Category Archives: Whole School News


This week’s highlights.


Marley & Emily: I liked doing fractions and telling the time with both hands

Sophie M: I liked doing fractions

Eden: I liked fractions

Isla: I liked doing fractions

Jess, Kayden & Sophie S: I liked telling the time


Isla: I liked doing the pizza poster. I liked putting a tartan skirt on my pizza

Lily: I liked spelling this week

Nina: I liked doing our pizza poster even though it took a few attempts to get it right

Sophie S: I liked making up slogans

Sophie A: I liked drawing my raining pizza

Sophie M: I liked doing the pizza poster and spelling

Emily: I liked putting a kilt on my Kelpie


Archie: I liked scoring the most goals at futsal

Marley: I liked being the best goalie at futsal and making pizza

Grace: I enjoyed making pizza

Sophie A: I enjoyed making pizza and trying new things

Emily: I liked trying new foods and making pizza

Lily: I liked the bake sale today

Eden: I enjoyed art

Sophie S: I enjoyed making a pizza

Sophie M: I liked the bake sale

Kayden: I liked making pizza

Isla: I liked the bake sale today

Jess: I liked watching PE

Max: I liked the bake sale


Star Writer – Sophie A

Marbles Champions – Watermelon Table


Remeber sports day next Wednesday 9.15 @ Balbardie Park

P2b’s Exciting Week!

Everyone in P2b has had a very busy week.  We had our school trip to the National Museum of Scotland.  Here are some of things we enjoyed the most…

Hamish- I enjoyed designing my own African outfit.

Josh- I enjoyed going on our school trip to the museum.

Evie- I enjoyed exploring different parts of animals in the workshop at the museum.

Noah- I enjoyed exploring the space area in the museum because we got to watch a movie about space!

Maksim- I enjoyed going to the space area at the museum as I got to see how things work in space.

Rose- I enjoyed writing about our trip in our review jotters.

Lily- I enjoyed looking at all the animals in the museum.

Caitlin- I enjoyed golden time.

Matthias- I enjoyed racing against cheetahs, elephants and hippos on a bike at the museum.


Here are some pictures from our trip…..

In maths we continued with division, we are getting really good at this!

In writing we also wrote more in our information books about animals.  We wrote about their habitat which is where they live.

We also presented our animal projects which have turned out amazing! Everyone did a great job!

Pupil of the week- Matthias

Table of the week- Clever Crocodiles

Dojo winner- Hamish


Next week we have our sports day on Wednesday 30th at 10.30am at Balbardie Park.  We also have our assembly on Thursday 31st at 2.30pm, we hope to see you there!

Have a great weekend!


We have been celebrating the great learning of P2b this week by taking part in the Celebrating Success assembly.  We enjoyed performing to you all and are so proud of our achievements this year!


Maths and Numeracy

This week in maths we started learning about division.  We understand that dividing is sharing things between groups.  We managed to divide objects and numbers in equal groups and it was great fun! We started learning how to divide by sorting it into ‘groups of’ too.  We revisited length and learned that 100cm=1m, 10mm=1cm.  We had fun working in pairs measuring different things such as hair length, arm length and lots more!



In writing we have been learning about the features of an information book and have started writing our own about African animals.

In reading we are getting better at using the Literacy box and are enjoying self-assessing our work.


Learning across the Curriculum

We have started practicing for our assembly and we are so excited about it!  We love the songs and can’t wait to share it with you all in a couple of weeks.

We had our second session with Xcite where we sorted foods into the correct section of the food plate.  We also played banana tig which was great fun.


Other news

Dojo winner- Ava

Table of the week- Marvellous Monkeys.

Our class trip is on Thursday 24th May to the National Museum.  Please ensure that all children have a packed lunch and dress in comfortable clothing.  Bus will leave at 9.15am and return by 3pm.

Class assembly- 31st May @ 2.30pm



This week we started with learning about the needs of plants. They need water. sunshine and food. We put our seeds into clear cups to start the germination process. This way we will be able to see when the seed begins to sprout. We will then transplant them into pots.

We had our Celebrating Success assembly and had great fun performing our song. Here are some pictures of us.

Thursday was Outdoor Classroom Day, so we decided to do maths outside. We learned about patterns and then made some in our jotters and in the playground using chalk. The weather was perfect for this!

Have a great weekend!

Let’s Celebrate!

This week we celebrated success with our classmates, friends and family. We were really proud to see Kyle, Eva and Lewis get our class awards. We were also really pleased to see Rory get the Sports award from all the primary 4 and 5 children.

In art most of us got up to adding the water to our pictures of the Kraken.

In cricket we are learning to bat which is quite a challenge as we have to hold the bat completely differently to most other striking and fielding games. Most of us bat right handed, even some of the left handed children!

We’ve enjoyed getting out in the sunshine and even eating outside.

Kyle, Rory, Owen and Jay were reading ravers making up a book about animals.
Table of the week – orange with 620 points
Learning partners of the week – Kyle and Noami.


This week’s highlights:


Emily: I liked doing fractions

Eden: I liked doing the minute hand of time

Lily: I liked going outside and drawing the hands on the clocks

Marley: I liked doing division and fractions

Isla: I enjoyed fractions and minute hand

Nina: I enjoyed doing the hour hand

Brandon: I enjoyed fractions and division

Luis & Sophie M: I liked doing fractions

Max: I liked learning the clock and time

Liam: I liked telling the time



Emily, Nina, Lily, Marley, Liam, Sophie M, Lacey, Archie, Luis, Max, Isla, Eden and Harris: I liked doing writing this week

Sophie S: I liked writing about Hamish and the World Stoppers chapter 3

Grace: I enjoyed writing about the PDF coming up with a plan

Sophie A: I enjoyed writing this week because it was Hamish’s first time to face the terribles


Grace: I liked learning Scottish seasonal foods

Lily: I’m excited for sports day

Emily: I liked designing our pizza

Isla: I’m excited for sports day too

Sophie M: I’m excited for sports day

Sophie S: I am excited for sports day

Brandon: I liked designing our pizza

Marley: I’m excited for sports day




In literacy we are continuing to focus on debates and writing persuasive arguments. This week we look at different debate topics and discussed our opinions. We then wrote arguments about the debates we were most interested in. In numeracy we are learning about length and focussed on converting different units of measurement. We also learned about eating a balanced diet and we worked in groups to create healthy breakfast and lunch meals.

We really enjoyed singing our song at the Celebrating Success assembly and want to say thank to our families for coming.

Here are some other highlights:

Amy: I enjoyed working with my learning partner to solve the maths mystery.

Connor – I really enjoyed the one-line improvisation we did for Drama.

Mia – I loved violin this week as we got to use three fingers to play.

Skye – I enjoyed drawing our mythical creatures in Art.

Kiara and Euan – We had a great time at the triathlon!

Hannah – I liked doing the mental maths.

Alfie and Jason – We really liked playing basketball in P.E.

Teighan – I liked making a song using our spelling words.

Megan – I liked learning more about healthy eating and getting to work in groups.


Enjoy the sunny weekend 🙂


We had a lovely time celebrating our successes with you all on Tuesday; thank you to those of you who were able to join us. Miss McKinnon was very impressed with our singing, we are all very talented! Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Jude: I enjoyed writing our plan for our non-fiction books.

Alex: I enjoyed maths because we are measuring length.

Aaron: I enjoyed maths because I like measuring length. It helps me learn.

Olivia: I enjoyed singing our celebration song.

Holly: I enjoyed music because we got to play the djembe drums.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book.

Shannon: I enjoyed drumming because it’s fun.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book.

Aileigh: I enjoyed the djembe drums because it was lots and lots of fun.

Jack: I enjoyed our celebrating success assembly and reading because we got our new book about icy cold places.

Ellis: I enjoyed playing the djembe drums because I had fun.

Carley: I enjoyed playing the djembe drums because I got to do it with Miss McKinnon.

Max: I liked it when we played the rumble on the djembe drums because it was a new thing to do.

James: I enjoyed the djembe drums because it was fun.

River: I enjoyed snack time because I got to play with my friends.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



This has been a short but exciting week.
As part of our topic, we have been learning about the digestive system. We learned the different parts and their functions. We then recreated the digestive system in class. It was quite gross! Here’s a link to see what we did. Digestive system

In maths, we have been trying to understand word problems. This is quite tricky as we have to know what is being asked before we can solve the problem.

We also had the fundraiser walk this week. We managed to beat our target and got over 700,000 steps! Well done everyone.



This week in maths we have been interpreting data and creating our own Venn and Carrol diagrams.

In literacy we have been working on acrostic poems about climate.  We came up with some amazing poems.

We all enjoyed the city walk and tried really hard to smash the target.

Have a lovely weekend.

A short busy week………

This week we all enjoyed a double holiday but we’ve crammed a lot into the last two and half days!
In Science we looked at our celery and flowers to see what had happened to them. We saw that the celery had sucked up the coloured water but the flowers didn’t which was a bit of a surprise! We are going to try again with some different flowers.
With Mrs Mackenzie we have practised our celebrating success song and had a final practice with the other classes. We are looking forward to performing for you all next week!
We also started learning about fractions with Mrs Mackenzie. We looked at halves, quarters, thirds and fifths. We started dividing shapes into these fractions. It was quite straightforward. Numbers might be trickier!
We also contributed to the sponsored walk which was great fun!
With Mrs Collings, we started learning about measuring length. We learnt what sorts of measurements we use for length and what we might measure with millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres.
Achievements outside school
Rory’s team won another rugby tournament. Rory tackled more than scoring this week!
Owen auditioned and was accepted into the Boghall and Bathgate Pipe Band as a drummer – well done, Owen!
Table of the week – Red with 330
Learning partners of the week – Lewis and Jamie


Here are some of our highlights from this week:

Ellis: I enjoyed reading because I got to read with a partner and I had lots of fun reading with them. I also enjoyed the walk because I got to run with my friends.

Jude: I enjoyed the assembly and we learned about keeping ourselves safe.

Holly: I enjoyed Big Start because I got to read the rest of my library book.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book.

Amber: I enjoyed reading because we got ‘The shark with no teeth.’ In the story, he tried to eat a turtle shell for his dinner and he lost all of his teeth so the other sharks laughed at him.

Carley: I enjoyed going to the library because I got my favourite book there. I also liked doing the sponsored walk.

Aileigh: I enjoyed doing the sponsored walk because it was really fun.

Ada: I enjoyed the assembly because I learned about keeping myself safe in supermarkets. I also enjoyed reading because I got ‘The shark with no teeth’ and it’s really funny.

Ethan: I enjoyed going to the library because I got a book about space and it was really cool.

James: I enjoyed going to the library because I got my favourite book, ‘Mr Big’.

Max: I liked the sponsored walk because we were given pedometers to tell us how many steps we did.

Alex: I enjoyed the city walk because I ran so fast that I did 2,240 steps.

Jack: I enjoyed the walk because I was having lots of fun. I also enjoyed the assembly because it was about keeping you safe.

Aaron: I enjoyed being on outstanding because it’s my birthday.

Have a great weekend everyone!



This week’s highlights


Emily: I liked learning to tell the time

Jess: I enjoyed learning to tell the minutes

Marley: I liked doing division and telling the time using the minute hand

Nina: I liked doing division for the last week

Eden: I liked doing the hardest questions on Wednesday

Brandon: I enjoyed telling the time

Isla: I liked doing division and time

Sophie M: I liked doing division

Archie: I liked learning about analogue clocks

Kayden: I liked telling the time


Sophie S: I enjoyed the plan for Hamish and the Worldstoppers

Lily, Grace, Marley, Emily, Brandon, Sophie M, Luis & Harris: I liked writing my middle part for Hamish and the Worldstoppers

Sophie A: I liked introducing the Terribles into my story


Nearly everybody: Liked running around the playground

Sophie A: I liked beating my brothers total of steps


Marbles Champion: Rainbow Table

Star Writer: Lily



This has been a busy week again.

In literacy, we have been learning about verbs, adjectives, similes and metaphors. We have been trying to use these in our writing to make it more interesting.

In maths, we have been learning about multiplication and working out word problems. We have to read the question and try to work out what is being asked. This is quite tricky so we need to do more to get better.

In topic, we have been learning about our body. We have been learning about the body systems and major organs. We learnt about the heart and tried to find and take our pulse – very tricky! Some of us could not find our pulse – are we alive then? We also learned about the lungs and their function. We did an experiment to find out our vital lung capacity. Most of us have a one and a half litre lung capacity.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Enjoy the long weekend from P4b!

This week we’ve been busy practicing for Celebrating Success. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you there as can make it.

In maths we have been learning about Venn Diagrams and Carroll diagrams. These help us to organise data which we have collected. We have a Carroll diagram challenge which is very tricky!

In writing we wrote our own version of Kit Wright’s Magic Box. We were able to think of lots of very inventive things to put into our magic boxes.

With Mrs Mackenzie, in numeracy we looked at using the four operations in word problems. Sometimes we have to think hard to know which operation we need to use.
In Science we have started an experiment to find out what the stem of the plant does – WATCH THIS SPACE! Hopefully we will have an answer next week!

[Plant pictures]
Table of the week – Green with 700 points
Learning partners of the week – Owen and Noami
Supportive friends for April – Kyle and Ruby


What another busy week in P2b! Here are some of the things we enjoyed…



This week we finished our story all about ‘The Magic Hat’.  They are all super stories and we are really proud of our work.

We learned about alliteration and we know that these are words close together or next to one another that start with the same letter.

We also made posters for the float which are all about Toy Story.


Maths and Numeracy

We are nearly finished multiplication and we continued our topic about measurement.  We learned how to estimate length and also how to check if our estimates were right.  We really enjoyed this and we got to use non standard units to measure such as cubes, dice and paper clips to measure them.


Learning across the curriculum

In drumming we enjoyed learning new rhythms and I like when Mrs Palmer  taught us new songs to sing along with the rhythms.  We did it all about African animals.

We have been learning all about what makes a healthy meal and we split up into groups to sort foods into different categories.


Other news

Pupil of the week- Evie

Dojo winner-Marcus

Table of the week- Clever Crocodiles

Playground star- Kaiden


Marcus came 2nd place in the Tesco Art Competition.  This is a great achievement as there were more than 8000 entries.  His picture will go on display in the National Gallery.  Well Done Marcus!


Finally …


**Next Friday (11th May) we will begin an Xcite programme within the school running for 3 Fridays from 11am to 12pm. For this, the children will require sports clothing. They can either wear their P.E. kit or they can bring in something else on the day. However, due to the timing, the children will not be able to change back into their school uniform before being collected at 12.10pm. Therefore, if they choose to wear their P.E. kit, please ensure they return it on the following Monday, thank you. Also, for these 3 weeks we will have our golden time on Thursday. **


We have had lots of highlights this week.

On Thursday we had our final NYCoS session where we got to vote on our favourite games from the 12 sessions and play the most popular.

We have started our new topic on climates and we have been learning about the different climate zones around the world.  We all shared our experiences of holidays in different climates.  Some of us have been to some very exotic places!

We wrote Haiku poems in writing.  A haiku is a poem which has 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables.  To start with we played a fun game on the smart board to make sure we all knew how to count the syllables in words.  Some of them were really tricky but we got there in the end. We then all made our own poems which are so fantastic they are going to go up on the wall!

We all earned our full golden time this week and some of chose to make squishies (sorry parents if some of them burst and leave a floury mess on your floors).

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.


A week of differnce

This week has been an interesting one with a few special treats thrown in. On Wednesday we went to Bathgate Xcite for our swimming assessment. We had to swim a length of back crawl and a length of front crawl. It was a lovely walk through the park and a nice change to our normal routine.
On Thursday we welcomed some parents and carers to watch our final NYCoS session. We played some of our favourite games and showcased our developing knowledge of rhythm, pulse and beat and we did some singing games. We hope that those of you who were able to come enjoyed it.
In numeracy we have been learning about division with Mrs Mackenzie. It is challenging for some and easier for others!.
We looked at data of who had siblings and organised it to help us answer questions about it.
In our reading rave we made books, read story books, wrote reports and played language games on the ipads. Most of the class are beginning to enjoy reading more. In maths we have been learning to sort data using Venn Diagrams
In science, we are learning about the different parts of plants. We examined the roots of different plants such as beetroot, pansies, hyacinths, tulips and dandelions. Although the roots are all different, they all keep the plant anchored in the soil and take in water and nutrients for the plant to grow.
Table of the week – Orange with 570 points
Learnng partners pf the week – Rory and Eva