A short busy week………

This week we all enjoyed a double holiday but we’ve crammed a lot into the last two and half days!
In Science we looked at our celery and flowers to see what had happened to them. We saw that the celery had sucked up the coloured water but the flowers didn’t which was a bit of a surprise! We are going to try again with some different flowers.
With Mrs Mackenzie we have practised our celebrating success song and had a final practice with the other classes. We are looking forward to performing for you all next week!
We also started learning about fractions with Mrs Mackenzie. We looked at halves, quarters, thirds and fifths. We started dividing shapes into these fractions. It was quite straightforward. Numbers might be trickier!
We also contributed to the sponsored walk which was great fun!
With Mrs Collings, we started learning about measuring length. We learnt what sorts of measurements we use for length and what we might measure with millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres.
Achievements outside school
Rory’s team won another rugby tournament. Rory tackled more than scoring this week!
Owen auditioned and was accepted into the Boghall and Bathgate Pipe Band as a drummer – well done, Owen!
Table of the week – Red with 330
Learning partners of the week – Lewis and Jamie

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