All posts by Miss Carrera


Our favourite part of our week was singing in the Hoodwinked Show. Here are the parts we liked best:

Gabriel: My favourite part of the Hoodwinked show was when the Sheriff got hit in the face with a pie.

Katie: I really enjoyed singing in the show – it was a really funny show.

Lily: My favourite part of the show was when the Sheriff got the pie in her face – she was funny.

Tamsyn: I enjoyed the end of the show

Blaire: I enjoyed watching the DVD of the show and seeing Lucas dance.

Evan: I enjoyed watching the Sheriff get pie in her face.

Brooke: My favourite part of the show was when Marion couldn’t get the key off of the Sheriff!

Ammie-Leigh: I enjoyed the show!

Erin: I enjoyed singing in the show.

Jodie: I enjoyed the show when Marion couldn’t get the key off.

Ellis: I enjoyed the show.

Murray: I thought the Sheriff was really funny.

Callum: I enjoyed watching the DVD of Hoodwinked.

Samuel: I enjoyed the show.

Alexander: I enjoyed the show when Marion was singing – she was very good.

Maisie: I liked the instruments during the show.


We have had such an exciting and busy week! We worked so hard to learn the songs for the Hoodwinked show and impressed everyone during the Dress Rehearsal. We also had a fantastic Danceathon Event and had a great time. Here are some of our other highlights:

Luke: I enjoyed art this week.

Gabriel: I enjoyed creating a disco song during the Danceathon.

Ellis: I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Katie: I enjoyed creating new lyrics!

Callum: I enjoyed painting the Ritchie Collins art.

Samuel: I enjoyed P.E.

Zara: I thought the whole school conga was really fun!

Donna: I enjoyed the conga!

Ross: I enjoyed creating the 70s picture on the Danceathon day.

Murray: I enjoyed creating new disco lyrics.

Evan: I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Blaire: I enjoyed P.E.

Brooke: I liked creating a new disco dance move.

Lily: I enjoyed doing the conga around the school.

Jodie: I enjoyed doing the Slosh.

Tamsyn: I enjoyed Maths – learning about function machines.


We really enjoyed meeting our new teacher this week! Here are some of our other highlights.

Samuel: I enjoyed meeting my new teacher Mrs Ramsey.

Arran: I enjoyed meeting Mrs Ramsey.

Lucas K: I enjoyed writing the persuasive letter.

Callum: I enjoyed P.E.

Erin: I enjoyed P.E. when we played Netball.

Luke: I enjoyed playing Netball.

Donna: I enjoyed meeting our new teacher.

Gabriel: I enjoyed Netball!

Ellis: I enjoyed P.E.

Blaire: I enjoyed Netball.

Katie: I enjoyed writing the persuasive letter.

Murray: I enjoyed writing the litter letter.

Evan: I enjoyed P.E.


We have had a great week and we are really looking forward to the Procession tomorrow. Here are some of our highlights and things we are most looking forward to for the Procession:

Callum: I am looking forward to walking with my football club.

Cameron: I enjoyed doing the Climate Change fact file.

Luke: I am looking forward to walking with Bathgate Thistle tomorrow.

Alexander: I am looking forward to my birthday on the Procession Day.

Rory: I am looking forward to being on the float.

Ross: I am looking forward to walking with my football team.

Samuel: I am looking forward to helping for the procession.

Gabriel: I enjoyed researching climate change.

Evan: I am excited to walk with my football team and to dye my hair blue!

Murray: I am looking forward to dying my hair blue and walking with my football team at the Procession.

Arran: I enjoyed P.E. this week.

Kai: I enjoyed playing golf in P.E.

Lucas H: I enjoyed the new maths topic.

Shelbi: I am excited for the Procession!

Lily: I am excited to hold the banner at the Procession.

Katie: I am really excited for the Procession because of the shows!

Farrah: I am excited for the Procession tomorrow!

Donna: I enjoyed art this week.

Blaire: I am going to enjoy walking in the Procession.

Zara: I am looking forward to showing everyone my costume.

Niamh: I liked playing golf in P.E.

Mia: I liked researching about climate change.

Erin: I enjoyed P.E.

Ruby: I liked art this week.

Ammie-Leigh: I have enjoyed song practise.

Enjoy the Procession tomorrow everyone!


Another busy week! Here are our highlights!

Ammie-Leigh: I liked learning about our carbon footprints.

Katie: I enjoyed art with Mr Bennett when we made the flowers out of plastic bottles.

Alexander: I have enjoyed the singing for the show.

Ross: I enjoyed doing P.E. with Mr Jeffries.

Gabriel: I have enjoyed learning about 3D shapes.

Murray: I enjoyed learning about climate change.

Ellis: I enjoyed doing the maths boxes.

Donna: I enjoyed making the plastic flowers in art.

Arran: I liked learning about healthy eating.

Brooke: I liked creating a friends of the planet display.

Blaire: I enjoyed P.E.

Jodie: I enjoyed watching Our Planet.

Erin: I enjoyed writing the story about Treasure.

Tamsyn: I enjoyed the times table test.

Maisie: I liked art with Mr Bennett.


Our favourite bits this week:

Gabriel – The BBC live lesson about pollution was my favourite bit.

Katie – I enjoyed environment art.

Zara – I like making the flowers out of plastic bottles.

Farrah – I enjoyed creating a persuasive poster about the ocean.

Callum – I enjoyed playing tennis for outdoor P.E.

Samuel – I enjoyed the Blue Planet lesson.

Donna – I enjoyed environmental art with Mr Bennett.

Erin – I enjoyed making a butterfly out of plastic bottles.

Blaire – I enjoyed tennis (it was funny when Zara hit the ball into the skip!)

Ellis – I enjoyed the fractions assessment!

Murray – I enjoyed the art work we created.

Maisie – I have enjoyed cleaning up our playground.

Tamsyn – I enjoyed the fractions assessment.

Niamh – I liked the Blue Planet lessons.

Jodie – I enjoyed playing tennis.

Brooke – I enjoyed doing maths outside.

Ammie-Leigh – I enjoyed tennis.


Literacy – We have been learning about similes. We used these to create poems about the ocean to link with our topic, Friends of the Planet.

Numeracy – We are finishing off our fractions work, and this week we started learning about 2D shapes and parallel lines. We have also worked on our mental maths skills.

LAC – We are learning about the plastic problem in our oceans. We looked at different pictures from WWF and discussed how the plastic problem made us feel and what questions we had about it. We also worked with our learning partner to create an invention that would help keep our playgrounds free of litter. We came up with lots of amazing ideas!

Here are our favourite parts:

Donna – I enjoyed the invention challenge.

Erin – I liked creating my invention with Mia.

Ellis – I enjoyed P.E.

Evan – P.E. was fun.

Katie – The invention task was really good.

Murray – P.E. was good.

Blaire – I enjoyed the invention task.

Ammie-Leigh – I liked finishing fractions and moving on to 2D shapes.

Gabriel – I enjoyed castles in P.E.

Ross – Castles was fun.

Samuel – I liked creating an invention with Gabriel.

Brooke – My favourite bit was designing our invention for cleaning our playground.

Maisie – I really liked learning about similes and making the poem.

Alexander – Castles was fun.


We had a great week and were very lucky to get to go to the Sky Sports Festival in Bathgate! We had a fantastic time and got the opportunity to play lots of different sports. Here are some of our other highlights this week:

Erin – I really enjoyed the Sports Festival.

Blaire – I enjoyed Art with Mr Bennett.

Ammie-Leigh: I enjoyed the reading comprehension about the Amazon River.

Gabriel: My favourite was Dodgeball at the Sports Festival.

Murray: I liked the football at the Sports Festival.

Ruby: I enjoyed fractions work.

Ellis: Mental maths was really good this week.

Evan: Football at sports festival was my favourite.

Niamh: I enjoyed the fractions work this week.

Donna: P.E was fun as we got to play castles.

Mia: I liked all of the fractions work.

Zara: I enjoyed designing my float poster.

Jodie: I enjoyed playing football at the sports festival.

Katie: I liked everything except fractions!

Ross: I enjoyed mental maths.

Luke: Football at the sports festival was my favourite bit.

Brooke: I really enjoyed the football at the sports festival.

Tamsyn: I really liked fractions this week because I like doing times table work.

Have a great long weekend!



We have had a great first week back at school! For literacy this week we have been focusing on writing a recount of our Easter Holidays. We did a lot of tasks focusing on time connectives and writing in the past tense. We enjoyed sharing all of the fun things we did during the holiday. For maths we are continuing to look at fractions and mental maths. We have also started our new topic, Friends of the Planet. We talked about Earth Day, which was on Monday, and we each made three commitments to helping our planet. We committed to things like recycling more, building bug hotels in our back gardens and helping to pick up litter more often. The whole school is now helping to pick up litter after break and lunch time and our playground is looking much tidier! Here are some of our highlights:

Donna: I enjoyed learning new tennis skills.

Zara: I liked outdoor P.E.

Brooke: I enjoyed creating the poster.

Ellis: I liked the fractions work.

Lucas K: Maths was good this week.

Luke: I enjoyed P.E.

Gabriel: Football was really good.

Katie: The team spirit lesson was great.

Niamh: I enjoyed learning about our new topic.

Mia: I enjoyed writing my recount.

Shelbi: I enjoyed going to the farm yesterday

Samuel: I liked the Easter recount.

Murray: I really enjoyed learning about our new topic.

Jodie: The team spirit lesson was fun.

Evan: I liked the topic lessons.

Maisie: I enjoyed maths this week.

Lily: I really liked writing my Easter holiday recount.

Ross: I enjoyed football in P.E.

Erin: I enjoyed creating a poster for the procession.

Tamsyn: I really like the team spirit lesson.

Ammie-Leigh: I enjoyed being back at school!

Note: Bathgate Sports Festival on Tuesday – remember to wear outdoor P.E. kit and bring snack, water and lunch.


Have a lovely weekend.


We have had  a great last week of term and are looking forward to a well-deserved holiday! Here are some of our favourite bits of our week.

Arran – I enjoyed writing the recount of Lowport.

Luke – I enjoyed the movie.

Lucas – I liked the handwriting during the Victorian Day.

Rory – I enjoyed watching the movie.

Gabriel – I liked the Victorian day because it was funny.

Ross – I liked castles in P.E.

Kai – Castles in P.E.

Cameron – Watching the movie!

Farrah – I enjoyed the Victorian Day because of the dunce hat.

Donna – I enjoyed the recount.

Brooke – I enjoyed drawing the portrait of Miss Carrera for the Victorian Day.

Katie – I really enjoyed the Church Service.

Maisie – I enjoyed playing the viola at Church Service.

Zara – I liked drawing the portrait of Miss Carrera.

Murray – Wearing the Dunce hat was funny during the Victorian day.

Blaire – Art with Mr Bennett was really good.

Lily – I liked the Victorian Day portraits

Ellis – The movie was good.

Jodie – I liked the Victorian Day, especially the geography bit.

Mia – The Victorian Day was so funny, especially when I had to balance the book on my head.

Niamh – I liked fractions this week!

Ammie-Leigh – The Victorian Day handwriting was good.

Callum – I liked the Lowport recount.

Tamsyn – The Victorian Day was the best – the dunce hat was funny.

Lucas H – Castles in P.E. was good.

Evan – I enjoyed the movie for the Balbardie Champions.



Thank you parents/family for all of your help and support this term. I hope you all have a fantastic Easter break!

Miss Carrera


Literacy: We have been learning all about the most famous Victorian nurse, Florence Nightingale, or “The lady with the lamp”. We have been learning all about biographies and we first wrote a class model biography about Michael Morpurgo. We then wrote biographies about Florence Nightingale. We also wrote a packing list for Lowport.

Maths: We have started our new fractions topic. We have learned about fraction vocabulary like numerator and denominator. We are also learning about equivalent fractions.

Victorians/LAC: We loved our Victorian lessons this week. We learned all about the toys and games Victorian children would play with. We also learned about optical illusions, which became popular in the Victorian times. We even made our own thaumatropes. We also learned about conditions in Victorian hospitals before Florence Nightingale made them cleaner and better. We learned about some very strange Victorian cures, like putting vinegar up your nose to stop a nose bleed! We also learned about Charles Dickens and role played a scene from Oliver Twist.

Our highlights:


Gabriel – I really enjoyed the Oliver Twist role play.

Lucas K – I liked learning about optical illusions.

Arran – I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Shelbi – The role play was really fun.

Samuel – I liked learning about Charles Dickens and doing the role play.

Murray – I liked making the thaumotropes when we learned about optical illusions.

Ellis – I liked all the fractions work we did.

Luke – P.E. was good.

Lucas He – I liked being ‘it’ in P.E.

Blaire – Oliver Twist role play was really fun.

Mia – I liked learning about optical illusions.

Jodie – I liked the Oliver Twist lesson.

Niamh – I liked making the thaumotrope.

Kai – I liked the Oliver Twist role play.

Katie – Everything was good this week!

Erin – I liked the Oliver Twist role play.

We are really looking forward to going to Lowport next week!


Note: remember to make a Parents’ Night appointment if you wish one.


For literacy this week we finished our Victorian Newspaper articles. We also read all about Comic Relief and Red Nose Day and worked with our learning partner to answer questions. For numeracy this week we have been working on mental maths skills and finishing off our time topic. We had a great week learning about Victorian schools and we were so lucky to have a lady from the Museums Service who brought in loads of amazing Victorian artefacts. We even got to hold lots of them and she told us some really interesting facts about the Victorians. Here are some of our highlights:

Samuel: I enjoyed the Victorian artefacts session.

Ammie-Leigh: I liked seeing the antique shoehorn in the Victorian handling session.

Gabriel: The Victorian artefacts was the best bit.

Lucas H: I enjoyed the time assessment.

Katie: Art with Mr Bennett was really good.

Donna: I liked see all the Victorian things.

Ellis: I liked the time assessment.

Mia: I enjoyed making aboriginal art with Mrs Laidlaw.

Luke: I liked learning about the belt they used in a Victorian school.

Ross: Seeing the belt was my favourite bit of the Victorian lesson.

Zara: I liked learning about the Victorian tooth powder.

Maisie: I liked wearing the Victorian pocket!

Jodie and Erin: We thought the iron was really cool.

Niamh: I really liked the aboriginal art.

Brooke: I liked the all of the Victorian artefacts.

Murray: art with Mr Bennet was my favourite part.



We had such a fun and busy week of learning last week. On Wednesday we had our class trip to New Lanark and we had a fantastic time. We got to ride on the Annie McLeod experience where we learned about the lives of the cotton mill workers. We also got to see where they lived and bought food, and we got to see Robert Owen’s house. We also got to spend time in the Victorian school. It was great fun and we learned so much.

For literacy we were focusing on World Book Day, when we wrote about our favourite books and worked in groups to complete a quiz. We also wrote diary entries all about our trip to New Lanark. We also really enjoyed our Victorian Inventions presentations – it was so nice to see how much effort everyone had put into their presentations at home to make them interesting and engaging. Here are some of our highlights:

Katie: I really enjoyed the Annie McLeod ride at New Lanark.

Ellis: The Annie McLeod ride was great.

Murray: I really enjoyed hearing everyone’s inventions talks.

Brooke: My favourite bit of the trip was when Farrah dropped her lunch box on the Annie McLeod ride. Luke: I enjoyed my inventions talk

Gabriel: The Annie McLeod was really good.

Tamsyn: Robert Owen’s house was really interesting.

Maisie: I liked seeing the Victorian shop.

Mia: Being in the Victorian school was fun.

Erin: I liked seeing the big cotton mill machine.

Ruby: I enjoyed the New Lanark movie.

Jodie: I enjoyed the Victorian houses.

Lily: I enjoyed everything about last week!

Ammie-Leigh: I enjoyed the World Book Day quiz.

Zara: I liked finishing the William Morris drawings in Art.

Shelbi: I liked giving my invention presentation.

Arran: Robet Owen’s house was good.

Cameron: I liked doing my presentation.

Rory: I enjoyed Gabriel’s talk the most.

Evan: My favourite bit was the invention talks.



We have been learning about the features of a newspaper so that we can write our own newspaper articles about a Victorian cotton mill accident! We wrote some great headlines using alliteration and puns to grab the reader’s attention.

This week for our money topic we worked at different stations where we had to solve word problems, write cheques and add and subtract money. We have also been looking at bus and train timetables and working out how long different journeys last. We have also been thinking of really good strategies for Number Talks.

The Victorians:

This week we have been learning about the New Lanark Cotton Mill before we go on our trip next week. Since we have been creating presentations about Victorian Inventions, we worked in groups to design our own inventions for school children. We are looking forward to giving our presentations – everyone has been working hard at home.

Other highlights:

Blaire:  Learning how to write a newspaper article was really fun.

Erin: I liked the funny brain break.

Katie: I loved designing an invention with my group.

Ross: Football in P.E. was great.

Donna: I enjoyed the talking skills dice.

Zara: I liked the inventions lesson.

Luke: I enjoyed football in P.E.

Ammie-Leigh: Number talks were really good this week.

Shelbi: I enjoyed P.E.

Lily: The inventions lesson was fun.

Maisie: Science was really good.

Lucas H: Playing football in P.E. was good.

Samuel: P.E. was good.

Lucas K: I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Callum: football was good.



Victorian Inventions Presentations beginning 4th March.

Trip to New Lanark on Wednesday 6th March





We have had a short but busy week in P5A. Here are our favourite bits:

Shelbi: I really enjoyed the P4 assembly.

Gabriel: P.E was good fun.

Tamsyn: I enjoyed the Escape from the Workhouse writing.

Blaire: I liked writing my 500 words story and science.

Erin: I enjoyed P.E.

Murray: I really liked finishing my 500 words story.

Luke: P.E. was really good.

Ellis: I enjoyed writing my 500 words story.

Brooke, Arran, Zara and Jodie: P.E was great.

Donna: I really enjoyed typing up my story for the 500 words competition.

Katie: I enjoyed everything!

Maisie: I enjoyed Maths this week.


This week we have really enjoyed writing a short story for the BBC’s 500 words competition. We had loads of crazy, silly and spooky ideas for stories. We are looking forward to submitting them. For maths we have been working on time and doing lots of mental maths and problem solving. We are also enjoying continuing our learning about the Victorians and we learned about the tough conditions for children in Victorian workhouses. We worked really hard this week and are looking forward to our extra days off! Here are some highlights:

Cameron – I enjoyed coming up with my story for the BBC 500 words competition.

Arran – I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Samuel – P.E. was good.

Ross – I enjoyed writing my story and Stuart Reid’s visit was so funny.

Gabriel – P.E. with Mr Jeffries was good.

Farrah, Donna and Luke – We loved writing our stories for the competition.

Zara – Stuart Reid’s visit was hilarious.

Ellis – feeling better and coming back to school.

Blaire – P.E. was good.

Lily – 500 words was fun.

Ammie-Leigh – I liked getting my Lowport letters and I’m really excited to go.

Erin – My favourite part of the week was the visit from Stuart Reid.

Tamsyn – Stuart Reid was really funny

Katie – Art this week  was great.

Callum – The best bit was Stuart Reid’s talk and his funny pictures.

Murray – Science with Mrs Rodgers was really good.


Have a lovely long weekend everyone!


In P5 we are really enjoying learning about the Victorians. We are busy at home preparing presentations about an interesting Victorian invention, and in class we researched facts about Victorian inventors and created fact files. In numeracy we are working hard on our mental maths skill, especially adding and subtracting money. We also talked about being safe online for Safer Internet Day. Here are some of our favourite parts of our week:

Erin – I enjoyed researching and writing the fact file.

Blaire – I enjoyed making the poster for safer internet day.

Arran – I liked making the internet safety poster.

Luke – I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.

Farrah – I enjoyed making the posters in science.

Brooke – I enjoyed P.E. when we got to vote on what we will be doing next.

Ross – Castles was really fun.

Gabriel – I really enjoyded the maths mystery problem solving.

Alexander – I liked P.E.

Maisie – I liked the description activity we did.

Katie – I enjoyed writing the description for my learning partner.

Donna – P.E. was good.



In Primary 5 we have started our new topic, The Victorians, and we are really looking forward to learning more. We have been learning about Queen Victoria’s life and reign, and we wrote fact files about her life. We also worked in pairs to make a timeline photo album of the main events in her life. In maths we are continuing to learn about time and have been calculating durations. We worked at different stations to work out time problems. For literacy we are working on answering different types of questions about her reading books and we have also written fact file all about reading. We got to research facts about reading and about our favourite children’s authors. At home we will be creating a presentation about a Victorian invention to present in front of the class. We are working on our listening and talking skills to help us with our confidence when speaking to the whole class. Here are some of our highlights.

Lucas K: I enjoyed the listening and talking exercises.

Blaire: Art with Mr Bennett was really good.

Donna: I enjoyed learning about the Victorians this week.

Luke: P.E. was good when we played hockey and netball.

Gabriel: Netball was really good and I liked learning about the Victorians.

Brooke: I liked the maths mystery challenges.

Ross: Hockey was good this week.

Samuel: I really liked playing hockey.

Murray: I enjoyed researching for the reading fact file.

Erin: I liked making Queen Victoria’s photo album

Farrah: Art was really good.

Ellis: I had a great time visiting the Scottish parliament.

Katie: I enjoyed writing the fact file.

Zara: Hockey was really good.

Mia: The Maths mystery challenge was really fun.

Niamh: I enjoyed hockey.

Ammie-Leigh: I liked making the photo album.

That wis a really guid assembly!

We had a fantastic time doing our Assembly in front of our family and friends. Thank you so much to our parents and family members who came to see us – we hope you enjoyed it. Here are our favourite bits from the assembly:

Tamsyn: I liked being the daddy in A Dug, A Dug.

Lucas K: I liked the highland dancers the best.

Luke: I loved singing the songs.

Ross: My favourite bit was when everyone started clapping along to Donald where’s yer troosers!

Rory: I liked eating the shortbread after the assembly!

Cameron: I loved all of it!

Ellis: My favourite bit was making my cousin laugh when we sang Donald where’s yer troosers.

Samuel: My favourite thing was taking part.

Murray: I liked every bit of the assembly.

Callum: It was great when everyone started clapping along to our song.

Jodie: I liked that everyone said how good our assembly was and came to say well done.

Shelbi: I enjoyed the cookies and shortbread after our hard work.

Farrah: I liked all of it – especially dressing up as the Scotland flag.

Alexander: It was a really funny assembly.

Lily: My favourite bit was hearing the Scots poems.

Kai: I enjoyed the highland dancing.

Ammie-Leigh: I loved when everyone started clapping along to our songs.

Brooke: It was funny when Callum sipped irn bru and said mmm delicious!

Zara: My favourite parts were singing the songs.

Mia: The highland dancing was my favourite bit.

Erin: I enjoyed saying my lines!

Niamh: The highland dancing was my favourite part.

Donna: I loved saying my lines because my gran and grandpa were watching and they were really excited for me.

Ruby: I thought the highland dancing was the best bit.

Katie: I loved saying the poem and dancing the Highland fling.

Blaire: I enjoyed the highland dancing.

Maisie: I enjoyed shouting Freeeedom!!!

Evan: The highland dancing was great!

Thank you again if you managed to come and along and see us. We had a great time practicing.

Enjoy the weekend.


This week we have been practicing our songs and words for our assembly, which is all about Scotland. We have been discussing the success criteria for a good fact file and have been researching facts about Scotland to create our own fact files. In Maths we are continuing to learn about time and have been developing our mental maths skills. For art we are using different materials to create a Scottish landscape picture. Here are some of our highlights from this week:


Cameron – I really enjoyed P.E where we got to play rugby and basketball.

Arran – I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Kai – Outdoor P.E was really good this week.

Evan – I enjoyed basketball too.

Ross – Basketball was fun.

Murray – I really enjoyed research interesting facts about Scotland.

Katie – Assembly practice has been fun.

Callum – I have enjoyed learning our Scottish songs for the assembly.

Jodie – P.E was good this week.

Zara – I enjoyed designing shields for our Houses.

Shelbi – I have enjoyed assembly practice.

Donna – Art with Mr Bennett was really good.

Erin – I enjoyed art this week.

Samuel – I liked assembly practice.

Luke – I enjoyed playing rugby.

Blaire – I liked art and maths this week.


Have a lovely weekend.