this week and I think I’m going to get better at it
Brooke – I enjoyed the Writing because I got to share it with the teachers
Alfie B – I liked PE playing the rock, paper, scissors game
Shaun – I enjoyed meeting my new teacher this week
Holly – I enjoyed meeting my new teacher as well
Rory – I enjoyed Writing because I’ve not written in a long time
Alfie L – I liked doing PE because the game was really fun
Owen – I enjoyed Maths this week
Ellie – I enjoyed being in this class
Florence – I liked doing Sudoku as well
Lewis – I enjoyed reading “Gangsta Granny”
Liam – I enjoyed seeing all of my friends again
Charlotte – I enjoyed meeting my new teacher and seeing my best friends
Aaron T – I enjoyed playing with the parachute today
Dylan – I liked doing PE because I liked playing rock, paper, scissors
Olivia – I enjoyed meeting my new teacher and seeing my friends
Ellie-Rose – I liked doing the game that we were playing in the PE hall
Max – I liked football game at lunch time
Aaran – I enjoyed PE in the hall today
Annie – I enjoyed seeing all of my friends again
Jackie – I enjoyed playing with my friends
Ruby – I enjoyed seeing my friends
Alistair – I enjoyed having a new baby brother
Brandon – I liked PE because it was really fun
Jay – I liked Writing because I got to meet the Depute Head Teachers, Mr McCabe and Mrs Leamy

Welcome to P6A!

We have had a fantastic first week in P6 and we are ready to learn new, exciting things!

Some things we have enjoyed this week are…

Alex- I enjoyed revising lots of maths.

James- I enjoyed doing the maths assessment.

Ranna- I enjoyed making origami penguins.

Kiara- I enjoyed the reading comprehension about the Rainforest.

Skye- I enjoyed designing my leaf for our class charter display.

Mia- I really like our new topic, The Rainforest.

Hannah- I enjoyed writing about my summer.

Megan- I really enjoyed the reading comprehension.

Connor- I enjoyed doing the maths the assessment.

Euan- I am enjoying the new class novel- ‘Waiting for Anya’.

We are really looking forward to next week already!


This week’s highlights in 7A


Grace: I liked writing a biography about Sam because I learned more about him

Sophie: I liked enjoyed finding out stuff about Freya

Isla: I liked learning about Lucy and I discovered her fears



Demi: We have learned place value

Aaron: We have looked at values up to a million

Rachael: We played a game on Kahoot! With different people



Olivia: We played with our buddies

Millie: We did pictures of ourselves

Breanna: We discussed our rights and wants



Primary 1b Blog – Week Starting 21.8.18

What a start to our lives as part of the Balbardie Family!  We have all had an AMAZING week and have learned lots and lots already.  Here are our best bits about starting in P1.

Isaac – “My favourite toy in class is the transformer”

Damon – “I like playing with my buddy”

Niamh – “The best bit has been going outside”

Ivy – “I liked it when we went on a treasure hunt because we found lots of Golden coins and got to see all over the school”

Danniella – “I liked when we played with the parachute.  My favourite was the shark game when we went under it”

Rosie – “Seeing my buddy again was fun because we got to play with them”

Abbie – “I liked making my ladybird with my buddy”

Poppy – “I have liked playing games in class and having lunch with my friends”

Liam – “I liked playing with my buddy outside”

Freyja – “I like colouring in at school”

Ellie – “My favourite part was when we have outside snack and inside buddy time.  I got to play”

Cody – “I liked the treasure hunt because we got to find coins and counting them helped me count.  I can’t do that yet but I tried”

Sarah – “I liked playing with our buddies outside.  I liked making my sight binoculars and seeing the P7 classroom”

Rebecca – “I liked the parachute games”

Jack – “Playing with my buddy again was fun”

Lylah – “I liked seeing our buddies and playing with the parachute”

Emily – “Playing with my buddy has been the best bit of P1.  I like lunch too”

Finlay – “Playing outside with our buddies is fun”

Kyle – “I liked counting and playing maths games”

Mason – “I like playing in class and outside!”

Kashem – “I like playing with my buddy and going outside”

Reese – “My favourite bit was making lots of new friends”

Welcome to Balbardie P1a

We can’t believe that we have been at school for a week already.  We have had lots of fun meeting our buddies, playing counting games and we are already beginning to learn to read and write.

This is what a few of us think….

School is good…I like the messy area! – Riley

I love playing the games – Ellen

I like spending time with my buddy – Nate

I love it!  I like my buddy – Rory

I love it…it is fun – Lewis

Eoin gave it a big thumbs up

I love writing – Laycee

We like the toys! – Florence and Mia

I liked meeting my new teacher – Olivia

We have lots planned for next week; we are going to learn about c and k, counting and more about our senses!


We have had another busy week and we are all getting excited for the summer holidays.

Art was the highlight of the week for Brooke, Blaire, Cameron, Mia, Tamsyn, Lucas H, Luke, Zara, Lily, Donna, Erin, Samuel and Farrah.  We made an Arizona landscape using chalk.

Callum enjoyed the bronze catch-up event when he got to watch Tom and Jerry and eat an ice lolly.  Lukas K, Samuel and Arran had great fun at the silver event.

Alexander, Ellis, Evan, Rory, Ross, Ammie-Leigh and Maisie all loved P.E. this week where we were playing castles.

Katie, Ruby and Niamh enjoyed finishing the class novel and we are all looking forward to watching the DVD next week!

Murray’s highlight was our climate factfiles.

Shelbi enjoyed learning how to say different animals in French.

Kai enjoyed our number talks.


Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Shannon: I liked P3C’s assembly.

Aileigh: I liked writing postcards pretending we were in Africa.

Jack: I enjoyed P3C’s assembly and writing postcards.

Megan: I enjoyed Big Writing.

Ada: I enjoyed the silver event.

River: I enjoyed P3C’s assembly because they were singing ‘I want my mummy’.

Holly: I enjoyed play time and lunch time because I got to play with my best friends.

Alex: I enjoyed lunch time because I got to play with my best friend Aaron.

James: I enjoyed lunch time because I got to play with my friend Megan.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book.

Ellis: I enjoyed the silver event because I got to play in the soft play and it was very fun.

Emily: I enjoyed the silver event.

Max: I enjoyed play time because I got to play with Jack and I think our friendship will never die.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because we got a new book called ‘Rescue at sea’.

Aaron: I enjoyed lunch time because it’s my favourite part of the day. I love to play with my friends Olivia, River and Alex.

Carley: I enjoyed the silver event because it was a soft play area and the best part about it was that I got to play with my best friend Ellis.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


*Please remember to return all reading books and library books next week. Thank you. *

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 18.6.18

This has felt like a really quick week this week, because we have been so busy! We have learned lots of new information and have particularly enjoyed learning about plants!

Here are the bits we are excited about for next week:

Griffin – “I am excited about dress down week next week because we normally only get to dress down for one day!”

Cameron – “I am really looking forward to the picnic because we will get to have lots of fun outside”

Rory – “I am excited for the  picnic too because we are going to play lots of different games”

Regan – “I will like the picnic because I will have fun and mum is buying me haribos”

Daniel – “I am looking forward to the picnic because I am going to bring a surprise for the whole class”

Rio – “I am excited about music because we get to learn lots of new songs and games”

Leah – “I am excited for the art afternoon because we don’t get a really long time at art so it will be good to be able to finish a big job”

Lucy – “The picnic will be good.  I think I will have a good time”

Mason – “I am excited about the picnic and golden time”

Millie – “I am looking forward to the picnic because I am excited to play different games”

Leila – “I am excited about dress down week because I get to wear nice clothes all week like high school people in movies”

Brooke – “I am excited for the picnic because I am going to make a cake”

Tommy – “I am excited about dress down day and golden time because we get to dress down the whole week.  It’s almost like we’re not at school”

Aiden – “I like the idea of a picnic because I am looking forward to bringing all the snacks into school”

Poppy D – “I am excited about the Gold and Platinum event because all of them are going to be fun!”

Poppy F – “I am excited about the art afternoon because I love art”

Emily – “I am looking forward to the gold event because all of the events have been fun and I like that they are a surprise that we don’t know what they are”

Ellie -“I am excited about music and the gold event.  We are going to learn new songs in music and have fun at the golden event”

Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – Just a few things to make you aware of for next week…

  • Next week is a dress down week for our uniform recycling project.  Please send any unwanted uniform (which is clean and in good condition) into school where we will sort and re-issue to those who have requested it…extra request letters available at the school office.
  • Our class picnic takes place on Wednesday.  Can all children please send in some snacks on Tuesday in order  for these to be shared among the children.
  • Church service takes place on Friday, all are welcome to join us!

Thank you!)


Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Megan: I enjoyed maths.

James: I enjoyed mental maths.

Ellis: I enjoyed the P6 assembly even though I didn’t understand much of it.

Holly: I enjoyed maths because we were multiplying.

Alex: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing a postcard and it is amazing.

Mac: I enjoyed reading because it’s fun.

Ethan: I enjoyed R.E. because I got to make a lantern and design a henna tattoo.

Jack: I enjoyed the P6 assembly because it was about energy. I also enjoyed maths because I was learning my times table and I am good at them.

Amber: I enjoyed designing a henna tattoo because I drew a flower in the middle of it and coloured in the nails.

Mia: I enjoyed the P6 assembly because I liked the dances.

Aileigh: I enjoyed playtime because I got to play with all of my lovely friends.

Carley: I enjoyed maths because I was learning my times tables but I think I need a bit more practise.

Emily: I enjoyed my sister’s assembly because it was fun.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Primary 5s in training!

This week with Mrs Mackenzie we did the four operations. We were looking at addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. We were working out calculations using these operations. It was fun and quite challenging.
On Thursday we met our new teacher for P5, Mrs Harrison. We drew profile pictures of our heads and filled them with our interests and things we like. We also talked about the things we might be learning about in P5 including William Wallace.
In Art we drew a picture with charcoal of a desert adding cactuses. We learnt about drawing the background, the foreground and the midground.
In language we started learning more about speech marks. We looked at cartoon speech bubbles and had to make their speech into direct speech. There’s quite a lot to remember when writing speech!
Table of the week – green with 440 points
Learning partners of the week – Liam and Kyle


Here are some of the things we have enjoyed about our week …


Evie- I enjoyed learning about alliteration in writing.

Reiss- I enjoyed moving on day because we got to make hands with our names on it.

Ava- I enjoyed moving on day because our teacher is very nice and I enjoyed making the hands.

Gracie- I enjoyed reading because it has some new tricky words.

Kyle- I enjoyed making hands in Mrs Ghafoor’s class because it was good making my own design.

Marcus- I enjoyed meeting new students in our new class and meeting my new teacher.

Noah- I enjoyed telling my new teacher my name and other things.

Maksim- I enjoyed meeting my teacher and enjoyed telling her about myself.

Matthias- I enjoyed our review jotters because we were writing about our new class.

Kaiden- I enjoyed learning about remainders in division.

Josh- I enjoyed meeting my new teacher.

Jacob- I enjoyed making my hand in my new class.

Lewis- I enjoyed moving on day and telling my teacher my name.

Emma- I enjoyed maths and writing.

Caitlin- I enjoyed reading.

Zara- I enjoyed writing because it was fun.

Rose- I enjoyed maths.

Taylor- I enjoyed reading.

Max- I enjoyed Moving on day.

Hamish- I enjoyed going to meet our new teacher and telling her things about ourselves.

Lily- I enjoyed meeting everyone in my new class.


Table of the week- Clever Crocodiles

Dojo winner- Max

Pupil of the Week- Noah

Moving On with P4A

This week we got to meet our new teacher during our school moving on session and we are all very excited to move on to Primary 5. We are especially looking forward to learning about The Victorians and some of us can’t wait for our school camp to Lowport.  Other highlights of the week for us were: continuing to learn about fractions in maths; working in groups to research and create fact-files on a chosen climate zone and playing castles in P.E. We also wrote a letter to the people at Dynamic Earth to thank them for our wonderful class trip.  Have a wonderful weekend.


Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 11.6.18

Now that we know about our new teachers and classes we are all getting excited about moving on!  We have all achieved so much this year and have made ourselves and Mrs Mansfield very proud!

Here are the best bits from moving on afternoon.

Breaghannon – “I liked moving classes and seeing my new room”

Sarah – “I liked playing with the other Primary 1s that are in my class”

Griffin – “I liked moving class because I liked doing the hand print art”

Daniel – “I liked making my friendship bracelet because I liked how it was my second favourite colour”

Teigan – “I liked moving class because we got to know each other a bit better”

Rory – “I liked passing Ruby the Rabbit round the circle to get to know each other”

Leah – “I liked passing Ruby the Rabbit around so that we got to know other people in the class and other people got to know me”

Poppy D – “I liked when we were getting to meet our new teacher because we got to create our handprint art and it was really fun doing it”

Emily – “I liked getting to know people in my new class and getting to know my teacher.  I liked her because she is really funny, really kind and lovely”

Millie – “I liked when we got to go around the class asking people questions so that we got to know them better”

Leila – “I liked when we got to meet our new teacher and the new children.  We got to play a wee game where we went round the classroom playing a game like ‘Guess Who’.  At the end we made a big circle and shared what we had found so that we got to know one another”

Lucy – “I wasn’t at school for move on day but I am excited about having Miss McDougall next year.  I think I will have a good time”

Cameron – “I liked doing the handprint art because we get to hang it up on the wall when we start P3”

Regan – “I liked to move class because the classroom is fun and they have big comfy bean bags in it.”

Rio – “I liked moving class because I get to have my own seat”

Ellie – “I liked seeing my new teacher because I like having new friends and a new teacher”

Poppy F – “I am excited to meet Mr Blair because I haven’t seen him before”

Tommy – “I liked when we got to make friendship bracelets for each other because we got to decorate them and got to give it to a friend”

Aiden – “I liked a friendship bracelet too and enjoyed decorating it for Tommy”

Mason – “I liked making my bracelet because I was moving class”

Brooke – “I liked creating a friendship bracelet too because Daniel made one that was my favourite colour”


Primary 2/1


Our short week was very busy!

In maths, we have been practicing dividing using our knowledge of the times tables. Last week we learned about Carrol Diagrams and this week we have been learning about Venn Diagrams. We can use both to sort out data.

In Literacy, we were learning about and using alliteration. We had to think of adjectives to add to our names to create alliteration. Then we made up some sentences using words beginning with the same letter.

In topic, we have been learning about Fairtrade, food wastage and food miles. We have thought about how this impacts the world around us and have chosen ways in which we can reduce this impact.
Our beans have sprouted and are growing very well. We also rescued the potatoes from the spoon and potato race from going to the bin. We have been learning how to grow them and have planted them. Hopefully, will be able to harvest them in about 15-20 weeks.
You can find out how to grow potatoes in bags here:
how-to-grow-potatoes-in-bags (All potatoes are seeds – you can grow any potato!)

Broad Beans growing
Potatoes in a bottle

Have a great weekend!

Dynamic Earth!

On Tuesday the 2 primary 4 classes went to Dynamic Earth as part of their climate topic. This is what they enjoyed most about the trip:
Ellie-Rose –My favourite part of the trip was going on the time machine
Annie – My favourite part of the trip was when we watched the 3d movie
Florence – My favourite part of the trip was when we went into the rainforest. It was really cool; it rained and lots of animals moved.
Ruby – My favourite part of the trip was going in the time machine and learning when dinosaurs were around the world.
Orla – My favourite part of the trip was definitely the 3d cinema because it felt really real and we got to fly on a plane. We crashed and saw a rhino and a scorpion.
Noami – I liked when we went to the desert and we crashed on the sand and the people lost the signal when the plane crashed. The rhino ran past us when we fell.
Charlotte – My favourite part of the trip was when we went to the workshop and learnt about the temperature and how we can save the world from getting even hotter.
Olivia – My favourite part of the trip was when we got to touch the ice. It was very cold and when we watched the 3d movie.
Kyle – My favourite part of the trip was when we travelled 14 billion years ago to the beginning of everything and then 4.5 billion years ago to early earth.
Owen – My favourite part of the trip was when we went to the jungle!
Rory – My favourite part of the trip was when the volcano eruptions where magma came out but not real and smoke and the ground shook.
Liam – My favourite part of the trip was when we went in the rainforest and it started to rain. I liked the chimpanzee.
Alfie B – My favourite part of the trip was the bit where the volcano and the ground was wiggling.
Eva – My favourite part of the trip was the iceberg because there were holes and it was so cool!
Max – My favourite part of the trip was when we could touch the iceberg.
Aaron – My favourite part of the trip was when we went in the room and the floor moved and everyone screamed!
Dylan – My favourite part of the trip was when I went in the time machine. It was fun because it showed how much time went by on the earth.
Alife L – My favourite part of the trip was the iceberg because we could touch it.
Holly – My favourite part of the trip was when we got to go in the 3d experience. So cool!!!!!
Brooke – My favourite part of the trip was the volcano room because it was all steamy and the floor started shaking and also the arctic tundra room because we got to feel a real iceberg.
Shaun – My favourite part of the trip was the 3d bit where we put on glasses. It was so cool when a rhino put its head so close.
Ellie – My favourite part of the trip was when we watched the 3d movie because I got to see a hammer head shark.
My favourite part of the trip was going in the time elevator.
Alistair – My favourite part of the trip was the flight and the person was just new and the plane crashed. We saw a rhino and a lobster.
Learning partners of the week – Annie and Ellie.

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