
We have been celebrating the great learning of P2b this week by taking part in the Celebrating Success assembly.  We enjoyed performing to you all and are so proud of our achievements this year!


Maths and Numeracy

This week in maths we started learning about division.  We understand that dividing is sharing things between groups.  We managed to divide objects and numbers in equal groups and it was great fun! We started learning how to divide by sorting it into ‘groups of’ too.  We revisited length and learned that 100cm=1m, 10mm=1cm.  We had fun working in pairs measuring different things such as hair length, arm length and lots more!



In writing we have been learning about the features of an information book and have started writing our own about African animals.

In reading we are getting better at using the Literacy box and are enjoying self-assessing our work.


Learning across the Curriculum

We have started practicing for our assembly and we are so excited about it!  We love the songs and can’t wait to share it with you all in a couple of weeks.

We had our second session with Xcite where we sorted foods into the correct section of the food plate.  We also played banana tig which was great fun.


Other news

Dojo winner- Ava

Table of the week- Marvellous Monkeys.

Our class trip is on Thursday 24th May to the National Museum.  Please ensure that all children have a packed lunch and dress in comfortable clothing.  Bus will leave at 9.15am and return by 3pm.

Class assembly- 31st May @ 2.30pm


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