Tag Archives: P2/1

The Enormous Turnip

In Primary 2/1 this week we have read the story of the enormous turnip.  We loved the ending when the tiny, little mouse helped to pull out the enormous turnip.  We all agree that working together can be a great way to solve a problem! 

Please add any comments about a time you worked together. 

In class we made a wordbank of words that mean the same as enormous and also a wordbank for words that mean the same as little.

We painted pictures of gigantic whales, towers and ships and then we painted pictures of tiny butterflies and bugs.

P2/1 had fun decorating gingerbread men!

This week in class we are reading the story of The Gingerbread Man.

For home learning this week one of your tasks is to talk about:

  • Why you think the gingerbread man ran away?
  • How did the fox trick him?
  • Would you have helped him escape?

On Monday, we had lots of fun decorating yummy gingerbread men in class.  We made sure we ate them quickly before they could run away! 

Sam chose this week’s WOW word from the story and our new word is sly.  It’s a very short word but it started a great discussion about sneaky tricks and cunning plans.  Thank you Sam for spotting such an interesting word!

We had fun making a WANTED poster for the gingerbread man and had to describe him very carefully.

We also worked hard to put the story back into the right order after it was all jumbled up!  Well done everyone.

Making Bread in Primary2/1

What a busy week we have had in class!  We were very excited to see that our beans started to grow over the weekend and we will keep you posted…

This week our story was The Little Red Hen so on Monday morning we made our own bread.  We were very proud of ourselves.

We tried really hard to spread the butter and jam by ourselves. 

“I loved it,” said Kelsey.  “It was delicious,” said Sam.  “I was astonished when I saw how good it was,” said Tom.

In art, we painted pictures of the cat, rat, pig and the hen.  We then made models of pigs out of pink play-do with a partner.


We all agree that it is better when we help each other and work together like the Little Red Hen had tried to do!

Once upon a time…in Primary 2/1

This week we received some wonderful surprises from Miss Henderson!  We now have a rainbow coloured rug in our library and a magic cusion.  The magic cushion looks like a gigantic ladybird but it has a special secret… If you look inside there are lots and lots of baby ladybird cushions.  We love the new things for our library – thank you Miss Henderson! 

Logan brought in a Buzz Lightyear cushion from home for us to use in our library so we’d like to say a big thank you to Logan’s family too!

We love reading books in our new library area!

At the end of last term Ziggy and Zaggy gave us lots of traditional tales and this week we read Jack and the Beanstalk.  We have been very busy in class and have made a giant beanstalk for our library corner which goes all the way to the ceiling.  We also planted beans and we are having a competition in class to see whose beanstalk will grow the tallest.  We also planted a bean to look after at home.  Please remember to water your beans every day and put them near sunlight.

Primary 2/1 The Final Clue!

Our final clue arrived on Monday morning. There were 25 pieces of jigsaw that we had to join together to make a giant egg. On the egg was 6 numbers and the box had a combination lock on it. We had to figure out the code to open the box. Abbie guessed the right code – well done Abbie!

Inside the box was a collection of fairy tales for us to enjoy next term.

We were all happy to hear that Ziggy and Zaggy will be staying with us in class.

Primary 2/1

This week Mrs Jamieson found a clue and a map outside our classroom door.  We followed the map which led us to… another map!  There were 5 maps in total.

Lucy and Ben took turns at being the photographer. Good job guys!

The final map led us to a Primary 4l and Logan’s big brother helped us search the classroom.  Carter found a key which opened our box.  Inside the box were slates from Victorian times. We all had a go at writing letters on the slates which was very tricky!

My big brother helped me find the key. Thanks Carter!

Mrs Jamieson then remembered that there was an old hand bell in the school.  It was very loud!  Mrs White came along to class and told us stories about the bell.  Thank you Mrs White.

If you know an interesting fact about schools in the past please let us know…

Primary 2/1b’s Big Dig!

This week when we arrived in class we were upset to discover that Ziggy and Zaggy had disappeared!  Holly though she’d spotted their spaceship in the sky.  Then Miss Henderson arrived with the magic box and the next clue.  The clue told us to dig in the sand for the key.  The sand pit had thirty keys in it and we tried them all! 

Oliver had the last key which thankfully opened the box.


Inside the box we found Ziggy and Zaggy with some sweets.  The sweets were from the past.  Please help us find out about old fashioned sweets by completing our questionnaire. 

Thank you to all of the parents who told us about playground games last week.  We learned lots.  We had fun sorting photographs of playground games into ‘today’ and ‘long ago.’  This was tricky because some of the black and white photos were from today and we had to look for other clues.

P2/1 A Time Capsule Arrived

This week Mr Welsh came into our class with a new clue. We had to unjumble some letters to find out where to go next. It was the office. Mrs White had our next clue which led back to Mr Welsh again. We found a box in a corner of his office. It had a padlock! Our key unlocked the box and inside was a time capsule. We have been busy drawing pictures and taking photographs to put in the time capsule.
The time capsule came from two aliens called Ziggy and Zaggy.

‘We found a treasure chest,’ said Demi-Leigh
‘I took a photo of Miss Bolland’s class,’ said Evie
‘I took a picture of Mr Welsh and Miss Henderson,’ said Kelsey
‘I love Ziggy and Zaggy and they’re the est aliens and they help us in class,’ said Freddie
‘I love Ziggy and Zaggy,’ said James
‘I love Ziggy and Zaggy, the best aliens in the universe,’ said Ellis
‘Ziggy and Zaggay are my friends,’ said Ben
‘Ziggy and Zaggay are brave,’ said Baillie
‘I was excited when Mr Welsh came in,’ said Eva